Just a little BTW info for those interested.  If one is thinking about about resisting authoritarian tendencies of governments, then they need to be aware of their capabilities.  

Personally, I like to keep up with these sorts of things as opposed to web site navel gazing and the weird capability of down rating comments.  I mean, Jeeeez, they are just electrons on a screen

Anyway, Feds are revealing that another NSA contractor working for Booz Allen Hamilton (as did Snowden )stole a huge database of computer exploits that are used against targeted systems; such as foreign or domestic computers.  His lawyers are saying he only took them home to work on them and improve.  Maybe, but you know, his systems would have been targeted as an employee with such access.  Kind of like Clinton and her server.

The 2nd is also very interesting.

In January, someone hacked Cellebrite, an Israeli forensic hacking company who sold tools to Russia, Turkey, etc… as well as US LEA.

Well someone got into their tool box and took 900gb of data, including lots of unknown iOS tools used on iPads and iPhones throughout the world.  These vulnerabilities were known but not disclosed to the public by the companies.  Why?  either for reputation or security reasons.

But what is interesting is that some of the apps released appear to be jailbreak code developed by the unofficial iOS jailbreak community.

” Zdziarski also said that other parts of the code were similar to a jailbreaking project called QuickPwn, but that the code had seemingly been adapted for forensic purposes. For example, some of the code in the dump was designed to brute force PIN numbers, which may be unusual for a normal jailbreaking piece of software.

“If, and it’s a big if, they used this in UFED or other products, it would indicate they ripped off software verbatim from the jailbreak community and used forensically unsound and experimental software in their supposedly scientific and forensically validated products,” Zdziarski continued. …”

So jailbreakers got their code stolen and sold for commercial purposes so security agencies could break into phones.  Great.

Cellebrite may have been the Israeli company the FBI paid thousands to break into an iPhone earlier this year; probably using this tool set. The FBI should grab this code dump and save the taxpayers some money.

These are just two examples of US and allied govt capabilities in accessing electronic data.  If you are interested in organizing resistance, you need to be as paranoid as your fellows in the 60’s; because the mentality hasn’t changed, just the capabilities.  

And if someone in  your group suggest you get “serious” and maybe do a little anti-govt or property violence…run as they are 99% sure to be FBI plants.  Worked in the student movements, the radical elements, the militia movement and now “terrorist” cells.  The old ways are often the best.


“Myers said Martin took “many thousands of pages” of classified material as well as 50 terabytes of digital data, much of which has “special handling caveats.”

Martin previously worked in the Navy, leaving active duty in 1992 and then held a variety of tech jobs with government contractors. He worked at the NSA from 2012 to 2015, where he was an employee of the intelligence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.

For some portion of that time, Martin was in the NSA’s elite hacker unit, Tailored Access Operations, which makes and deploys software used to penetrate foreign targets’ computer networks for foreign espionage purposes.

Some U.S. officials said that Martin allegedly made off with more than 75 percent of TAO’s library of hacking tools — an allegation which, if true, would be a stunning breach of security.
