Moving the hot potato, intelligence and counter-intelligence to avoid getting blame / backlash. Chaos in medialand.
Pointing fingers to the other guy, across the Atlantic, Eastern-Europe, Ukrainian hand …
○ How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump | NY Times |
Shortly after leaving the Journal Glenn Simpson co-founded SNS Global and used his talents to help Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr Al Qasimi regain his position as the ruler of an emirate of the United Arab Emirates (Ras al-Khaimah, the nothernmost emirate).
Sheikh Khalid had served his father 37 years in government. But he led protests against the U.S. invasion of Iraq where, according to The New York Times, he burned an American flag. (Some accounts say he was present while a flag was burned.) He also reportedly allowed the local radio station to broadcast [cached] anti-American propaganda.
Since some U.S. soldiers waging Operation Iraqi Freedom operated from the UAE, the move led his father to strip him of any role in the government and instead place his younger brother, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr al Qasimi, in line for the throne.
A few years later, Sheikh Khalid decided to hire U.S. and British opposition research firms – including SNS Global – to wage a PR war against his brother. Mideastern media called this “a bloodless coup.”
○ Death of Gulf emirate ruler Sheikh Saqr prompts fight over succession | The Guardian – Oct. 2010 |
○ UAE: Saud Bin Saqr – A Sheikh like no other?Still, the sheikh met Hillary Clinton, Gen. Wesley Clark, and more than a dozen Congressmen before attending President Obama’s inauguration in 2009.
Sheikh Khalid’s PR campaign claimed that he was a secular pro-Western ruler who believed in womens’ rights, and that under his brother the emirate had become a close ally of Iran and a staging ground for terrorism.
SNS was a subcontractor to California Strategies, another opposition research firm run by hardball Democratic strategist Chris Lehane, a former Clinton White House aide who handled Bill’s “bimbo eruptions” and later insinuated that the Monica Lewinsky affair was part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.As Lehane’s partner, SNS pocketed $40,000, and Simpson personally registered as a lobbyist for a foreign agent in October 2009, although he said this was done merely out of an abundance of caution.
Smearing a traditional marriage supporter on “Obama’s Enemies List”
According to Glenn Simpson’s LinkedIn page, he left SNS Global in December 2010 and co-founded Fusion GPS, becoming its CEO the next month.
Although its website [Exp. 23 Dec. 2017 – registrar blocked] provides virtually no information about its functions, it lists “strategic intelligence” and touts an experience in “politics.” “That’s a polite way of saying ‘opposition research’,” wrote Kim Strassel at the Wall Street Journal.
Simpson refused to say who paid him to target VanderSloot’s personal life but defended his firm’s actions, saying, Frank VanderSloot is “a legitimate subject of public records research” because of “his own record on gay issues.”
The Obama administration then subjected VanderSloot to three audits in four months – two from the IRS and one from the Department of Labor. He had never been audited before.
FUSION-GPS WebArchive cached page in year 2011
- Glenn R. Simpson [pdf – Vandersloot defamation lawsuit against Mother Jones]
- Peter R. Fritsch
- Benjamin S. Schmidt, now managing director at The Camstoll Group
Glenn R. Simpson is FUSION‘s President and Managing Partner. Simpson has over 20 years of experience in research and investigations, including 14 years with The Wall Street Journal as the Washington bureau’s lead investigative reporter. Since entering the commercial intelligence field in early 2009, he has managed complex projects in the US, Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
Simpson specializes in the banking and securities sectors. He is a seasoned expert on the relationship between government and business and in particular in financial regulation, and is well known in the capital’s financial policymaking, regulatory and enforcement communities. For his articles in The Wall Street Journal and more recently for private clients, he has analyzed numerous multinational corporations including difficult international subjects such as banks in the Middle East. He is well versed in the arcana of tax havens, offshore banking, and securities and accounting fraud. He is also in expert in political influence and is widely known among Washington’s top lobbyists, lawyers, journalists and lawmakers.
