From Larry Johnson’s past as diarist @BooMan

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson covered in blogger’s diaries @BooMan

Gee, Booman-Where’s Your Boy Larry Johnson These Days? Eh? By Arthur Gilroy on May 26, 2008
BooMan’s sleuthing: Larry Johnson’s tape hoax debunked By idredit on June 6, 2008
Who’s Lying? Brennan, Obama or Both? By TarheelDem on Sept. 6, 2013
Obama ‘Connived’ with Neocons for a Bashar Replacement By Oui on June 16, 2014
In the Shadows By Marie3 on Jan. 1, 2017

Larry ain’t dead yet, see Pat Lang’s No Quarter USA …

Barack Obama’s Lawyer Lies About Spying on Trump By Larry Johnson on March 4, 2017

The Conservative Treehouse offers an excellent overview and summary of the illegal things done by the Obama Administration to the incoming Trump Team:

    October 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.

    On Thursday November 17th, 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump.

    On Friday November 18th The Washington Post reported on a recommendation in “October” that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position:

      The heads of the Pentagon and the nation’s intelligence community have recommended to President Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, be removed.

      The recommendation, delivered to the White House last month, was made by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., according to several U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

      […] In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters. (link)

It is not clear whether Rogers resisted the effort by CIA and DNI to go to the FISA court to get permission to spy on the Trump computer or went along with the request. It also is not clear whether the FBI was a willing or enthusiastic participant in this effort. Focusing on the computer was merely a ploy to justify broader collection efforts in an attempt to implicate someone in the Trump sphere with an Russian intelligence officer or a Russian mafia type. What is clear is that Rogers was knowledgeable about these efforts and did warn Donald Trump that people in the intelligence community-specifically, people in leadership positions-were working diligently to prevent him from taking office and sabotaging his ability to govern. Rogers may have been simply doing a classic “Cover Your Ass” move.

Searching the Booman Tribune archive for “Larry Johnson”, came across this very timely analysis in 2005 …

In a diary [quoting MEMRI, Israeli propaganda]:

Say it isn’t so… Please By Col. W. Patrick Lang (Ret.) on Sept. 15, 2005

Policy Change (4.00 / 2)
We witness the rise of new global players and prospective world powers: an European Union, China and Russia.
Just one player is losing out on influence and economic power in the world: the United States.

Way to go Bush regime – losing friends and gaining enemies – it’s time for change!

Does Al-Ghadri know how to spell   C H A L A B I   – and policy of deceit & lies?

Al-Ghadri: “The role that the U.S. played in Iraq is a positive one. It liberated Iraqis and their neighbors from the Ba’ath regime, and began to spread democracy…

EU & Partnership with Syria
Newly found friendship between Turkey and Syria
Unifying Factor: Israeli-Kurdish Relations

by Oui on Thu Sep 15th, 2005 at 02:09:06 AM PDT

A follow-up diary of mine 8 years later:

Syria Drama In the Making – the Bush and Obama Years 2005-2013

My personal issue with Patrick Lang

Rhetoric – Pat Lang on Israel and the Iranian Conference ¶ A Rebuttal | Jan. 2006 |

Some appreciation @Tikun Olam

Oui says
March 3, 2017 at 11:04 PM

You know I value and appreciate your work immensely! However on analysis of Putin, Russia and the start of Cold War 2.0 we differ in opinion. Just read an interview in Dutch press yesterday about former FM and NATO SG De Hoop Scheffer. Confirms my point of view where responsibilities lie.

    Ben Sanders says
    March 5, 2017 at 3:41 PM

    Oui, your comment is not deleted [cached] because of your long history of meaningful comments. The blind eye for the NATO offensive and soros/clinton colorrevolutions in this great blog is really disappointing and shows you how propaganda gets to everybody.