The ongoing anti-Trump media “Drip, drip, drip” has slowed down somewhat today…probably because all of the little drippers either didn’t come to work because of the storm or left early in their Audis to get back home before the Nor’easter slams the Washington/Boston corridor tonight. No matter…there’s no rush. Trump is already backed into a corner from which only serious magic of some kind will allow him to totally escape.

Nevertheless, the old reliable Associated Press (Associated with what or whom, I have always wondered.) drips a little dribble just to keep the shitpond from freezing over entirely.

Read on:

Deadline looms for DOJ to show wiretap evidence to lawmakers

Mon, March 13, 2017 @ 3:14 p.m.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department faces a deadline later today to provide lawmakers some evidence of President Donald Trump’s unproven assertion that his predecessor wiretapped his New York skyscraper, a claim that has left Trump increasingly isolated within his own administration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer tried to soften Trump’s assertions today, saying the president “doesn’t really think that President Obama went up and tapped his phone personally.” He also said the president wasn’t using the term wiretapping literally in his provocative March 4 tweets and was instead broadly referring to surveillance.

Trump’s accusations against Barack Obama came amid a swirling political controversy surrounding his associates’ possible ties to Russia. The FBI is investigating Trump associates’ contacts with Russia during the election, as are House and Senate intelligence committees.

The White House has asked those committees to also investigate Trump’s allegations against Obama. The House committee has turned the matter back on the Trump administration, setting a Monday deadline for the Justice Department to provide evidence.

Spicer said he expected the Justice Department to comply with that request, but added that Trump did not order the department to do so.

Trump’s critics have slammed the president for making the explosive wiretapping claim on his Twitter account without evidence. Wiretapping a U.S. citizen would require special permission from a court, and Trump as president would have the ability to declassify that information.

Of course…since the DOJ no longer exists in any recognizably usable form thanks to the Trumpy forces’ ongoing attempt to cut the legs out from underneath the entire government (Plus whomever’s left at DOJ has undoubtedly also gotten into their own SUVs [Stupid, Ugly Vehicles] to beat the storm to their DC-area bedroom communities and soccer mommy/soccer kiddie homes.)…we won’t hear much more about how they didn’t answer by the deadline until proper excuses can be ginned up in the back rooms of wherever they do such things.

It wuz gonna snow out!!!


We couldn’t!!! We dunno who our bosses are!!!


Somewhere in there.

But the drips will keep on comin’.

Soon’s the thaw sets in.

Any day now…

Aaaaany day now.

The spooks are the new Post Office.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these cour(t)iers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Neither truth nor consequences, either.

After all…they’re our heroes!!!