In addition to his long tenure in Washington, Simpson was stationed for three years in Brussels. There he developed strong knowledge of European business practices and structures as well as many contacts in the corporate world and media. His recent research work includes a matter resulting in a significant win for a major government contractor, the exposure of political corruption in Latin America and the exposure of a case of securities fraud in the UK. In December 2010, his nearly two-year investigation of a prominent family ended in a favorable client verdict worth over $70 million.
Simpson is a recipient of numerous awards for his articles, speaks frequently in academic fora and has appeared on many broadcast news programs including CNN, Nightline, Jim Lehrer NewsHour and the BBC. He is the co-author (with Larry J. Sabato) of the book, Dirty Little Secrets: The Persistence of Corruption in American Politics (Times Books/Random House, 1996).
- h/t Marie3
[Update-1 :: ] From NY Times article:
The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, according to a person familiar with the effort. The person described the opposition research work on condition of anonymity, citing the volatile nature of the story and the likelihood of future legal disputes. The identity of the donor is unclear …
The story explicitly states ‘a wealthy Republican donor’.
Now if you scroll to the bottom of this article to ‘read more’:
Out of the three links listed, two refer to Paul Singer, who happens to be a ’wealthy Republican donor’ and much, much more. Why the links to him as he is not even mentioned in the preceding article? Singer, amongst his other sleazy dealings, (Singer actually gives sleazy a bad name) is the patron saint of Marco Rubio. He is one of the backroom boys par excellence. Without trying to be hyperbolic Rubio is literally Singer’s sock puppet.(ex: unabashed enthusiasm for Israel – Singer is an ardent zionist) Further to this Singer was one of the prime movers behind ‘Never Trump’ Republicans. His use of firms such as Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on competitors (and worse) is just another day at the office for Singer. (re: the Argentina debt crisis where President Kirchner was repeatedly smeared, lost an election, and Singer walked away with over $3 billion in profit on bonds he bought for a few cents on the dollar)
Note: Rubio dropped out of Republican race on March 15, 2016.
h/t :: @MofA Posted by pantaraxia | Jan 14, 2017 5:46:05 PM | 208
○ Paul Singer May Be Trump’s Harshest Billionaire Critic Yet | Fortune – June 30, 2016 |
○ Paul Singer backs Marco Rubio in boost for senator and blow for Bush | The Guardian – Oct. 31, 2015 |
Continued nelow the fold …
Bush Allies Hit Back At Reports Jeb Is Behind Debunked Trump Dossier, BBC Says Reporter ‘Misspoke’
BBC reporter Paul Wood said during a radio interview that the dossier was prepared by the former spy who was “working first for a super PAC supporting Jeb Bush.” Wood, a highly regarded veteran reporter, repeated the Bush link in an article at the BBC and in another piece at The Spectator (both have since been corrected).
Reuters picked up the claim, and it has since spread to other outlets and on social media.
○ Did The Trump-Russia Dossier Grow Out Of Jeb Bush’s Super PAC? | TPM |
But Bush allies are strongly denying that the former Florida governor had any ties to the project. “[Right to Rise] has no connection with this, and to the best of my knowledge neither do any of our donors,” Mike Murphy, a seasoned Republican consultant, told TheDC through email.
Iraq arrest warrant for two British Agents (SAS) ¶ J’Accuse Iran of IED Bomb Terror
Paul Woods was a BBC reporter during the Iraq War reporting the Basra incident[Warning: BBC News is a propaganda outlet for the British government, HQ in Downing Street – Oui :-)]
The Rogue US/UK Intelligence Community
An axe to grind with Vladimir Putin, both Simpson and Steele felt they were doing important work, now in late stage not getting paid by a client. Why not hand reports in a dossier over to a known anti-Putin extremist like John McCain, a friend of Russia’s Boris Yeltsin when the state’s assets were stolen by the happy few oligarchs, pushing the Russian people beyond poverty. The US Intelligence Community did the rest to get the “vetted” summary published by the friendly media.
How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump | NY Times | An excerpt
After Donald Trump emerged as the presumptive nominee in the spring, the Republican interest in financing the effort ended. But Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton were very interested, and Fusion GPS kept doing the same deep dives, but on behalf of new clients.
