Here’s another dot:
In the rush to connect the dots between the Trump Administration and Russian President Vladimir Putin, a Jewish wedding provided the latest purported link.
Specifically, it’s the Jewish wedding of Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the White House aide whom the New York Times identified as having leaked sensitive intelligence to a high-ranking Republican congressman in March. New information suggests Cohen-Watnick’s wife worked on behalf of the Russian government as a Washington D.C-based public relations specialist before they married.
In November, the 30-year-old Trump aide celebrated his upcoming wedding with Rebecca Miller, a content executive at the multinational public-relations firm Ketchum, which was retained until 2015 by the Russian government. While at Ketchum, Miller reportedly worked to “make Russia look better.”
The information comes from an oral history interview of Miller’s mother, Vicki Fraser, by the State Historical Society of Missouri in August 2014 (Fraser was born in St. Louis).
“Her big challenges right now are Ketchum is responsible for providing PR and marketing to try to make Russia look better,” Fraser told the interviewer of her daughter, “which is particularly difficult when they’re invading other countries and when Putin is somewhat out of control.”
Nothing to see here, so just moving along…
My mother’s taken to sending me blank emails titled “BFTJ.”
What’s that stand for?
Bad for the Jews.
The cemetery shit and swastikas don’t worry her quite as much as Asshole Jews in this shitbag administration.
oh, you mean Gorka, walking around in his Arrow Cross outfit?
Nah. Gorka is just a swastika.
oh, I see what you’re saying.
btw, are any Senators looking at Syria gas as reason to hold off on Gorsuch, ??
I’m thinking McCain, for example
So now public relations = lobbyist right?
Kethchum Public Affairs likely has subverted the US government for more clients than Russia.
These are the folks who set up those relationships. Interesting whose resume is unavailable.
Ketchum Agency leadership
Wikipedia, Ketchum Inc.
So who is Barri Friedman Rafferty, the Worldwide President of Ketchum?
Yes, I would say that’s a very interesting dot.
Omnicom Group acquired Ketchum in 1996.
Rafferty is corporate/money PR. In elite circles, TED talk and Davos like Sheryl Sandberg.
Forbes 2/18/17 No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
Well done Captain False Equivalence! You’ve made another amazing counter point!
Yes indeed. A superb argument, because lobbyists with Dem ties not even unofficially in the actual government are the same thing as administration officials actually in the government who’s official government jobs are to do the exact opposite of what they were previously paid to do.
Kidding a side, I have to wonder if you guys even bother to believe your own BS anymore, or if you just spew it for S’s and G’s.
As a poster on LGM’s discussion of one of Booman’s earlier posts observed:
Illegal hacking, massive propaganda operations, lobbying… what’s the difference?
All are means of subverting democratic governance.
And all are difficult to follow and attribute. BTW just like the staple of internet conversation–pseudonymous posting.
Only illegal hacking is easily done by a sole individual and only over a small range of systems. The others require larger amounts of resources. And most government operations in this area can be easily dwarfed by large corporations, should the corporation have an interest to engage that activity that distracts from current profits.
Indeed, there are a lot of false referees around calling points on what are (or were) more polite conversations.
No, lobbying is not a means of subverting democratic governance. Lobbying is a vital and necessary part of democratic governance.
Bribery is a subversion of democratic governance, and thanks to Citizens United lobbying can sometimes take on an appearance of bribery. It’s important that watchdogs keep abreast of lobbying efforts that constitute quid-pro-quo schemes to buy votes.
And it’s important that people who pretend interest in politics understand the vital role that lobbying plays in turning citizen’s desires into effective legislation.
At least we don’t run around dispensing BS troll ratings and repeating status quo Democratic Party talking points.
If you get paid to attack and initiate fights with those not within your fold, your employer isn’t getting any bang for the buck. Can’t catch independent thinking flies with vinegar or HFCS.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for you tireless work exposing Democratic corruption and perfidy. I know all the hard work goes unappreciated here, and just wanted to let you know I DO appreciate the effort. It takes a unique skill set to turn a critical eye to the Democrats, particularly now that they no longer control any of the three branches of government. To constantly mention Democrats being paid for giving speeches, while ignoring Trump still running his business while President takes a rare type of moral ambiguity. To use Chelsea Clinton possibly running for office (and winning an election!) as an example of nepotism, while ignoring that Mr and Mrs Kushner have offices down the hall takes a unique kind of situational ethics. And let’s not forget your ability to speculate about Clinton’s health, all the while criticizing those that speculate about Trump administration ties to the Russians! That takes a unique lack of character! While a person can be born with moral ambiguity, few ethical standards, and lack of character, it’s obvious you have taken the time to hone those character traits to a level few can attain. I know that takes years of hard work and effort.
Excellent job!
Who’s ignoring Trump? Good grief it’s a non-stop anti-Trump circle jerk here. Couldn’t get a rational or interesting word in if I wanted to.
The difference between you and the other troll raters and me (other than that I don’t childishly troll rate comments or commentators I don’t like) is that you all think/believe that any Democrat will win the next time if only you bash Trump continuously. Been there; done that. Didn’t work with Nixon, Trump, GWHB, or GWB. Also didn’t work for Republican voters that did that with Clinton and Obama. Political figures and parties that fall fast and hard do so on their own. However, if the opposing party doesn’t have it’s own house in order with politicians and policies in sync with the times and direction of a majority of the public, their wins in the next round are unstable and all too quickly reversed.
Republicans have been nuts since 1930 and have become more so in the subsequent decades. Yet, the nuttier they have become, the more often they’ve won because Democrats have shifted right to maintain the same distance between the two offerings. When Nixon looks good to a leftie that loathed him in ’72 in comparison with Democrats today that should be telling. (btw I still loathe Nixon.) Clapping louder and sticking one’s fingers in one’s ears and going la la la isn’t going to change the fact that Democrats have been wiped out over the past six years, and they weren’t so strong going into these cycles.
I would like to apologize for the brevity of my post. I know you prefer long winded, off topic posts, like how many fleas can fit on a cat. In my brief post I was remiss in not mentioning your greatest gift, and probably the hardest to maintain at a high level. You towering self regard is what ties all your other characteristics together. You’ve obviously nurtured it for many years, and it must feel good to have sharpened it to such a fine edge. Such hard work!
I think our esteemed host best sums up how many of us feel when you generously share your gifts with us, here and here
Yashar tweet
Watcha gonna do if Trump follows the lead of Democratic politicians screaming for Assad’s head over a fake CW attack?
NBC Nightly News tweet
Guess she regrets sort of walking back her Iraq War vote. I opposed that war and all overthrow foreign wars and have been totally consistent on that.
Let’s hear from those With Her that they too are now with Trump.
Sam Sacks tweet
A guaranteed recipe to shut up domestic critics — bomb, kill, and maim some not white people in some foreign country. Now like his predecessors he can strut and claim to be a big tough man.
Let’s hear it for Marie, chemical weapons truther in the defense of genocidal dictators as she contrasts herself with torture advocates. How do you sleep at night? Really.
Putin is “somewhat” out of control? I do appreciate understatement.
Here’s an analysis that looks into the alfa bank role in the election https:/
sorry it’s not directly linking.
BTW- did anyone ever figure out who were the trolls targeting this blog? their purpose was disinformation and sowing conflict – seems to me we’re still seeing residue conflict from the primary and election on this blog