Mike Allen has an interesting take on why Donald Trump decided to accuse President Obama of having tapped the phones in Trump Tower late in the campaign. He provides some interesting reporting, too, including the news that “some — though definitely not all — members of President Trump’s inner circle share” his conspiratorial view. What Allen doesn’t seem to get, however, is how to assign risk to the move. For example, this is incomplete at best:
But the risk is that there’ll be a day of reckoning — perhaps after documents are subpoenaed and testimony demanded — when a Republican Congress embarrasses the White House by saying the president was flat wrong when he accused his predecessor of a crime.
That Trump might get exposed as having been aggressively wrong is a small risk, and one he seems to weather routinely. The real risk is that he’s partially right and an investigation will turn up who, why, and how senior members of his campaign and other close associates were put under surveillance at various points during the campaign.
If he hadn’t asked Congress to investigate this, they would have had a much easier time not getting the answers simply by not asking the right people the right questions. But if they do now investigate this, and they actually subpoena documents and testimony, they’ll have to share the resulting information with at least the Democrats and their staffs on the investigating committees.
The reporting on these matters has been all over the place, and sometimes as clear as mud. But it seems pretty clear, at least, that the Intelligence Community has been investigating Trump associates for about a year now. Here’s how it began:
Last April, the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him. It was – allegedly – a tape recording of a conversation about money from the Kremlin going into [Trump’s] presidential campaign.
It was passed to the US by an intelligence agency of one of the Baltic States. The CIA cannot act domestically against American citizens so a joint counter-intelligence taskforce was created.
The taskforce included six agencies or departments of government. Dealing with the domestic, US, side of the inquiry, were the FBI, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Justice. For the foreign and intelligence aspects of the investigation, there were another three agencies: the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency, responsible for electronic spying.
That the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was involved tells you that it was probably considered as much a counterintelligence investigation as a criminal one. The head of counterintelligence for our country is William Evanina. He’s responsible for catching moles or double agents. He’s the guy who was put in charge of pulling together “a White House-ordered review of election year cyber-intrusions.” Here’s what he had to say about his task back in December:
“It gets characterized as the ‘government of Russia,’ ” he says. “Well, in our world, it’s a little bit more complicated than that.”
An investigation by the private cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike has attributed the hacks to Russia’s military and domestic security agencies. Evanina is probing that further.
“There’s an intense competitiveness within the Russian intelligence services,” he notes. “The GRU [main intelligence directorate] and the SVR [foreign intelligence service] and the FSB [federal security service] are competing for resource dollars and for activity here in the U.S.”
That presents both challenge and opportunity for American spy agencies. Knowing which specific adversary they’re dealing with, Evanina says, helps to inform the response.
Meanwhile, he estimates that more than 100 Russian spies are operating on U.S. soil right now.
“They’re here to do their country’s bidding,” he says. “Acquiring plans and intentions of our country, and stealing our trade secrets and proprietary information. Our job is to identify them and track them down, surveil them and neutralize their efforts.”
You could see some of the fruits of his labors when President Obama expelled 35 Russian “diplomats” from the country on December 29th.
Now, try to imagine how Mr. Evanina felt when he learned on January 2nd that President Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn had been on the phone repeatedly December 29th reassuring the Russian ambassador that there need be no reciprocal American expulsions from Russia because the new administration would take a different approach.
Imagine how he felt when he listened to Donald Trump later explain that he hadn’t ordered Flynn to do this but that he would have ordered him to do it if he hadn’t already done so.
Evanina’s former boss, James Clapper, left his position on Inauguration Day. He went on Meet the Press yesterday and said some significant things. First, in a careful, measured way, he denied that any surveillance of the type Trump had suggested had been placed on Trump Tower in the time frame that Trump had suggested. He also said that although he was confident in Russia’s culpability in hacking, he did not have proof of collusion with the Trump campaign at the time he left the government. And then he called for more investigation, including from Congress.
There is at least some reason to believe that more information has been gathered since Clapper stepped down. The British reporter Louise Mensch spent all weekend on Twitter trying to make this point, asking us to look at an article that CNN published in February that included this:
For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN…
…None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.
But the intercepts do confirm that some of the conversations described in the dossier took place between the same individuals on the same days and from the same locations as detailed in the dossier, according to the officials. CNN has not confirmed whether any content relates to then-candidate Trump.
