President Trump sent White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney down to Capitol Hill last night with an ultimatum to pass the health care reform bill or forever keep their peace. The meeting didn’t go well but it did have its moments:
A key moment inside the session, several lawmakers said, was when Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.), a freshman lawmaker who lost both his legs in 2010 while serving as an Army bomb disposal technician in Afghanistan, rose and called on his colleagues to unite behind the bill in the same way he and his comrades fought in battle.
A rowdy group of Republicans burst out of the meeting like explorers on a quest for glory. “Burn the ships,” one Republican shouted to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (La.), invoking the command that Hernan Cortes, the Spanish conquistador, gave his men upon landing in Mexico in 1519.
The message was clear, to the GOP leaders now and the Spaniards in 1519, there was no turning back.
As you can see, a significant portion of the House Republican caucus got swept up in the moment. They are ready to “burn the ships,” assuring that there can be no retreat from their mission to repeal health coverage for 26 million people.
But, in the White House, they were making it clear that a vote for TrumpCare is really a vote for ChumpCare.
senior WH aide, asked if decisive health care defeat today is best for Team Trump: "100%"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) March 24, 2017
All the signals are there. Look who doesn’t support this health care bill:
Mr. Trump has told four people close to him that he regrets going along with Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s plan to push a health care overhaul before unveiling a tax cut proposal more politically palatable to Republicans.
He said ruefully this week that he should have done tax reform first when it became clear that the quick-hit health care victory he had hoped for was not going to materialize on Thursday, the seventh anniversary of the act’s passage, when the legislation was scheduled for a vote.
Two of his most influential advisers — Stephen K. Bannon, his chief strategist, and Gary D. Cohn, the National Economic Council director, who had a major role in pushing the bill — came to agree, and did not like the compromise that was emerging…
…To Mr. Trump and his team, the health care repeal is a troublesome stepchild. His son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, who is vacationing with his family in Aspen this week, has said for days that the bill was a mistake to support.
So, among the people who think it was either a mistake to take up a health care bill at all or who think it is a mistake to support this particular bill are President Trump, his son-in-law, his top strategist, and his National Economic Council director. They’re leaking that they think failure to pass this bill will be a 100% win for the administration.
And, yet, they sent their Budget Director down to the Hill last night to tell folks to plunge ahead. No retreat, no surrender!
What kind of sucker do you have to be to vote for ChumpCare?
How pissed off would you be if you were a Republican lawmaker who has to decide how to vote on this piece of crap when you have the White House telling you that they’ll go after you if you vote against them and telling the press that they see losing the vote as a 100% win?
You’d have to be a dumb son of a bitch to burn the ships behind you on this vote, especially considering that the bill has the support of about 17% of the people, which is lower even than the Crazification Factor. If you don’t know, the Crazification factor is calculated by looking at how many people preferred Alan Keyes to Barack Obama in the 2004 Illinois Senate race:
Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That’s crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.
When support for something falls below 27%, it’s fair to compare it to head lice, herpes, Dick Cheney, or the filet mignon at Trump Grill. You don’t want to be on the record having supported these things.
What kind of a sucker do you have to be to support Chumpcare? You do know we are talking about republicans here, right?
Trump don’t care.
Great post, Boo. I especially like hearing again about the Crazification factor. So timely.
Given that the Koch brothers have come out against this, will Trump withhold Keystone XL approval as payback? Maybe they’ll trade? It will be interesting to see what happens. Will Trump’s threat work somehow?
Per Cramer on CNBC the Keystone is no longer necessary as other ways of getting oil to US have been developed. Thus, Keystone is now like the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere…a Pipeline to Nowhere.
Google “Enbridge, Flannagon South”. This new 600K bpd pipeline is fed from existing Canadian tar sand lines feeding Gary, IN and Wood River, IL refineries. The line connects the Flanagan, IL terminal to the Cushing, OK terminal that Keystone will feed. From Cushing the sludge goes to Gulf refineries to be refined for export tankers.
Enbridge Flanagon South was built without much fanfare as it is on an existing natural gas pipeline right of way. Made permits easy. I learned of it in a hotel bar from a construction manager who was constructing the pipeline under the Mississippi River near Quincy, IL. The line also crosses the Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas rivers to name a few. What could go wrong?
