From Podesta emails …
To:, [], []
Date: 2016-02-14 16:29
Subject: Fwd: Hillary adI like this idea
(Louise is a former Conservative British MP. Very smart.)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Louise Mensch [] []
Date: February 14, 2016 at 11:25:16 AM MST
To: Michael Kives [] []
Cc: Peter Mensch [] []
Subject: Hillary adDear Michael,
As you will know from Arnold I am a committed Republican (or would be if I had the vote this year). But I worry no end about Donald Trump becoming our President… much rather have your girl Hillary.
Anyway, the politician in me thinks Lena Dunham and Gloria Steinem are nails on a chalkboard to the average American woman AND I think Hillary is not capitalizing on the yearning that we have to see a woman as President properly.
Her competence and intelligence are beyond doubt, her problem is warmth.
If I may, here is an ad I would love to see run;
A succession of mostly young women, a few old women, one with a baby daughter, multiracial and multi-occupation, to include a nurse and a woman in uniform of some kind where permitted…
one after the other, smiling and looking to camera and saying ‘It’s our time.’
and the last woman says, ‘It’s our time. I’m with her.’
fade to banner credit ‘Hillary 2016’
That would be inspirational, aspirational, and the kind of riff you really need on ‘Yes we can’.
Best, Louise
Louise Mensch
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BTW: Peter Mensch’s sister, Barbara Sena Mensch, was the youngest hostage of the Dawson’s Field hijackings of September 6, 1970.
Louise Mensch in meltdown, raving about Trump and Putin bots (Oct. 2016)
Last night the editor of “Anti-SJW” Heat Street went on the most spectacular Twitter meltdown I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing live. Some highlights:
Repeatedly insisting that anyone who defends Trump/criticizes Hillary on Twitter is a bot controlled by Russian President Vladimir Putin (Louise never got the memo that the Cold War is over), and tried to prove it by linking to a bunch of Twitter word strings that only showed legitimate users making unique posts, as opposed to a myriad of bots repeating the same message. Congrats?
Dear ally,
If you’d like to check out some #Putinbots for yourself, here is a handy string.
‘Nuclear war Hillary’— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) October 15, 2016 [Oops! – deleted]
Ex-Tory MP Louise Mensch mocked after botched Leonard Cohen tribute
- ○ Louise Mensch on Pepe the Frog and anti-semitism | Business Insider |
○ Louise Mensch no longer running Heat Street | Politico – Jan. 16, 2017 |
Previous diaries about Louise Mensch …
○ J’Accuse Rupert Murdoch On Stalinism and Sheeple – His WSJ
○ Old Trumpist Line: Louise Mensch is a Looney!
New Trumpist Line: Louise Mensch is the New Woodward and Bernstein! By Steven M. @NoMoreMister
Oui says
March 3, 2017 at 11:04 PMYou know I value and appreciate your work immensely! However on analysis of Putin, Russia and the start of Cold War 2.0 we differ in opinion. Just read an interview in Dutch press yesterday about former FM and NATO SG De Hoop Scheffer. Confirms my point of view where responsibilities lie.
Ben Sanders says
March 5, 2017 at 3:41 PMOui, your comment is not deleted [cached] because of your long history of meaningful comments. The blind eye for the NATO offensive and soros/clinton colorrevolutions in this great blog is really disappointing and shows you how propaganda gets to everybody.
you appear to think this woman is significant. you do not make it clear what is significant about her.
Yes. Many of us here don’t spend any time watching, listening, reading the rightwing noise machines. And only casually keep up with the Democratic Party noise machines and characters. Just enough on the latter that we can say wtf when Ellen and others embrace the warmonger GWB.
Never heard of this Mensch person and there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of replacement wannabes for open slots on either side of the MSM aisle. Wake me when one of those replacements is worth a damn.
Hahahaha …. You tell me HOW a “whacko”, who was personally close to Rupert Murdoch [!], got the exclusive information from intelligence assets to publish her article in Heat Street on November 7, 2016. THAT makes it interesting with whom Louise Mensch had contacts. I allege it was from someone close to RM himself. Murdoch with close ties to Bibi Netanyahu, Mossad and Unit 8200. THAT’s what’s interesting about Mensch.
Furthermore Mensch’s own “explanation” …
Most of her earlier tweets have been DELETED! Foreign IC have handed over recordings and transdripts Trump camp colluding with Russia, and info is new. (Mensch tweet today– is factual for Dutch intelligence AIVD which belongs to “Nine Eyes” and have a warm cooperation with the Mossad – see my many previous posts]
From my original diary about Louise Mensch …
○ J’Accuse Rupert Murdoch On Stalinism and Sheeple – His WSJ
Why would you believe anything Mensch says?
However, that wasn’t esquimaux’s and my complaint. Throwing up diaries that are 90+% excerpts from publications (and often not current) assumes some level of preexisting knowledge and/or interest in the person and/or issue. If that condition existed, then readers would almost always have already have consumed the latest news/information on it and a diary here would be redundant.
This one should have started with who Mensche is and why we should care. In your words. Then, again mostly in your own words, a fuller profile of who she is including where she came from, who she’s worked for, and known affiliations. Then offer your speculations as to her agenda or that of those she’s fronting for and why she is potentially more than a blip in the media noise machine. You should aim for 90% in your own words (with links as appropriate) and 10% in abstracted block quotes. That’s not a rigid ratio, but when it’s less than 40/60%, be honest in your presentation that you’re recommending Article A (with appropriate link) and that you think it’s related to Article B (with appropriate link) and pad it with single paragraph (or two very short paragraphs) from the articles. If readers are intrigued and want to see more, they’ll go to the source articles.
Also recognize that how you mentally link and relate disparate information is unique to you and if it’s not worth your time and effort to explain those relationships, don’t expect others to see it as obvious.