Not a “theory”, just a false allegation with absolutely no merit … I like your line “in style of Oui”
… however I always do my best to verify content from multiple sources and cut the crap.

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So, WikiLeaks founder Assange was born and raised in a white supremacist nation … Australia.
Media outlets try to explain Assange, Greenwald and Snowden are not honorable men, but to the contrary.

Australia’s Secret History As A White Utopia, Complete With Slavery

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Australia's racist colonial legacy

Australia’s history is not a secret to most Australians, but you might not know some of the finer details and it may come as a shock to the rest of the world. Today, the majority of Australians take pride in being part of a multicultural, multi-ethnic society. But much like the United States, Australia has a brutally racist history.

While in recent times racial tensions in the US have made global news, Australia’s history of race relations shares many similarities with the US. Immigration to Australia was restricted almost exclusively to whites from the country’s founding in 1901 until the mid-1970s. The legislation was unofficially but universally known as The White Australia Policy , and it was established to give preferential treatment to the British.

But the whitewashing of Australia didn’t start with the country’s creation in 1901 as a British Commonwealth. In 1901, Australia’s population of 3.8 million people was already 97 per cent white. It would remain over 95 per cent white until the 1970s. The nation’s explicit goal, not unlike that of some American states and territories in the late 19th century, was to create a white utopia .

Sarah Harrison: the woman behind whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

When NSA leaker Edward Snowden had his passport blocked by the US and was stranded at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport for 40 days in July 2013, it was Harrison who was by his side, working around the clock to get him asylum and not leaving the airport either.

Harrison is “excited to see a good film about my friends” and is full of praise for Joseph Gordon Levitt, who plays Snowden.

She advised Stone on the section about Snowden’s escape, a period which she remembers in forensic detail. After Snowden leaked the NSA documents he contacted WikiLeaks for support and they sent Harrison to meet him in Hong Kong. From there she planned to take him to safety in Latin America, avoiding the US. “I first met him en route to the airport. He was a calm mix of resigned and hopeful, dealing with a tense situation,” she says.

“You don’t leak that many documents and think you’ll get away with it. He assumed he would be in prison or dead but we had a flight out so there was some hope.”

They pretended to be a couple on holiday. “I never realised there were so many stages to getting a flight. I remember holding my breath while they checked his passport. I lost perspective of time because it was so nerve-racking.”

Once they made it to Moscow they went to check in for their flights to Cuba but Snowden’s passport had been blocked. So began 40 days living in confinement with a man she had only just met, hiding from the world press in a tiny, windowless room that the “nice” airport staff gave them.

Home Office says Schedule 7 forms an essential part of the UK’s security arrangements | BBC News |  

More below the fold …

UK – It’s official: ‘journalism is not terrorism’

Britain’s Court of Appeal has ruled that the UK’s Terrorism Act is not compatible with human rights, and more protection is needed for journalists and their confidential sources and materials.

But the court ruled the authorities were justified in detaining reporter David Miranda at Heathrow airport and seizing his laptop and files.

    A key clause in the Terrorism Act 2000 is incompatible with the European convention on human rights, the master of the rolls, John Dyson, has said as part of a court of appeal judgment.

    The court of appeal’s judgment will force government ministers to re-examine the act.

    Lord Dyson, who made the ruling with Lord Justice Richards and Lord Justice Floyd, said the powers contained in schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 were flawed. It allows travellers to be questioned to find out whether they appear to be terrorists. They have no right to remain silent or receive legal advice and they may be detained for up to six hours.

It happened in 2013 when Miranda was working with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras to publish secrets from Britain’s GCHQ and the US National Security Agency, leaked by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Interviewed by ECPMF in 2015 as he launched a wordwide call for a new Treaty to outlaw mass surveillance, David Miranda said he was traumatised by the incident. He was held in solitary confinement for almost eight hours before being released and put on a plane to Brazil, where he works with Greenwald.

Hear the interview here.

Welcoming the judgment, ECPMF Legal Advisor Flutura Kusari welcomes the judgments and encourages other EU governments to provide adequate legislative and judicial safeguards for journalistic sources.

“By detaining David Miranda and seizing his journalistic materials, the UK has flagrantly endangered the confidentiality of journalistic sources involved in this case. In addition, this action has a far-reaching negative effect because it has set a bad example – especially for new democracies such as the South East Europe countries that often see the UK, Germany and Belgium as European states where freedom of expression is guaranteed and respected.