Look at the following image very carefully…as if you had never heard of any of these people and you were asked to comment on their respective positions in a given authority system.

Here’s what I see:

Trump looks like he needs a thorough dry cleaning and a better barber/hairweaver/whatever. Piles of unread info on his side of the desk. Overwhelmed with information, he’s talking through his hat. As usual. He’s not paying attention to anyone in the room except himself. Also as usual. Pence could be ordering up a nuke hit on Iran or a black coffee w/one sugar. Trump has no idea of what is happening outside of his own head…a short-term advantage in public life, but not a really good survival tactic when attacked by superior forces.

Priebus? He’ll do whatever he’s told to do. Weak.

Bannon? He looks like he should be running an underground newspaper. Oh. Wait a minute!!! That’s what he used to do. I’ll bet there has never been a haircut like that inside of the Oval Office. Well…maybe Monica Lewinski’s.

I don’t recognize the one leaning over to take Pence’s order. No matter who he’s supposed to be, he’s the gofer. Looks like Humbert Humbert…errr, ahhh… Hubert Humphrey

Pence is the only one who looks like he has his shit together. He’s pulled together from head to toe. Erect, calm and in control. No clutter on his side of the desk. Bare and clean. It’s all in his head.

He’ll survive

He’s the Truman in the picture.
