After an extended absence, the cafe and lounge are back. The first track off of Brian Eno’s Music for Airports seems like a nice relaxing piece after all the chaos of late:
About The Author
Don Durito
Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life. Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).
Tips and recs if you’ve got some to spare.
Thanks for the Eno. Yes, good time for this.
This isn’t quite ambient, but it’s brilliant, evocative and spacious:
Also simultaneously precarious and reassuring.
There’s a scene or two in an old anime I used to watch, Cowboy Bebop, where this track would have fit right in. This one’s a keeper.
I’ve been busy as hell at work, and incredibly tired. I experimented with some time lapse videos and because the owners live in New Jersey they got pretty excited about being able to watch, so I created a separate channel for time lapse.
Thinking about going and seeing this group tonight: