Booman recently posted a sort of short non-post apology about not posting recently because he was busy writing for non-blog media.

In it he asked:

Anything interesting going on?

Several of the initial responses used the term “kayfabe.” Now…I’m usually conversant with street terms, but this one was totally foreign to me. Hadn’t heard it or read it. So I looked it up. It’s associated with fake events like WWE wrestling…the necessary suspension of disbelief that willing audiences perform when they are paying to be fooled and know it — casinos, WWE, carny games and the like. Of course…there is some percentage of the population that is simply too stupid to understand that they are being taken for a ride, but not large enough to be a working majority and usually too poor to be good for much profit, either.

But the more I though about it, the better the concept seemed as a picture of what has progessively happened to the U.S since the assassination years. Most people were totally taken in by the Lee Harvey Oswald bullshit the CIA spouted, but over the past 50+ years fewer and fewer people actually believe much of anything that the PermaGov newsmedia spouts. I remember realizing this quite clearly while hanging out with several tough, working class white guys in Maine over 20 years ago. They had no use for any newsmedia. “All lyin’, all the time” one of them said. They were perfect candidates for the “deplorable” class as far as people like HRC would have been able to see, but they were far from “deplorable.” They were way ahead of the wave. So many people just make believe that they believe the news in order to continue with their lives. They even fool themselves, sometimes.

Many of them.

The result?

Kayfabe nation!!!

Whadda concept!!!

KayFabe preznit and all!!!

Read on for my response to Booman’s request.
Anything “interesting” going on!!!???

Whaddayou, kiddin’ me or what, Booman?

We are in the middle of the height of the kayfabe era!!!

Like our recent “Peace President” and his various violences.

Like Bill Clinton saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

And not getting called on it.

       Yup. Guess so, Myrna…yaaawn…

Like Bush II sitting there with his Pet Goat book as the Twin Towers burned.

                 What? Who, me!!!??? Naaaaahhh…

Like Lee Harvey Oswald being killed by a low-level mafia sex bar owner.

Like Sirhan Sirhan not being able to remember what he had done or even if he had actually done it.

And thousands more pieces of publicly…and largely consciously on some level…swallowed bullshit.


You think it started with Trump?

It started out in a way that most people did believe. After all…it was “The News,” right?


And then it escalated.

It escalated so far that almost an entire generation of our best and brightest youth rebelled.

And eventually got their asses handed to them for their trouble.

And then came the yuppies.

The beginning of of the real “kayfabe.”

They knew it was all bullshit. They just made believe they didn’t in order to get over.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!!!

And now?

Now almost the entire corporate-owned government is kayfabe.

Everybody knows it’s not really working…certainly not in the way it says it’s working. People are just going along to get along.

Now we even have a Gordon Gekko wannabe as our president.

               The kayfabe (starts)…errr, ahhh, I mean stops…here!!!

Nice work, America.

Nice work.

Going to war with North Korea?

Bombing Syria?

Deporting millions in the name of “security?”






The real America, circa 2017?

Okay. Fabulous, even!!!

The contraction?


The United States of KayFabia.




Get used to it.


Do something about it. Something other than supporting the DemoKayFabeatic Party, that is.
