(The following was originally posted as a comment on Booman’s recent post Alleged Russian Liaison to Trump Was In News Yesterday Hyping Trump and Talking Trash under the title “Alleged Russian Liaison to Trump Is Bullshit.” I ran out of time to make it a standalone post yesterday, but here it is today.)
We are now thoroughly ensconced in a new era.
A lie for every side of every story.
The “Post-Truth” era.
There is no more “truth.” Not as far as public affairs are concerned, for sure.
This guy went to Prague.
No he didn’t.
The Russians own Trump.
No they don’t.
Trump will be impeached before he sits down in the Oval Office.
No he won’t.
And on and on and on and on and on.
There is no proof.
Just lying liars saying that there’s proof.
Video of Trump having Russian whores piss on the bed in which the Obamas slept!!!
Naaaahhhh…even if there is, it’s a fake.
It’s all bullshit. No matter from which group of rotted-out controllers it comes, the bottom line is that it is being used to keep the marks…that’s us, folks…confused and therefore cooperative.
Welcome to the Post-Truth era.
Consider the potential power of the Liar paradox when used as a control instrument:
Everything I say is a lie.
The various governments involved in this current fiasco have now quite literally established that “paradox” as a working control system.
Has he lost his job?
Like dat.
And while you are running through that endless maze, there is only one real truth.
You are being had.
You are being run in concentric and ever-expanding rings of confusion.
See my sig for the only possible solution to that paradox.
A liar is not to be believed even when he speaks the truth.-Cicero
P.S. There has been some empty sniping here about the accuracy of that sig’s translation from the latin. I hereby offer another, and much…freer…translation.
Thank you and goodnight.
Can’t tell the truth from the bullshit?
Me neither.
So…until further notice…I believe nothing that is said by media, politicians or government agencies that have lied to us.
Absolutely nothing.
This position simplifies life a great deal.
We are now living in a grand fiction.
So it goes.
Believe nothing that you are told to believe by the controllers and you’ll be just fine.
Bet on it.
Priscianus wrote a “criticism” of what i was saying on that same original thread.:
My answer was as follows:
Simplistic to the max!!!
Just one level up from your idiotic take on what I am saying:
Upon being told by someone that it is not raining when it very plainly is raining, any smart third grader would at the very least put a hold on paying attention to whatever that person said in the future.
Upon being repeatedly lied to, the same third grader would no doubt stop paying attention to that person, and if the lying continued would try to no longer have anything to do with the liar if at all possible.
If, however, that liar was in a position of authority over that child and insisted that what was plain to the child on a basic level was not the way things really were…”Up is down. Down is up”..said child would eventually have some sort of nervous breakdown. “Up is down. Down is up” eventually morphs into “War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery.” the slogan of the ruling party in Orwell’s 1984.
What we are seeing societally all over the world is a mass nervous breakdown that has been brought about by institutionalized lying on a media-driven, digitally-driven scale the likes of which no cultures on earth have ever experienced.
“Nothing is true; everything is permitted” is a saying attributed to Hassan-i Sabbāh, the “Old Man of the Mountain” who founded a cult called the Assassins in 11th century Persia immediately before the First Crusade, the initial war between the devolved “Christian” Europe and Muslim North Africa/Middle East for dominance.
Does this sound at all familiar to you, priscianus, or have you gone so around the bend from dealing with the repeated lies of your own culture that you think I’m pissing on your head when it’s really raining to near biblical flood level in this culture?
Wake the fuck up.
He could be telling the literal truth, i.e. the NSA does not collect data on millions of Americans, another alphabet soup agency does that for them, they just store and analyze it. Of course, this is quibbling, but lawyers make millions of dollars on their ability to quibble.
What does all this come down to? Bernie Sanders for president!
Frankly I would have picked 22 November 1963 for the official start date of post-truth America:
Let’s not forget Nixon either; lived through that. Seems awfully familiar today; Trump has blown through the events of nearly two Nixon terms in as many months to arrive at much the same place; special prosecutor.
Yes indeed.
That was the start of it all on a well-organized basis, but it took until Trump started winning for “Post-Truth” to gear up into a total control-attempted frenzy.
No one from that JFK/RFK/MLK Jr./Malcolm assassination period on has ever succeeded in making such a severe dent in the control mechanism. Not Nixon, not anybody. The others? They were easy. Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Howard Dean, George McGovern, Eugene McCarthy, Mario Cuomo, Bill Bradley…they got picked off like sitting ducks. Non-personed or threatened out of contention mostly, except for Nixon who was such a threat to the status quo that they had to Watergate him.
That’s not to say that these “threats” were themselves necessarily any better than the controllers that were in power at the time. Nixon might well have been worse, and the jury’s still out on Trump. I fear awful things from him, myself, but I must admit that so far he is picking many of the right fights with the many of the right enemies. CNN, the intelligence liars, etc. The fact remains that the present Permanent Government/Deep State/call it what you will has consistently failed to preserve even a basic, line-level societal existence here in the U.S. for upwards of 30 years. Life here has been corkscrewing ever more rapidly downward since the middle of Clinton I’s term of office. It may have fucked things up so badly now that the societal pendulum is beginning to swing against it in sheer self-interest
We shall see.
Soon enough.
My simple assessment of JFK to Watergate involves mutually hostile activist factions within the intelligence community. From the grassy knoll on the one hand to Deep Throat on the other.
In both cases extra-judicial activity resulted in the transfer of power at the highest levels of civilian government; everything since has just been a cover-up or more of the same.
You may sympathise with the one and deplore the other but these events seem to be the alpha and omega of our late 20th century political history.
Rival gangs fighting for turf.
So it goes.