(The following was originally posted as a comment on Booman’s recent post Alleged Russian Liaison to Trump Was In News Yesterday Hyping Trump and Talking Trash under the title “Alleged Russian Liaison to Trump Is Bullshit.”  I ran out of time to make it a standalone post yesterday, but here it is today.)


We are now thoroughly ensconced in a new era.

A lie for every side of every story.

The “Post-Truth” era.

There is no more “truth.” Not as far as public affairs are concerned, for sure.

This guy went to Prague.

No he didn’t.

The Russians own Trump.

No they don’t.

Trump will be impeached before he sits down in the Oval Office.

No he won’t.

And on and on and on and on and on.


There is no proof.

Just lying liars saying that there’s proof.

Video of Trump having Russian whores piss on the bed in which the Obamas slept!!!

Naaaahhhh…even if there is, it’s a fake.

It’s all bullshit. No matter from which  group of rotted-out controllers it comes, the bottom line is that it is being used to keep the marks…that’s us, folks…confused and therefore cooperative.

Welcome to the Post-Truth era.

Consider the potential power of the Liar paradox when used as a control instrument:

Everything I say is a lie.

The various governments involved in this current fiasco have now quite literally established that “paradox” as a working control system.

Has he lost his job?


Like dat.

And while you are running through that endless maze, there is only one real truth.

You are being had.

You are being run in concentric and ever-expanding rings of confusion.

See my sig for the only possible solution to that paradox.

A liar is not to be believed even when he speaks the truth.-Cicero


P.S. There has been some empty sniping here about the accuracy of that sig’s translation from the latin. I hereby offer another, and much…freer…translation.

Thank you and goodnight.