Even Time Magazine knows what’s happening. They are one of the guilty parties in the crime, but they are reporting on it anyway. Why? How? Because as President Trump says in the interview linked below:
Trump: And then TIME magazine, which treats me horribly, but obviously I sell, I assume this is going to be a cover too, have I set the record? I guess, right? Covers, nobody’s had more covers.
TIME: I think Richard Nixon still has you beat. But he was in office for longer, so give yourself time.
Trump: Ok good. I’m sure I’ll win.
PostFactual sells!!!
PostFactual America, however, is alive and well.
President Trump’s Interview With TIME on Truth and Falsehoods
Interpret the above article any way you want.
Any way you can manage.
Turn it upside down, inside out.
Shake it to see if something inside of it jingles.
Read it backwards.
Make a William Burroughs-style cutup of it.
I don’t care what you do; there is simply no there there.
Liars speaking to liars.
False proof speaking to false proof.
An endless merry-go-round of lies.
You all know how it’s going to end, don’t you?
Alfred Hitchcock did:
The out-of-control Lie Machine is eventually going to break down…break apart…and then there is going to be hell to pay!!!
Bet on it.
For the liars and the chumps who bought the lies. On both sides. And for everyone else as well.
Once the lies are truly parsed, there is going to be a breakdown in this country that will rival the Great Depression.
The only question that remains is…who in this system is going to play the part of the old man who crawls slowly and carefully…oh so slowly and carefully…underneath the runaway machine and finally pulls the lever that stops it?
Maybe, maybe not.
Let us pray.
Because…if that old man had not pulled that lever and the carousel had continued its unstoppable acceleration, eventually it would have exceeded the speed of light and the whole film would have burned down. Now…we don’t want that!!!
Do we?
Maybe another film prophet had a vision of the this future as well.
Orson Welles, “The Lady from Shanghai.”
Walk away,
Let them lie their way to hell.
Was Truth ever Alive and Well?
Some drips out in small dabs at various times, but it’s a crap shoot to project if any of those dabs take hold and grow into accepted truths except by small fringes, the dabs linger on as dabs and are ignored by most, or the dabs get overwhelmed by better lies/propaganda and retreat into historical curiosities.
An example:
The Scopes trial. Inherit the Wind came along thirty years after the fact and suggested that the trial flipped the public’s consciousness about evolution. The play and the movie five years later, along with increased education in science for the entire population over those decades, likely had greater impact. By the mid-sixties, kids like me viewed evolution as obvious and didn’t know anyone that thought otherwise (many of whom may have kept their mouths shut around us). Whatever the low (infinitesimal?) acceptance rate was in 1925, it was hardly robust in the 1960s. By 1982 it was a mere 9%. But the numbers for having their religion AND evolution undoubtedly cut into the number for “God created humans in their present form.” The later rose slightly by 1994 and subsequently bounced along and currently is 42%, compared with 44% in 1982.
The straddlers (38% in ’82) similarly held steady until 2012 when it dropped to 32% and then 31%. Acceptance has steadily but slowly risen over three decades (and near to a hundred years since the Scopes trial). The largest bump since 2012 to the now massive number of 19%. IOW — 81% can’t handle a scientific truth.
No wonder they retreat to simplistic beliefs such as Republicans good or bad and Democrats good or bad.
O/T: Ditching the “Deep State” A good recommendation. (Even if the piece is marred by stating that Mike Lofgren is a former Congressman. For those that don’t know, he is a former Republican US Congressional aide.)
That graph shows a pretty consistent 42% to 44% with their head up their ass. But did you look into polls of people that think the moon landing was faked? Or the Earth is flat? How about the huge number who think Einstein was wrong?