In June, the tenor of the effort suddenly changed. The Washington Post reported that the Democratic National Committee had been hacked, apparently by Russian government agents, and a mysterious figure calling himself “Guccifer 2.0” began to publish the stolen documents online.
Glenn Simpson hired Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with whom he had worked before. Steele, in his early 50s, had served undercover in Moscow in the early 1990s and later was the top expert on Russia at the London headquarters of Britain’s spy service, MI6. When he stepped down in 2009, he started his own commercial intelligence firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.
The former journalist and the former spy, according to people who know them, had similarly dark views of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, a former K.G.B. officer, and the varied tactics he and his intelligence operatives used to smear, blackmail or bribe their targets.
As a former spy who had carried out espionage inside Russia, Steele was in no position to travel to Moscow to study Donald Trump’s connections there. Instead, he hired native Russian speakers to call informants inside Russia and made surreptitious contact with his own connections in the country as well.
Chris Steele wrote up his findings in a series of memos, each a few pages long, that he began to deliver to Fusion GPS in June and continued at least until December. By then, the election was over, and neither Steele nor Simpson was being paid by a client, but they did not stop what they believed to be very important work. (Simpson declined to comment for this article, and Steele did not immediately reply to a request for comment.)
US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration | Ynet News |
Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the next president of the United States is causing Israeli intelligence officials to lose sleep as well. Discussions held in closed forums recently raised fears of a leakage of Israeli intelligence top-classified information, clandestine modus oprandi and sources.
These fears, which began upon Trump’s election, grew stronger following a meeting held recently between Israeli and American intelligence officials (the date of the meeting is not mentioned to protect the sources of the report). During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had “highly credible information” that Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
The American officials further added that they believed Russia President Vladimir Putin had “leverages of pressure” over Trump – but did not elaborate. They were apparently referring to what was published Wednesday about embarrassing information collected by the Russian intelligence in a bid to blackmail the president-elect.
The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should “be careful” as of January 20, Trump’s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.
If Israel’s secrets are indeed not kept confidential, this is a serious danger to the state’s national security: Since the early 2000s, the cooperation between the Israel and US intelligence communities has been intensified. It was led by the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) at the time, Aharon Ze’evi Farkash (who even received a citation from the NSA Chief General Michael Hayden), late Mossad chief Meir Dagan and his successor, Tamir Pardo, who served earlier as the commander of one of the secret operational units that cooperated with the Americans.
The decision of a top intelligence official to brief Congress on the existence of unverified potentially compromising information on President-elect Donald Trump made it nearly certain the information would ultimately get out, critics say.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper [spineless] has said he does not believe the intelligence community leaked compromising information about President-elect Donald Trump – even as he justified sharing the information a wider pool of elected officials who might ultimately spill the beans.
Clapper issued an unusual statement defending the decision to share the existence of potentially compromising information on Trump withe the ‘gang of eight’ – top intelligence leaders on Capitol Hill – after Trump fingered the intelligence community as the possible culprit.
DNI Chief James Clapper to vacate position on 20th January, 2017
- ○ James Clapper lied to Congress about NSA and should be fired | WaPo – Jan. 2014 |
○ Just in Time for Trump, the NSA Loosens Its Privacy Rules | Wired |
○ ‘Sir’ Andrew Wood as spy chief in Moscow
○ British Intelligence Delivers Another ‘Dodgy Dossier’
Thx … much appreciated!
Wow … I haven’t seen a Tip Jar in ages. Not since … Jerome in Paris.
Due to phantom downratings here at the pond …
Thamk You!
You mean like this one?
Posted on Dec 23, you went into the archives a week later and gave it a 0, one of dozens of 0’s you’ve given that way.
You set the standard, I just follow it.
Your choice to continue harassment and bullying,
I have only retaliated in kind as I promised …
You started this bs, You stop it!
Stated so more eloquently by Obama:
Statement by the President on Actions
in Response to Russian Malicious
Cyber Activity and Harassment
“These actions are not the sum total of our
response to Your aggressive activities.
We will continue to take a variety of actions
at a time and place of our choosing,
some of which will not be publicized.”