The corroboration, based on intercepted communications, has given US intelligence and law enforcement “greater confidence” in the credibility of some aspects of the dossier as they continue to actively investigate its contents, these sources say.
All of that corroboration occurred after Clapper was no longer our Director of National Intelligence. And, of course, any things that add credence to the British dossier also add credence to the theory that there was collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
If I were to try to document all the evidence that the Intelligence Community sought to surveil associates of Trump during the campaign, it would make this too long of a post, so I’ll try to do that in a follow-up piece. For now, I’ll just point you to reporting done by Louise Mencsh at Heat Street, Paul Wood at the BBC and Julian Borger at the Guardian, all of which supports the idea that there was a FISA court warrant issued in October to look at connections between the Russians and members or associates of the Trump campaign.
It should be kept in mind that Donald Trump’s allegations didn’t accurately reflect what these articles reported, so Clapper’s denials aren’t necessarily refutations of what the articles say. In any case, Clapper isn’t exactly a credible source since he lied to Congress himself, and he’s known for his well-developed ability to parse.
Whether or not a FISA Court warrant was issued in mid-October or not may be relevant to what Trump has claimed, both as to whether surveillance occurred and whether it was illegal. But the broader question of surveillance during the campaign shouldn’t be in question. What, after all, do you call a taskforce that “included six agencies or departments of government” that was set up (in April or shortly thereafter) to look into allegations of collusion?
It’s obvious that collusion is suspected and even believed as an article of faith within a broad segment of the Intelligence Community, and they’ve been leaking like a sieve about it for months because they’re desperate to keep the investigation alive. But, until Trump invited this congressional investigation, none of these folks had permission or the ability to speak on the record or to testify as to what they know or suspect.
Now they not only have that permission, but they may be called to justify the surveillance they conducted. They will be ecstatic to have that opportunity.
Trump may have been goaded into making this mistake or he just may have acted without foresight, but he will probably regret opening up avenues of disclosure that he had locked down pretty tight.
My theory on Trump’s allegations is that he unwittingly disrupted Bannon’s disinformation campaign, meant to convince their base that Obama’s perfidy was the real story, by taking the accusation out of the mouths of the surrogates Bannon intended to use. Coming from them, this would have been a safe play, as long as Trump kept his virtual mouth shut. Unfortunately for them, Trump lacks that ability. This miscalculation now has them in a bind that may very well prove fatal.
The armchair psychiatrist says that Trump is self-sabotaging himself.
He has got to be hating this President thing. He didn’t think he’d win. Neither did the Russians. It’s all a big mistake. He’s not equipped to do this job, and he does not have the slightest interest in “public service”.
He has a conscious or unconscious desire to be back in the private sector ripping people off while nobody is looking.
I suspect the Russians were working towards, and would have been far happier with, a President Clinton whose entire term in office would have been hopelessly crippled and ineffective.
I’m not so sure.
Domestically, absolutely. It would have been trench warfare on a scale that would have made Repub intransigence against Obama pale in comparison.
Foreign policy, Putin wouldn’t have liked Clinton. There would have been unqualified US support for existing institutions, like NATO, that Putin wants to weaken.
Also too, Clinton would have continued the Crimea sanctions. Getting Twitler in there increases the chances of getting them lifted.
They’re hurting Russia and Putin.
You make good arguments. I do wonder, though, taking your point, whether the Russians are sorry now for putting their Putin puppet into power? He really is making a hash of things.
Making a hash of things = undermining US leadership abroad. It’s a feature not a bug.
If Russia’s, oops, Putin’s, long term interests are generally at odds with the US and the generic West, anything that sets the US adrift Is. A. Good. Thing.
When people say problematic or baffling things, it’s a natural tendency to give them the benefit of the doubt, whether you like the person (and want to enhance or amplify their intentions, since you support them) or don’t like them (in which case it’s in your interest to amplify the threat they pose). With politicians, for whom speaking is the lingua franca (and whose statements get endlessly parsed and framed, since we all have a vested interest in one way or another) it’s especially true.
So with Trump’s tweets, it’s reasonable to do what BooMan is doing here — to look at what he said and try to sympathetically parse it like it could be a tactical chess move or an expression of a policy or a position or a tactic of some kind (as you’d expect from the President of the United States) — maybe it looks nonsensical but there’s got to be some logic to it.
