Hello again painting fans.
This week I will be continuing with the Cold Spring, NY street scene. The photo that I’m using is seen directly below.
I’ll be using my usual acrylic paints on a 6×6 inch canvas.
When last seen, the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.
Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.
There are a number of changes for this week’s cycle. Starting at the top, I’ve added a layer of brown paint to the various roof sections. Moving down to the the shadowed portions of the siding, I’ve revised the blue. It is now far lighter in color and with a bit of variation. The porch has received similar changes. Some paint has been added to the lawn and trees. Finally, the partial car at the far left edge has also been revised.
The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.
I’ll have more progress to show you next week. See you then.
Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.
Open it is.
We’re expecting some snow here in the Hudson Valley.
It’s strawberry season here. The fields start to ripen in December down around the Mexican border, then slowly moves north, making it to the central California border around April. The small field with a roadside stand down the street from me usually opens right after Christmas.
Sorry…getting to the central California VALLEY around April.
Ah Ha! This is the place that people come to shoot the shit. Good. I have a question:
In your “How do I post a YouTube video in a diary or comment?” section it says “In the upper right hand corner of the page you will see two text boxes, one labeled “URL” and the other labeled “embed.” Copy the entire contents of the “embed” box. It should start with .”
At the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9456xD9B-M
I don’t see the two text boxes. What am I missing? Thank You from the new kid on the block.
If you are using a mobile device the ’embed’ button won’t show, because mobile devices use the mobile versions of websites and the web. You need to access the desktop version of YouTube. Then under the video there is a ‘share’ button (same as mobile version), hit that and you will see the ’embed’ button. Hit that and copy and paste the link.
I use an iPad…so I have the YouTube app. I need to avoid the app…so in Safari I enter YouTube.com in the upper address bar…sometimes it will still open the app….but I enter it again and it takes me to YouTube.com. Then I hold my finger on the refresh arrow and ‘request desktop version’ appears. I click that and viola!
Here is a tutorial (using the system just described)
That’s for iPads and iPhones. If you are on android, it’s similar but you might go to YouTube and search ‘getting desktop version on android device’
Well done! Thank you for the help.
And now for some theme music for the upcoming Trump reign of error..