Millions have suffered and died after the American heroics of the Great War fighting the German-Japanese Axis of Evil from 1941-1945.

I’ve been through the runup of the Vietnam War – Gen. Westmoreland – McNamara – Golf of Tonkin false flag attack -Republicans who succeeded Goldwater – Kissinger/Nixon/saboteurs of the 1968 Paris Peace Summit with North Vietnam … Chritmas bombings of greater Hanoi … the war crimes of defoliage chemicals and use of Agent Orange … no one hanged for these crimes … Bush and the human abuses of the Iraq War … a path Clinton and Obama didn’t abandon …

Lately the pond has turned beyond murky waters … awful stench of a poisoned well … streak of malicious intent!  

Calling me a Republican was bad enough, calling me a commie or worse for cheating on CIA policy in Syria and beheadings is beyond pale, more than just very, very stupid post by Beahmont. One of the worse abusers of the rating system here @BooMan and getting away with it for months, and months. Unfortunately, the stupid has his comrades, backers no matter what. Even on the following comment I read under the heading “Recent comments”.

Re: Billowing Smoke from the Trump/Putin Woodpile (3.00 / 4)

The real turning point on Oui for me was when I realized he wasn’t so much a skeptic or a critic but an outright nutjob, was back when the first ISIS beheading videos and the video of ISIS setting that Jordanian pilot on fire.

He and Marie were shouting to the rooftops that this had to be a CIA trick to get us into another war, because something something something video quality too good and something something something ‘they’ wouldn’t do that because it’s too cruel/stupid/invoke-massive-retaliation.

I think they finally figured out it wasn’t the CIA making the videos after they burned that pilot to death.

Never did hear an “Oops, we screwed up that call. Sorry for spreading FUD.” from them either.

I bring that up because Oui seems to have a permanent “America must always be wrong.” thought path. Anything that starts to come close to making the US be not wrong, doesn’t have to be something that makes the US right merely not wrong, drives him up the wall and you’ll see him shitpost lines upon lines of links with no reference and a relation to the topic at hand you couldn’t find without being as nutty as Louie Gohmert and having a conspiracy room straight out of A Beautiful Mind.

It’s sad watching people go off the deep end because they just can’t deal with reality.

by Beahmont on Wed Mar 29th, 2017 at 06:45:55 PM PDT