But, in this case (as I’ve said here) I just can’t get past the sheer ignorance and stupidity of what he actually tweeted. He referred to “McCarthyism,” to “Nixon/Watergate” and to the criminal “(or sick)” behavior of his predecessor.
Watergate — the intial bugging of the DNC headquarters in June ’72 — was a criminal act (that was interrupted): the placing of surveillance devices in the opposing candidates’ campaign offices. It was important because of what the subsequent investigations uncovered, but on its face it was about how you can’t break into an office and plant microphones becuase that’s private property and it’s illegal. To compare this to an FBI wiretap (which requires a court order, FISA authorization etc., each of which is an act of law enforcement and can only be secured when evidence of criminal activity is shown to a judge) is to compare two things that are diametrically the opposite of each other.
“McCarthyism” was a social movement and a legislative agenda (meaning, the Senate, not the President or the FBI) based around the idea that foreign interests had infiltrated our government (specifically, the Army, if I remember right). So we could be extremely kind to Trump and assume he means to compare the FBI to McCarthyite forces…but I don’t think so, because he was mentored by Roy Cohn.
Anyway my point is (as with Frederick Douglass or “the fifteenth article” of the constitution last year, what we’re seeing in the tweets isn’t just a stupid and self-destructive lashing out — we’re seeing a real-time demonstration of just how incredibly stupid our President is; how ignorant he is of basic American history of of the rudimentary working of the government.
I really want someone like Anderson Cooper to interview him, and get him to elaborate on these Watergate/McCarthy comparisons. The world needs to see him talk about this. Because we’ve got bigger problems than just his impulsiveness or unpredictabilty: he’s actually starting to make Reagan look smart, and Reagan made my cat look smart.
Of course, having just posted this, I then saw a story about how Trump wins because these “Obama wiretap” tweets successfully “shut down” conversation about Jeff Sessions.
So what the hell — maybe he is some kind of clever Machiavellian mastermind, right?
I don’t think it is planned or clever.
He just never admits he is wrong,and instinctively always wants to attack.
And has been the Democratic response to all of this:

Aside from the fact that Twitter is hardly the place for anything substantive, it simply seems to be a medium that Trump uses to reach his fans, who don’t give a rat’s ass about evidence, and who are likely as ignorant as the Prezidunt about the workings of government (such as, no, actually the POTUS does not order wiretaps).
And once again the spineless GOP leadership in Congress says absolutely nothing. Those are folks who DO understand how government works, but they just wink and nod at Trump’s lunatic ravings, hoping they can find a partisan advantage in there somewhere. These people are playing with fire and undermining the American republic.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious: yes, these tweets are “aimed at” his supporters, who are ignorant and gullible etc. You’re right.
But it doesn’t change the fact that the President of the United States is revealing himself to not know anything, not just about Watergate or McCarthy (which is my main point) or about how the government works (who can order wiretaps etc.) — he doesn’t even have the wit to conceal his ignorance. He’s too stupid to hide how stupid he is.
Worse, he’s too stupid even to know how stupid he is…
Decades of nepotism and sycophancy will do that to one, haha. Yet Trumper imagines he’s a proud product of the (white) meritocracy!
I wonder what percentage of ‘successful’ CEOs operate at more-or-less exactly Trump’s level. My suspicion is that the country is finally being ‘run like a business.’
A lot of Trumpkins still think, and will continue thinking, that this is their winning:
Yep. It’s Trump kicking the hated libruls, which is the only thing that seems to motivate the Right.
And all my Trump supporting family just keeps telling me to “give him some time”.
I agree with BooMan’s take, which he has repeated a number of times here. This is just not sustainable. There is just no way this edifice can remain standing. I don’t know how this all plays out, but it has been what, six weeks? And I’m already spent. At some point down the road, this whole thing is going to come crashing down, and in what direction and on top of whom, I simply cannot say. But some sort of cataclysm is coming. It could be the collapse of the Trump administration, it could be mass arresting of “protesters”; hell, it could be martial law. At this point there is simply nothing which seems to be off the table. The United States is caught in a vortex which is taking us in the direction of places we probably do not want to contemplate. I am carrying around this gnawing sense of dread, 24 hours a day. It carries with it almost a constant nausea that is roiling in the pit of my stomach.
