Remember when we couldn’t see the “really bad” photographs from Abu Ghraib because it might incite a reaction and endanger our folks stationed overseas?
President Trump will make similar incitements daily, starting with moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Indeed. And with Trump, it will be a political strategy of outrage overload. And humiliating “sensitive liberals”.
We were not expecting Abu Ghraib from the US military.
We should expect Trump.
(at least on my local affiliate).
Entire episode apparently (have just caught snatches) devoted to what can/should/could/will the media do about the President-elect being a virtually non-stop liar.
Have I mentioned lately how fucked we are?
We are so fucked.
Not hearing much to make me any more sanguine.
They’re obviously trying to close the hour with some grain of hopefulness by having Bob Garfield (in self-declared despair) interviewing author of Hope in the Darkness. Not working (for me at any rate).
With Trump it will just go on and on. Here is another one
I’m sure the color of that Generals skin is coincidental.
He’s incompetent and he has surrounded himself with incompetent people.
Scratch yourself.
yours is on there.
In a single week!
look at this one
The money quotes,
Israeli intelligence officers were recently warned by U.S. spies not to share intelligence with the Trump administration until they could be sure the former reality TV star hadn’t been compromised by Russia…….
“The Israelis who attended the meeting said that the Americans advised them not to expose any sensitive sources to members of the Trump administration, lest that information reach Iranian hands, until it becomes clear that Trump does not have a compromised relationship with Russia and is not vulnerable to extortion,”
This is probably going to become standard procedure for what were our allies during Obama’s administration. It does not matter one bit that commenters on a blog demand irrefutable evidence. If the international community accepts that Trump is compromised then our security is endangered.
Because information can be ‘back tracked’ to find the sources, all previous exchanges are vulnerable.
We are so fucked. And fucked in ways we won’t even realized until it’s too late.
Let’s get T-shirts!
Or at least what passes for a living wage these days.
No No! That one is too complex. Just the phrase “We are so fucked!” along with the Booman froggie logo so we can recognize each other like we’re members of Hydra from the 2nd Captain America movie. No secret hand shake … we waggle our dicks at each other, females can flash a boob. Viewing non-members won’t know what the fuck is going on!
Yeah, it doesn’t translate well; believe me it is saying the same thing.
And … we need mood music for this section.
We shall drive a bullet into the forehead
Of the rotten fascist filth,
For the scum of humanity
We shall build a solid coffin!
Or Solzhenitsyn?
Aleksandr Dugin, fascist nightmare of the 21st century. The sad, occult underpinning of Putin’s multipolarism.
Stop watching NPR.
It is all fake news.
How do they want you to feel? The PermaGov media?
Just like that.
Both sides are full of shit.
Me, I just listen.
Yes, and this is a goal. The right loves for us to get attacked to provide enemies to attack and excuses for militarization. 9/11 converted W from probably being a historical footnote to a fairly consequential President, even if the consequences were horrific for the country as a whole. They haven’t forgotten, and hope for more in the future.
But, it is not 2001. The donald has a real credibility problem. Israel intelligence is afraid the Trump’s people will report to the Russians who will in turn pass info on to Iran. I suspect no one trusts the donald with intel. Note, when he takes over next week there will no drone program as the donald will have fired everyone in the CIA…there will be no targets. My fear. When the donald falls out with Putin, what will Putin do?
Told my son all we need is a drip a day for five days and the media will start paying attention. Day four, drip four:
Confirming one of the most questioned items in the dossier. One a day for the next month, and we are on the path to a special prosecutor. It took years to get Nixon, this won’t take nearly as long.
Why are you quoting an Estonian Public Broadcasting report that is based on a Newsweek report? And the Newsweek report was written by Kurt Eichenwald who has been correctly exposed as a team Clinton shill and liar.
Getting hyperbolic about garbage reports does more harm than good. If something tangible and verifiable surfaces, it’s going to be difficult to get a majority of the public demanding action because after hearing a certain about of garbage, they tune out and label all of it as bs.
Sheesh — the MSM chose not to expose Trump as an ignoramus and liar in the early stage of the GOP primary season because Trump coverage increased viewership and he was their preferred weak candidate to lose to HRC. When it came down to Trump and Cruz, they still held off because Cruz is as crazy and dangerous. Come the general election, they were shocked that potential swing voters weren’t interested in hearing the MSM shift on Trump which took on the character of a feeding frenzy without enough there there.
Are you saying this attribution is false? C’mon Marie. It is either a fact or not. A ‘Western intelligence official’ is not the janitor; is so we’re already screwed.
I linked to the Estonian article because it has additional remarks about Clapper’s trip to Estonia last August, which seemed relevant also.
Did some “Western intelligence” source just link sources and hint at methods? Ooooooh, will Eichenwald be subpoenaed to identify his source? Will his source be indicted under the 1917 Espionage Act?
I guess no… unless Trump wants to punish Eichenwald for his “hidden history”.
