UPDATE-1 :: So today the fools in the kabuki theater here at the pond are still throwing 2’s around!! What a sad bunch of idiots. [Feb. 21]

    [In flagrant contradiction to Martin Longman‘s request to stop harassment of downratings, a specific group continues the bullying.
    I will once again limit comments and look for timely posting of diaries. McCarthyism revived. 🙁 ]

The Sibel Edmonds case and her state secrets gallery

In this video, ms. Edmonds releases two more names, FBI officials Joe Roberts, FBI Field Office in Chicago and Dennis Stasser (?) of FBI Washington DC. During the Clinton and Bush years, FBI Chicago worked on an International espionage case which was threatened to be shut down by the George Bush White House. The files covered the years 1998 through 2002 … later more

Three countries do not have a FBI Washington DC counterintelligence desk: NATO and Gladio partner Turkey, Belgium and England.

Target of the FBI investigation was US Rep. Jan Schakowsky and her husband Robert (Bob) Creamer

The (Attempted) Blackmailing of Jan Schakowsky (2009)

    Schakowsky, who has been somewhat hawkish on Middle East issues, may have been a victim of sexual blackmail perpetrated by foreign agents. Such is the grim picture that can be gleaned from combining the recent sworn deposition of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds with a report from independent journalist Wayne Madsen entitled “The congresswoman and the Turkish Lobby sexual blackmail ring”.

    Edmonds testified on August 8, 2009, in the Schmidt v. Krikorian case, that Turkish agents were attempting to blackmail an unnamed Congresswoman in year 2000, whom they knew to be secretly bisexual, by arranging a tryst with a “Turkish female agent” in this Congresswoman’s own townhouse. Edmonds said the townhouse was ‘bugged’ and the whole affair was captured on film by the foreign agents. According to the former FBI translator, the “Turkish entities” wanted both “Congressional related favoritism from her” as well as favors from her husband, “who was in a high position in the state she was elected from.”

Whistleblower cases and Sibel Edmonds here at the Pond …

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