PERIOD! Please do your homework if you contend otherwise. Both persons have personal grievances with Islam and have build their political success on hatred and a baseless theory of “Clash of Civilizations”. Nationalism and purity of ethnicity as a guidance to the future of nations. Many are riding on a global wave of racism, insecurity and fear. I have seen this develop from a trickle before 9/11 into a surge afterwards, dividing families, communities and nations. Thanks to the financial crisis of 2008/2009 it has become part of everyone’s lives due to politicians without a vision. Fortunately, there are and will be more voices to the contrary. The Dutch election is a tremendous democratic boost to halt extremism and nationalism. I consider myself a globetrotter with a tolerant perspective on people with a different religion than mine or being agnostic.

Paul Belien Goes to Work for Geert Wilders | Gates of Vienna – 2010|

Regular readers will be familiar with Paul Beliën, the man in charge of the invaluable Brussels Journal website. I’ve had the privilege to work with him on a number of occasions, most notably on the planning and execution of Counter Jihad Brussels 2007.

Therefore it gives me great pleasure to announce that Geert Wilders has taken on Paul Beliën as his personal assistant. Paul is Belgian, but he is also Flemish, which means he speaks the same language as Mr. Wilders. As I understand it, Flemings and Dutch people can communicate as easily as, say, Texans and Canadians — though perhaps without as much mutual ridicule.

Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated an article from De Wereld Morgen about Paul’s new assignment.

On Hirsi Ali’s advocacy about FGM …

FGM – Historical and Cultural
WHO – Prevalence of FGM

 « click for more info »

Unfortunately, girls in European nations with African roots undergo female genital  mutilation while taken on “holiday” to their native country. The practise had been outlawed in many nations.

More below the fold …

Islamism: How should Western intellectuals respond to Muslim scholars? | The New Yorker – 2010 |

Is the prophet Muhammad a pervert and a tyrant? Does Islam promote terrorism and enslave women? Does Islam oblige its followers to wage jihad on Westerners whose roots lie in the secular Enlightenment? Should Muslims consider converting to Christianity? For the Somali-born writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the answer to all these questions is a resounding “Yes!”

Hirsi Ali, who renounced Islam in her thirties, speaks from experience of bigotry and intolerance among her former co-religionists: she was genitally mutilated as a child in Somalia, briefly radicalized by a preacher of jihad in Kenya, nearly forced into a marriage, threatened with death in the Netherlands by the Muslim assassin of her collaborator, the filmmaker Theo van Gogh, and is still hounded by murderous fanatics in her new home, America. In her latest book, “Nomad: From Islam to America”, she reminds her readers of the West’s tradition of intellectual revolt against clerical tyranny and warns of the insidious, intransigent enemies in their midst. “The Muslim mind today seems to be in the grip of jihad,” she writes.

She is not hopeful that Americans will heed her warning. Her initial job interviews in the United States were discouraging: the Brookings Institution, she writes, worried that she might offend Arab Muslims. (The conservative American Enterprise Institute, however, immediately appointed her as a fellow.) On college campuses, Muslim students accuse her of wanting to “trash” Islam, while Western feminists, convinced that white men are “the ultimate and only oppressors,” lack the “courage or clarity of vision” to help her knock down the mental “hovels” of the East. Pointing to Major Nidal Malik Hasan‘s murderous rampage in Texas, last November, she deplores the “conspiracy to ignore the religious motivation for these killings” in America.

Muslims today, Hirsi Ali believes, must be forced to choose between the darkness of Islam and the light of the modern secular West. In her new book, which bears the additional subtitle “A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations,” she takes an uncompromising line with her own relatives, who remain faithful to their benighted religion. The book opens with an account of her visit to her father’s deathbed, in Whitechapel, in London’s East End, in 2008. Her father, a highly respected political opponent of Somalia’s Soviet-backed military dictator, became more religious during exile and old age.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali began her political career as a MP for the Conservative Liberal VVD party, together with Geert Wilders. Hirsi Ali had worked for the Labour party’s renowned think-tank Wiarda Beckman Foundation, setting future policy for Dutch politicians of the PvdA. Ayaan’s circle is round, in the US she married Niall Ferguson.