There are just so many ways this could end.
With respect to your family members, what the fuck does “give him some time” mean? Are they tacitly admitting that he’s fucking up? Did they “give […] some time” to Obama when he was elected?
Why are we supposed to give him a “grace period”? What special dispensation does this man have, not to be judged by the measure of the office and his predecessors? The fact that he’s ignorant and unprepared isn’t an excuse; it’s an indictment. This isn’t a school play.
(Again: not picking on you; just wondering how Trump-supporting family members would answer these questions.)
I know it is amazing, but in their mind, they really believe they did “give Obama time”. I have even been told “that I should pray for Trump to succeed because they prayed for Obama to succeed”. And of course, I don’t wish him to succeed. Nor am I a practicioner of prayer.
Basically, I responded this way to the “give him time” statement.
“Are you troubled by the fact that he has no understanding of how government works, the functions of the three branches of the government, or any interest in learning it? Does it trouble you that he simply thinks that he can decree something, without any internal judicial or legal review as to its constituionality, and thinks it should be carried out without question? Does it trouble you that he seems to get most of his information and worldview from peddlers of outrageous conspiracy theories? Because from an historical perspective he is acting in ways that have no precedent in our modern Presidential history. Explain to me why I should give time to someone who so obviously does not care about how our Republic is designed to function, and views anyone who disagrees with him as a dangerous enemy of our country”?
I was told, in pretty blunt terms, that what I was doing by asking these questions in this way was just displaying my intellectual snobbery which, apparently, they think I do “all the time”.
I’m telling you, Jordan, it is a bitch living here in the middle of Trump world. These people are living in a world that I simply cannot fathom. And I have lived among these people my entire life. How, in almost 58 years, I haven’t been swept up in this vortex of irrationality and delusion is a mystery to me.
Any more, I just curtly respond that Presidents don’t get “time” or “a chance”, but rather they get tested from the very beginning. Beyond that, I am inclined to ask uncomfortable questions not unlike some of the ones you are asking. In my case, my only real agenda is to deflate some of the Trumpsters’ enthusiasm. I don’t expect to change their minds, but I can contribute to them feeling less comfortable about their choice.
My condolences.
I have similar conversations with my conservative relatives (which, luckily, I only have to do in small doses).
I’m fascinated by the logic. It doesn’t matter if you’re right, if you’re being “condescending!” It doesn’t matter that Trump is filthy rich, since he’s not “the elite” — the “real” elite are university types trying to push their agenda on everyone. Trump is a “good Christian” because he’s been so sinful, so his “conversion” is more meaningful.
Protective delusions; if they confronted the reality of what they voted for, they’d have to admit they’re rather dreadful people, wouldn’t they? Can’t have that!
Oh, the conversations with the evangelical Christians who are Trump supporters are the absolute worst. Anyone who professes to be a Christian that uses the Bible as their moral foundation, and also enthusiastically supports Trump, is simply brain dead and morally bankrupt.
Seems to be a lot of that going around these days, eh?
Of course, if their precious Jesus did come back, the Jesus who consorted with lepers and drove the moneylenders from the Temple, the swarthy Semite with his raggedy band of followers, they’d drive him from their midst as a stinking foreign bleeding heart and dangerous rabble-rousing radical.
He’d be deemed an “illegal” and deported, if not outright detained and left to rot in the deepest, darkest hole they could find before throwing away the key.
I think they’d be a little confused and concerned that he wasn’t blond-haired and blue-eyed, and maybe too that his name wasn’t Jesus …
But his name is Jesus. And say what you will, that creep can roll.
That Jesus is a myth.
Republican Jesus is the real thing:
” … This is just not sustainable. There is just no way this edifice can remain standing. … “
That’s pretty alarmist. One thing I’ve learned from sad experience is that craziness, like stock market bubbles, can continue way longer then rationally might seem possible.
Yes, it certainly it can continue longer than seems rationally possible. That is what scares me. That will likely make the blowback from the fall that much more destructive, whenever it finally happens.
A Trump bubble – I like that…
All true. But I think he’s just smart enough to understand what a disaster that would be for him. So he’ll never submit to it.