Enjoy! :-))
Just a reminder how we used to treat one another here at the pond,
yes indeed the symbol of frogs as illustrated by Martin's motto
of frogmarching the criminals, sitting in Washington DC, out.
I just finished a comment on Marie3’s post that picked up portions of what this diary covers but not as well as you have.
You have marketing-oriented political communications in a long-running (18 months) campaign run-up structured by the parties to start earlier and earlier.
You have that marketing organized into a communications and get-out-the-vote campaign that involves rallies, local offices, canvassing, social media, and tradition media.
You have $2 billion (more?) floating around during the campaign season raised from an increasingly diverse ecology of PACs, SuperPACs, and all sorts of combinations of corporate law, election law, and tax law.
A significant portion of that money is handled through lobbying law firms and other operatives that also have international contracts with politicians in other countries.
If there is to be resistance beyond the Resistance ™, one of the first things it must do is a critical dissection of the US campaign infrastructure and money flows for both parties. And for each of the elected officials and 2018 candidates. In addition to listing direct funders, it should understand enough about the aggregators listed in the candidates campaign reports to understand where that money is coming from. And understand who the major players in this game are and make their faces and stories public. It might well be through investigative journalism and activism that Trump winds up with a cleared swamp in the same backhanded way that Obama will likely be recorded as the most [involuntarily] transparent administration in recent history. Of course, the purpose of this is to work toward shutting down the large amounts of money that have perverted the political system from serving the public. Without the information about what is operating, it will be very difficult to shut it down.
one of the first things it must do is a critical dissection of the US campaign infrastructure and money flows for both parties. And for each of the elected officials and 2018 candidates.
Citizens United makes that impossible and it’s only going to get worse as those doing and managing the funding develop more and more tricks. As it is, the dark money Pacs are impenetrable.
Technically, this wasn’t the longest presidential election cycle. 2002 and 2008 were longer beginning in December 2002 and January 2007 respectively. (And informally Edwards seems not to have stopped after 2004.)
Okay — let’s attempt to make a case for the hypothesis that Paul Singer is the “wealthy Republican donor” that initially hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump. (Timelines are my friend; so bear with me.)
August 2015 Club for Growth announced that for the first time, it would support presidential candidates. They were okay with Cruz, Paul, and Rubio and sort of okay with Bush and Walker.
September 2015 CfG invests $1 million in attack ads on Trump. Non-specific as to being in support of any of the other candidates.
(Whoa — in real time didn’t note that Huelskamp was defeated in his 2016 primary. A tiny sliver of sunshine. Also note that Pat Toomey was president of CfG from 2005-2009.)
In January 2016 CfG spawned Our Principles PAC. (It also either spawned or inspired Stop Trump, but that came later. Identifiable by March 2016.) The link is that Singer was one of the major donors to Our Principles PAC.
March 1, 2016 – Super Tuesday
March 11, 2016 – Greg Palast on Democracy Now! (Palast is useful for some information if one filters out his hype.)
March 15, 2016 – Super Tuesday II. Rubio out.
March 2016 – Club for Growth endorses Cruz, its first ever presidential endorsement.
Palast was wrong about Singer being okay with Trump. Singer continued to publicly disparage Trump at least up until sometime in June when he called both Trump and Clinton unacceptable. (A view that many people would agree with but none of the same reasons.)
December 7, 2016 – CNBC After criticizing Trump policies, billionaire hedge funder warms to the president-elect
Singer does tick off all the right boxes at the right time to be the “wealthy donor” that personally hired Fusion GPS in the December-January window. For the project to be on behalf of a specific candidate (which Our Principles PAC wasn’t). Would have been inclined to continue funding it for another couple of months after his #1 guy was out and by June would have been disinclined to continue funding it and not persuaded to do so based in Fusion having found a fmr MI6 guy to hire. He hedged his bet by being hands off for either of the two that had clinched their nominations.
Also factor in that Zionist doesn’t = anti-Putin/Russia. From what I have been able to glean, they line up with the Nuland, etc. faction on Ukraine but not on board with that faction’s direct challenge to Putin/Russia. Fascinating tightrope they walk.