Here‘s a sign of where this vote is likely to go. When you’ve lost the appropriations chair…
Of course the vast majority of Republicans would crawl over broken glass to screw this many people out of their healthcare, but it won’t take many defections to bury this bill like it deserves.
Trump is a loser. Sad!
So when does open animosity between the Reichsfuhrer and the Ryan the Loser get underway?
Going down down
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, on Friday morning announced that he would not vote for the House bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Source just now: They might pull the bill altogether. They’re getting farther from, not closer to, 215
You know, monstrosities, atrocities aside if they really do bring it to a vote without knowing the outcome I approve. I loathe that bills aren’t brought to the floor unless you know they’ll pass. Thats what the vote is for and arguing a difference between pulling a bill because of not enough support and it getting defeated is sophistry.
Yes, agree. They should bring this POS to a vote and let’s see how our “representatives” vote for it.
Won’t hold my breath. The Zombie-eyed Granny Starver doesn’t want to watch his ill-fated rip off bill go down in flames.
They’ll pull it is my prediction. What happens next is anyone’s guess.
It is strategically stupid to have votes you don’t know are there. Speakers who care about their members don’t bring obviously failed legislation to the floor. Why force members to walk the plank for no reason? Some observers bring up the cap and trade bill as a pointless vote to have knowing there’d be nothing in the Senate, but that wasn’t known for sure. This is completely different; they don’t even have votes in the House itself, let alone Senate.
Leaving the door wide open for Nancy Pelosi to go before the cameras and chide Trump — not Ryan, Trump — for his “rookie mistake”. You just know if he sees that he’s going to be seething.
I laughed and laughed. Twist that stiletto some more, Nancy!
If she had the equivalent latitude that Paul Ryan has, to not even care about the Senate and assume you only need 50 votes if it does come up…the legislation would have looked so much better. These rookies can’t even manage that.
Hello, debt ceiling vote coming. And tax “reform” ain’t gonna be easier, Donny.
But if you held votes without knowing the likely results in advance, you would leave those of your caucus on the losing side twisting in the wind. It would be embarrassing for all involved and create hard feelings – no way that sort of thing becomes commonplace.
Quote of the Day
GOP Staffer: `I’ve Never Seen So Many People Look At Something That’s Dead And Pretend It’s Not’…
heh… well they might as well get used to it. I suspect that there’ll be more like this one coming down the pike. Anything they can do rip off the 99% will show up while the Rs are large and in charge. Count on it.
Like I said in the other thread, Trump is playing “Heads I win; Tails Paul Ryan loses”. This is his chance to destroy the other power player in the party. If it does pass, he can and will take the credit. If it fails, it’s Ryan]’s fault. As politics, not bad.
Oh, he’ll try mightily to spin it like that, but I suspect the media will be trumpeting it as a huuuuuuuge loss for the dealmaker. He has, after all, done so much to destroy their good will.
Interesting what the grassroots proliferation of the Don T. Care label has done.
Yes, we will see who persists.
And whether money can overcome local anger in 2018.
Leave it to today’s Repubs to identify with the genocidal Spanish conquistadors, of all things. And it sounds like this Repub freshman B. Mast character lost more than his legs in Afghanistan…
Isn’t Rear Admiral Ryan gonna make ’em walk the plank any more? And now the Conquista-publicans AREN’T gonna “burn the boats”? Instead they’re gonna paint “Obamacare” on the sides of the boats, tuck their tails and yell “get back in the boats!” I can’t keep all these metaphors straight!
Profiles in Incompetence.
trump [to house republicans]: “we will not yield … no surrender!”
house republicans: “NO SURRENDER!!!”
trump [to bannon et al]: “i am going to surrender.”
They pulled the bill.
I don’t know about you all, but I’m getting tired of all this winning…
What a shame, eh?
Another win for president big boy truck go beep-beep!
so much winning, we’re so tired of all the winning
It’s all Hillary Clinton’s fault.
Her personal corruption is unprecedented.
Except for Barack Obama.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the obligatory:
Thanks, Obama!
This time it’s sincere. bwa ha ha ha ha ha….
That bill was evil. Just disgusting. What a disgusting pack of sh*ts they are.
Kochs defeated Trumpcare. Said they would protect all those who voted no. Money talks. So save the celebration. If true then this will come back again once they agree to Kochs terms, like taking out credits.