What I find most frustrating, other than Trump on the whole, is the constant barrage of information coming from every imaginable source. Good god, it’s Twitter, it’s Breitbart, the NYT, the unnamed underground sources, a million blogs, press releases and leaks.
I don’t even know whom to believe, or where to start. I trust my usual blogs, but of course they usually follow my line of thinking. It’s the daily flood of conflicting reports and “breaking news” items, the claims from sources or news talking heads.
This rollercoaster is exhausting. I intend to keep chugging along and keep sifting through the piles of info, but I hope there’s a time coming where some facts are spelled out and the Republicans are held accountable for the mess they’ve made. I know, that sounded silly the minute I typed it.
yes. sort of like the Gish Gallop, too much info to keep up with let alone check all of it or evaluate its significance.
Yes, I know what you mean. I figure if Trump is saying that CNN and NYT are the worst liars then they must be doing something right. So I have been following them more now than ever.
Booman, could you further parse Clapper’s comment for me?
“Obviously I can’t speak officially anymore, but I will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI there was no wiretap activity mounted against the President-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign,” he said. “I can’t speak for other Title III authorized entities in the government, or a state or local entity.”
It seems that you are convinced that Trump campaign was surveilled, but the Clapper quote would seem to deny it. If you’re right, what is the close parsing we should read in Clapper’s quote?
(Also, what is the link for the 2nd blockquote?)
The link to the second blockquote is Paul Wood at BBC.
The opportunities for parsing within Clapper’s comments should be obvious.
“At the time” can refer to his time as Director or it can apply more narrowly to the time Trump suggested.
No one has suggested that Trump as a candidate was the target of the FISA warrant and calling him “president-elect” takes it out of the relevant time period. His “campaign” is a weasel word that doesn’t preclude surveillance on folks like Roger Stone, Carter Page, Michael Flynn or even necessarily Manafort, all of whom were pretty definitely targeted for surveillance at various points in the campaign. Whether they got permission to tap them is in dispute. Most reporting said they were rebuffed in that application during the summer.
I don’t think we should be so ready to talk about “why Donald Trump decided” to do this. He was clearly not following a plan but reacting violently–“Just found out!”–to something, and that would be the four different Friday Breitbart articles he referred to in the six Saturday morning tweets: three on Obama (he sent Sergey Kislyak to the Cleveland RNC, he met with Kislyak in the White House 22 times, he put a “tapp” on Trump’s wires) and one on Schwarzenegger (who complained that Trump’s bad name had made Celebrity Apprentice a toxic brand).
He’s seething with anger at the behavior of these people who he once thought wished him well, and he has to let it out. “Pity me, this is how they treat me!”
More interesting question is what was on the mind of the person (I assume Bannon) who put the four articles in Trump’s hands that morning.
You’re using Louise Mensch as a source? Couldn’t find a good Bill Kristol quote to use?
Booman also linked to a couple other sources because that’s what grown ups do. So if you think Mensch is garbage, maybe the other two will work for you.
I admit to being ignorant of Louise Mensch. Bill Kristol is a weasel, of course.
As for yours truly, I refuse to take anything seriously unless it comes with a stamp of approval from The Sage of Rio de Janeiro, Counterpunch or Russia Today. :-O Particularly suspect are sources such as the BBC, Radio France, Deutsche Welle, and the New York Times. The Guardian used to be OK but then they failed to support Jeremy Corbin as Labour Party leader, so they’re ideologically suspect now, too.
Oh, and National Public Radio. That’s definitely a cesspool of people making excuses for Barack Obama.
OK, enough smart ass remarks.
More seriously, the business of how to decide which sources to trust is a difficult one. I got slapped upside the head about this recently after discovering that links provided by a diarist took me to a website that also hosted pretty blatantly antisemitic garbage. I pointed this out, and the diarist went ballistic because he wrongly thought I was accusing him of being an antisemite.
I remember. And that was even after taking great pains to point out that no such accusation was being made. This blog really needs a diary – or several diaries – devoted to media literacy, and in particular the tools needed to assess whether or not a source is reliable. At some point, unless beaten to the punch, I might take the initiative. That will probably be a few weeks, if not a few months. The internet has not only made more useful info available to us, but regrettably has made it easier for outright crap to get circulated as truth. That’s a problem that will only get worse.
