I love it! Girl Power!

Isabella Lövin Spokesperson and Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate

Språkrör för Miljöpartiet de gröna. Minister för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete och klimat, och vice statsminister i Sveriges regering.

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Sweden mocking the Apprentice, US President Donald Trump ...

Facebook – Isabella Lövin

The referral of the Swedish climate law is signed. All future governments will be obliged to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. For a better planet and a better future. [Source Reuters]

Sweden sets goal to phase out greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 | Reuters |

Sweden criticises US climate stance as it reveals ambitious carbon emissions law | The Guardian |

Sweden has criticised the Trump administration’s approach to climate policy as it announced legislation binding future governments to a goal of phasing out greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, among the most ambitious by any developed nation.

“The position we hear from the new [US] administration is worrying,” prime minister Stefan Löfven said after announcing an ambitious new climate law promising zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

The Swedish climate minister, Isabella Lövin, urged European countries to take a leading role in tackling climate change, now “the US is not there anymore to lead”.

Lövin tweeted a photo of herself signing the legislation surrounded by seven other women – seemingly a reference to a series of photos of Donald Trump signing executive orders, including the reintroduction of the `global gag rule’, which were widely mocked.