One says free publicity is always welcome, at least someone is paying attention. That’s true, and it always serves some goal even if it’s quite rediculous.

JoelDanWells is such a person who wrote a diary about me, although it’s not really about me. That is if one expects comprehensive reading, such a fool’s diary would not get any recommendation. However, in open view we can watch and see what happens in posts and support. We’ll see what the Pond is all about.

    Zionist Occupation Government, anyone?

    I’m Jewish, and obviously dismayed and disgusted by blatantly antisemitic invective thinly disguised as political commentary. What makes this garbage all the more troubling is that it pops up so damn easily: start from a left-wing website or a right-wing one, and one is quickly down in the sewer of antisemitic ranting. And yes, of course, one can quickly find oneself in various other fetid swamps of intolerance and hatred.

    To be clear, the antisemitic article I mentioned above was not directly linked by Oui [Bold face mine – Oui] and I don’t hold him responsible for it.

Like JoelDanWells wrote:

    Well, sometimes I start clicking on links that other diarists and commenters here provide and within just a couple of clicks–two degrees of separation, not six–come up with some truly unsavory stuff. By “unsavory”, I don’t mean that I just happen to disagree with the perspective offered, but rather some really vile stuff.

JoelDanWells, an attempt to character assassination by association?

I have no idea about his motive to spend a diary about me, but I really don’t care. Here a few rebuttals and facts …

I read a broad range of views, I do find some well researched articles at b’s Moon of Alabama about the military operation at the crossroads between the West and Russia: Ukraine and Syria.

I never spend time at The Saker, so I don’t really know his writings. Both The Saker and Moon of Alabama were mentioned in the Fake News article by the Washington Post a few months ago because of pro-Russian views.

The “vile” website called Global Research where I linked to a small part of a selected article.

    The attack on Global Research and Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa represents an expansion of activity by pro-Israel lobbyists in Canada.

    U of O physics professor says he was fired for criticizing Israel and the lobby | Mondoweiss |.

    In September 2005 the dean cancelled my Physics and the Environment course following a complaint (regarding an email
    comment about Zionism), channelled through the university’s Canadian Studies Institute director Pierre Anctil to the VP-Academic.  A complaint against an invited speaker in the course, Professor Michel Chossudovsky – who spoke about Middle East geopolitics- from the Jewish Student Association then gave rise to a sustained but failed attempt to
    discipline me.

    The Ottawa Citizen is a CanWest newspaper and its director is a member of the university’s Board of Governors.  CanWest Global Communications Corporation is a staunch advocate and supporter of Israeli policy.  In 2007 I criticized the university’s official position on the academic boycott of Israel on my blog.

Responses are all over the place, this one just about sums it up:

    michel chossudovsky’s is a light in the halls of pol darkness

    agree not all writers meet high scholarly or informed opinion standards, but the vast majority do. the site is a clearinghouse for many kinds of critical pol views, from the right and left. if i need quick access to left views in particular i search the site. dr paul craig roberts is routinely featured (a repub anti-fascist former reagan treas dept undersec) as is dr michel chossudovsky from the left, whose pol-ec views are unassailable from the left. whoever ‘conspires’ to trash the site as unworthy should look in the mirror first.

I do wish some commenters @BooMan would care to do some careful research before publishing such a vile bull shit diary.

Indeed JoelDanWells, I won’t accuse you of being a scholastic. The last time I was pointed at being anti-Semitic was 11 years ago here at the Pond …

Character Assassination :: Mine!   by Oui @BooMan on Jan. 19, 2006

Sorry, I’ll return to read some of Arthur Gilroy’s diaries which offer much more insight about American culture and where society is heading.

Diaries @BooMan quoting the site The Vineyard of The Saker …

○  J’Accuse! [Update #2] by Marie2 on Feb. 28, 2015
○  The Shadow Play by TarheelDem on Jan. 12, 2017

Glossary of terms:

Six degrees of separation: The theory that any two people in the world are connected in some way by no more than six people.

Two degrees of separation: see above but much worse, now actually guilty as alleged. Lock him up!

Guilt by association: When the source is viewed negatively because of its association with another person or group who is already viewed negatively. [Ad Hominem]

Character assassination:  the slandering of a person usually with the intention of destroying public confidence in that person.