The other sources are probably better, especially Julian Borger. There are some things really wrong with Mensch’s account (see Emptywheel’s take), in addition to her peculiar history as chick-lit novelist, Tory MP, Murdoch blogger, and wife of Metallica’s manager,not to get all ad feminam.
Word. My radar went up when I saw the name “Mike Allen.” I kept reading anyway.
I think a better explanation of this is from this guy:
Bear in mind that he’s more of a Never Trump type. He’s conservative and even in the above piece can’t resist tacking a crack at the left
“Last week I explained in this column how President Donald Trump, despite facing serious political challenges over his murky ties to the Kremlin, was fortunate to have opponents more motivated by partisanship than truth-telling”.
Nonetheless, he understands the intel community and lays out in the latter half of the piece a better framework of what happened.
I must say I am pretty disappointed. I thought we were past the sell by date of adding “gate” to the back of every scandal. I had thought that this generation was going to finally break out of this tired rut.
Plus I was really looking forward to “Kremlingazi”.
Is there a timeline of all these events?
For any of this to matter there needs to be actual evidence of coordination between Trump and the Russians with respect to the Wikileaks.
Is there any direct evidence that is true?
I am really asking. And no, the Sessions meeting doesn’t strike me as direct evidence.
Is there any actual fire here?
Politico is keeping what looks to be a pretty decent timeline of the events.
About Clapper, you write:
You master of understatement, you!!!
“…in a careful, measured way…”
“…he’s known for his well-developed ability to parse…”
He’s a fucking liar.
That’s it.
No “parsing” about it!!!
Did you read my post yesterday?
Breaking!!! Clapper “Denies” Trump Tower Wiretapping.
I broke his interview down sentence by sentence. He’s as slippery as an eel and much less tasty.
And Mensch?
There are only 3 real possibilities:
1-She’s an intelligence asset. Whose? Damned if i can figure it out.
2-She is totally paranoid…living in an elaborate dreamworld of some sort.
3-She’s totally paranoid and some intelligence systems…quite possibly more than one and also quite possibly with competing aims… are using her paranoia to spread disinfo, feeding her the shit they want to be out there in the news.
And this sentence!!!
Please parse. That sentence is past my understanding. I’d go ask Lewis Carrol if he was still alive, but instead I must ask you. It is so Queen of Hearts!!!
Off with their heads!!!
But…off with whose heads?
Oh…and by the way…
In my post this morning (Comey To DOJ-“Reject Wiretapping Claim.” DOJ-“Not So Fast, Jimbo.” I remarked upon the strangeness of there being no reply from DOJ to Comey’s FISA info request. Still no reply, or it would be plastered all over the centrist press. Or…they replied, but it wasn’t…pretty enogh…to fit the centrist press’s requirements. As in…”Well, sir…I hate to tell you this, but…”
Fill in the blanks.
This is a two-sided shitshow, Booman.
You are only covering one side of it, which results in the other side being covered up.
It takes two to do the dirty tango, and the truth will out.
At us!!!
What the reporting indicated was that a FISA warrant had been successfully obtained in Mid-October. For what purpose and for what specific targets was less clear than that some warrant was obtained.
The general idea was that the warrant related to Russian banks, and there was speculation that it related to a server located in Trump’s offices.
Trump took all of this plus some Breitbart misinterpretation of the reporting and turned it into something illegal and ordered by Obama and definitely aimed at him and his offices.
So, Clapper denied most of that, but he really only denied that a FISA warrant had been issued for Trump or Trump Tower. The reporting was that the warrant was about foreign banks, and most people assumed it would relate to preexisting investigations about collusion or payment to Trump’s associates.
In other words, since Trump was imprecise and probably wrong about what he alleged, it was easy to refute him. But that doesn’t mean there was no FISA warrant related to Trump.
You write:
Like dat.
Bet on it.
More like an unholy mixture of “Truth or Dare” and so-called reality TV.
P.S. Maybe the truth about the so-called “truth” came out of its little closet earlier than Clapper’s claptrap. Maybe it was when most of America accepted the sobriquet “Reality TV” as it was applied to demonstrably unreal, dramatically set-up and controlled situations.
Like all of this bullshit.
It’s a total dumbshow.
Now a standalone post:
Booman’s Claim of “Reporting” Regarding FISA Warrants On Trump. A Response.
Please post comments there.
Thank you…