Donald Trump is is not crazy, no matter how many people claim that he is. He is offering a new, postmodern paradigm in presidential tactics. He is the first U.S. president to dispense with Chain of Command government and replace it with Chain of Consciousness.

Perhaps this is a result of his apparent moderate dyslexia…he wants a summary of all information rather than a full report and he seems to prefer live reports to written ones. Whatever the reason, he is essentially governing by Twitter. Instead of handing down orders to subordinates personally, he is making broad general statements that use no more than 140 characters, and they…assisted by the media, for whom they are little more than clickbait…immediately go viral. His subordinates must tapdance like a motherfucker to keep up with this stream of consciousness approach, but his thoughts reach masses of people on an almost instagram level as a result. While his subordinates are scurrying around trying to figure out exactly what he wants and how to get it done, he freely and publicly streams his next ideas. It’s a form of controlled chaos that he is using, and…early in the game…so far it seems to be working. Everybody’s confused!!! Everybody is frightened as well. There are no buffers between his own id…his own set of uncoordinated instinctual trends…and the almost immediate conveyance of those trends to the consciousness of the U.S. public.

In short…he is acting like a king.

Read on for more.
Now…there certainly have been kings who were line-level, batshit nuts. They were the ones whose kingdoms rapidly failed and/or the ones who were either quickly deposed or treated as figureheads by powerful surrounding influences. Reagan was treated in that figurehead way as was Bush II, and the British have pretty much institutionalized that approach since the late 19th/early 20th centuries. Nixon and JFK were…in a manner of speaking…deposed. Trump so far seems to be succeeding at expanding and then using that “royal prerogative” in a thoroughly modern, high tech way. It’s like he is treating the entire U.S. population as a group of subjects who he expects to bow to his will, only now that will is immediately conveyed by the high tech media.

Only time…and a broadly disseminated understanding of how this new process is working…will tell the final story.

That and powerful interests that can either attempt to depose him in some manner or isolate him from the unlimited exercise of his presidential powers.

Think on it.

He’s not “crazy” if what he is doing works.

He’s just…new.

The first real product of the digital age to come to a position of power.

I am personally more and more leaning towards becoming a digital Luddite, myself. The digital age has eliminated so many heretofore effective checks and balances regarding immediate gratification that we are essentially living in an almost constant state of simultaneous orgasm and satiety. This of course ultimately leads to pure exhaustion. Too much gratification may be far worse for humans than too little.

We shall see.

Very soon, I’m thinking.

An exhausted populace is potentially a slave populace, and we are presently being repeatedly and constantly jerked around…and jerked off as well…by a political S&M master. When the societal rubber masks and ball gags begin to appear, will it be too late for us to resist?

I hope not.
