Using fake news in cover-up of an assassination today in Israel …

IDF Chief’s Disinformation Seeks to Obscure Mossad Assassination of Hezbollah Commander | Tikun Olam |

Nothing new as I have written before on Hariri assassination in Beirut, Lebanon …

The Saudi-Israeli Alliance and Piggy-back Coup of 2005

The court action is a slow process in The Hague, the Special Trinunal for Lebanon.

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Rejecting Purim spiel, Putin tells Netanyahu to stop dwelling on past

Bibi Netanyahu is now testing boundaries with Syria and Putin’s resolve to keep the Assad regime in power for self-interest …

Russia summons Israeli envoy, demands clarifications on Syria strike | Times of Israel |

More below the fold …
Israel thrives on unique alliances to serve Israel’s interest. Netanyhau is the personification of Israel today, as Trump is for the state of affairs in the U.S.

Self-serving, corruption, Soviet émigrés, alliance with South Africa during Apartheid, chemical/biological weapons in Project Coast, and building the nuclear bomb through espionage of friendly allies …

Netanyahu and Putin speak the same language on Ukraine and retaking of Crimea. Unfortunately, Russia voted with the West in the UN Security Council to condemn further Israel settlements in the West Bank. A failed quid pro quo.

Israel is involved militarily in many front-states of Russia’s sphere of influence from Georgia, Azerbaijan to Ukraine.

George Bush and His Legacy: the Georgian Airlift