We’ll see. I’m counting on Americans resisting a descent to fascism but we seem to be lacking leadership. A number of independent voices have emerged but no unifying institutional rallying point.
What’s the annual budget of the “foreign intelligence service of Estonia.” Note: it has to be foreign because the claim is that Estonia intell picked up on a meeting in some other eastern European country. Do you have any knowledge of the expertise of the Estonian FI? How about the the politics in Estonia? The history and the players?
Remember the Yellowcake. Did you fall for that hoax? (FWIW — took me only a couple of hours in real time to conclude that it was garbage as was the “aluminum tubes.”)
No, Marie, I was an early alarmist of the Iraq debacle. It is very frustrating corresponding with you, Marie, you act like we never met before. Are you sure you are just one person?
The Iraq War fraud was as obvious then as the fact of Russian intervention in our election is obvious now.
Remember that the Congress was still majority Democrat when Watergate occurred and in the session after it occurred. It took around two years until Nixon left office and Ford took over. By then, Spiro Agnew was already gone and Gerald Ford was the VP that succeeded Nixon.
If your drip, drip, drip works, are you prepared to have a Mike Pence presidency?
If not impeachment, what exactly would a special prosecutor do materially to Trump’s power?
Not sure. As a foreign policy person I am looking at this as a foreign policy problem; and a big one. Domestically it is a fight against fascism; neutralising Dear Leader has got to be a decent start. Not sure what loyalty remains from his supporters to the GOP. Hint: apparently not much. Divide and conquer.
I would be willing to trade Trump for Pence and although he would probably ban birth control hope the roof collapses on him nonetheless. He’s a horrible Sith but don’t think he is actually a traitor except to Christ and the Rapture. Given the GOP control of both houses and the executive branch we are in for a rough time. But GOP are absolutely committed to policies likely to backfire very quickly. Not sure what their long-term strategy is but seems absent.
They really have been drinking their own Kool-Aid for a long time.
Oh he’s a traitor too. He’s tied himself to the orange traitor to get ahead. He may survive the rest of the traitor’s term but said traitor will be an anchor in his pants.
Shorter Shaun: Pence could blow up the country; Trump could blow up the world.
About right, Shaun?
Yes, thanks. Very well put.
I am convinced liberal democracy and the rule of law in the US is facing an existential crisis:
The GOP and Republicans? Leading the charge off the cliff.
Not far off the mark. I’ve said that a Pres Trump significantly increases the chances of a civil war in this country in the next 4-5 years, especially if he and his fellow corporatist Goopers succeed in rolling back recent progressive/moderate legislation as well as seriously undermining the New Deal safety net, followed by yet another curious and suspicious election outcome due to increased GOP-created voter suppression.
But a President Pence would give us about the same DP, maybe worse in some areas, while taking away the only good thing about a President Donald — his attempt at rapprochement w/Russia — which puts us back on track towards a major confrontation with Putin and war.
If it’s a choice between 75% bad and 100% bad, a civil war and world war, I’ll take the former.
Global intelligence community have their own sets of rules and alliances, don’t always abide by the policy dictated by political leadership.
You must realize the intelligence community (IC) is totally independent from politicians or state policies, they have their own set of rules and a different dynamic. Just review the lead-up to the Iraq War, Ukraine Maidan coup d’état, etc. Historically with Bay of Pigs and the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The IC is leading!
Putin and Netanyahu are on excellent speaking terms! Netanyahu is sitting on the fence with respect to Ukraine (so-called Russian occupation of Crimea). The (Jewish) oligarchs in Kiev are evenly divided in pro- and anti-Putin. At the UN Israel has abstained from voting on the West-East divide on Ukrainian matters.
○ Netanyahu calls Putin, takes neutral stance on Ukraine | JPost – April 2014 |
○ The strange love affair of Putin and Netanyahu
○ Crimea, and why Ukraine could not support Israel [at UN on settlements vote] | Maidan Press |
○ It’s time to reveal the Israeli role in the US surveillance machine | Mondoweiss |
[Links added are mine – Oui]
Putin gently breaks the news to Assad that Netanyahu is bombing his military airfields? Not saying it couldn’t happen.
The other horn of the dilemma must always be kept in mind. We still can hold two competing priorities in mind even after the disaster of November 8, can’t we?
IC is intelligence community.
Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine … our new allies as Rumsfeld proudly announced as “New Europe”
○ CIA History Cold War allies Ukraine – Bandera/Lebed
○ Cold War Allies: The Origins of CIA’s Relationship with Ukrainian Nationalists (s) [pdf] By Kevin C Ruffrer - CIA Archive
Revitalized under NATO provocation, strongly manifested by Obama appointee Gen. Breedlove …
○ Ukraine to rewrite Soviet history with controversial ‘decommunisation’ laws | The Guardian |
‘Juden Raus’ – Kiev, Bandera March January 2017
At least they’re trying.
We are so screwed. The first ten things likely to happen as a consequence of their stupidity will reinforce some other dystopian aspect of their world view and promote further crisis.