Partly from an earlier post elsewhere today:
○ Presidential campaign donors hedge bets | CPI – July 2015 |
Adelson from Casino fame?
Placed his bet on the winner early on, knowing he could always get a foot in the door through the WJC Foundation.
○ Israel Backer, Billionaire Adelson Is In – May 8th, 2016
○ Las Vegas Billionaire Sheldon Adelson Pledges $100M for Trump Presidential Campaign – May 15, 2016
No, Paul Singer got his money out of Argentina and is a happy man. I’m afraid the Palestinians are the ones to suffer.
Most interesting …
Rubio’s national security advisory council, announced on March 7, is chockablock with
neoconservatives and former Bush administration defense officials, many of them Jewish,
including Elliott Abrams, Eliot Cohen, Michael Mukasey and Dan Senor …
Paula Dobriansky of Ukraine fame, colour revolutions that is!
Any relationship? WhoIs Paula J. Dobriansky … appears to be daughter of anti-communist Lev E. Dobriansky.
wrt the big money folks sitting on the sidelines as of July 2015 — that was well known. Only the dumb money ponied up early for one or more of the deeply flawed candidates. The smart money could perceive that none of them as of that date had the right stuff to beat Clinton.
But that’s getting far away from the question of the “wealthy GOP donor” that funded the Fusion project to get dirt on Trump. None of the dumb big money made difference in the election and it’s a distraction from this question to throw all this additional data into the mix. (Less is often more telling than more.) Singer waited to see which one was the best of the bad lot and then threw a Hail Mary pot of cash. I had to piece it together to conclude that it’s Singer, but I’m sure there’s a reporter or two that was handed the info and agreed to reporting it in vague terms.
Accepting Singer as the “wealthy GOP donor” leaves the question of the identity of the subsequent Democratic funders.
Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, a French romance
The beginning of the romance is not publicly known. She was his high school French teacher when he was fifteen. He was sent to Paris to complete his high school education. (In the US, Brigitte would probably have been arrested and sent to prison.)
Anyway, by last July Macron was making a political move with a new party En Marche! (Forward!) A real dark horse for the 2017 presidential election. Now, French progressives dare to hope as maverick Macron surges in polls .
Unfortunately, on economics, his area of expertise, he sounds more like a neo-liberal, complete with trashing socialism. (Not so different from his former boss, Hollande, except for not running under the banner of the Socialist Party.) So, not someone to get all that excited about. Only as an alternative to the regressives Fillon and Le Pen does he look halfway decent. Too bad halfway isn’t good enough the fix what ails the west.
Yes, he is neoliberal. He was the minister of economy for the current Hollande administration before jumping ship and establishing his own brand. Stop the far right by more neoliberalism that creates the foundation for the far right!
He only surges if you look at the polls where he is paired against the less popular PS candidates. If you look at polls where Valls wins the PS primary later this month, Macron is stuck at third place with Valls and Mélenchon fighting över fourth place.
Thanks for confirming my interpretation. Standard issue neoliberal in search of the economic “Goldilocks” third-way between capitalists/oligarchs and socialism. Rather stupid IMHO because they equate laissez-faire capitalism with current capitalists/oligarchs and equate socialism with communism. There’s nothing between socialism and crony capitalism except more crony capitalism.
Is there are practical differences between Valls and Macron? Is there no socialist party candidate that comprehends and endorses Piketty’s work? Or will leftish political parties keep shoving a parade of Blairs, Clintons, Obamas, etc. on the people and then act all outraged when people finally reject those crony-capitalists?
I am not french, but my impression is that Hamon and Montebourg (both ministers in the first Hollande government) is to the left of Valls and the practical differences between Valls and Macron are slim to none.
Hamon and Moutebourg are polling better in the primary that is shaping up to be a three-person race then in the general election. Valls has been prime minister so he probably has more name recognition though.
○ Trump wants UK to investigate spy behind ‘sex tape’ claims in dossier | The Independent |
○ OAO ALFA BANK et al., Plaintiffs, v. Civil Action No. 00-2208 (JDB) CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY et al., Defendants
○ Eighteen Russian Oligarchs Descending On Israeli Desert For Pesach