Look at the following image very carefully…as if you had never heard of any of these people and you were asked to comment on their respective positions in a given authority system.
Here’s what I see:
Trump looks like he needs a thorough dry cleaning and a better barber/hairweaver/whatever. Piles of unread info on his side of the desk. Overwhelmed with information, he’s talking through his hat. As usual. He’s not paying attention to anyone in the room except himself. Also as usual. Pence could be ordering up a nuke hit on Iran or a black coffee w/one sugar. Trump has no idea of what is happening outside of his own head…a short-term advantage in public life, but not a really good survival tactic when attacked by superior forces.
Priebus? He’ll do whatever he’s told to do. Weak.
Bannon? He looks like he should be running an underground newspaper. Oh. Wait a minute!!! That’s what he used to do. I’ll bet there has never been a haircut like that inside of the Oval Office. Well…maybe Monica Lewinski’s.
I don’t recognize the one leaning over to take Pence’s order. No matter who he’s supposed to be, he’s the gofer. Looks like Humbert Humbert…errr, ahhh… Hubert Humphrey
Pence is the only one who looks like he has his shit together. He’s pulled together from head to toe. Erect, calm and in control. No clutter on his side of the desk. Bare and clean. It’s all in his head.
He’ll survive
He’s the Truman in the picture.
Great picture. Could we be watching 3 different plays on stage? As you observed, (1) The Donald is doing his own deal. (2) Priebus is gazing at Pence and Gofor, where the real political action is taking place. (3) Bannon has to wait for Trump to finish his phone call before he can share something very important. Bannon may be waiting a while.
The lack and white pictures are nostalgic, taking be back to LBJ. Poor Monica Lewinsky, her pivotal role in US history is seriously underestimated.
As expected in any Stalinist state, fallen from grace so Flynn is cut away from the cabal in the Oval Office … :-))
Thank you., Oui.
Being cut out of a picture is worth another thousand words.
More, maybe.
We shall see in due time.
P.S. Spicer.
Like I said…a gofer.
New name.
Press Secretary Gofer.
P.P.S. Notice that whoever wrote the caption did not include Bannon’s name or position.
Is he next?
Arthur, Now that we know the picture is cropped I’m curious to know where you found it and was it in black and white or did you make it like that? Odd.
Google Images <Trump Bannon Pence “Oval office”> of something like that.
Black + white.
An unperson! yes!
Not all Chinese have smartphones, so the state had to close the void …
○ China orders GPS tracking of every car in troubled region
Apparently the China Communist leaders are lagging in certain sophistication of Western powers: NSA, GCHQ, BND, Unit 8200 and DGSE. :-))
○ China’s Space Threat: How Missiles Could Target U.S. Satellites
○ How China Loses the Coming Space War | Wired |
Everyone is intent on the boss on the right side, ignoring the flunky on the left who appears to be ordering a pizza for lunch.
Can just see the guy on the left “Anchovies, peperoni …”. Godfather on the right is ordering a hit, quietly in case of a bug, that’s why the capo regime has to bend over.
Whaddaya mean, “pizza”!!!???
That’s Putin he’s talking to!!!
Forgot it was the East Coast. You have to go to Chicago for a decent pizza.