I remember Dina Habib Powell from the Bush administration!

Dina Habib Powell (Wikipedia)

Within the White House factional battles between the forces of Steve Bannon against those of Jared Kushner, Powell was seen as aligned with the relative moderates, those being Kushner, Ivanka, and fellow Goldman Sachs figure Gary Cohn, with Cohn as well as Kushner being a faction leader. Bannon has criticized the four as “Democrats” and “globalists”.  Powell also has considerably more experience in government than the others in this group of four.

Powell, at least, has solid bona fides as a Republican and was defended by several Republican senators as a principled conservative. Longtime Republican operative Charlie Black additionally said,

    “It’s important for people to understand Dina Powell worked for Dick Armey and George W. Bush. She’s no liberal.”

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In April 2017 The New York Times labeled Powell a “rising star” in the national security establishment, an appellation echoed by Vogue magazine, while the Associated Press wrote that “Dina Powell has quietly established herself as a White House power.” Additionally, the Washington Post wrote that “she is one of the most interesting figures in the new administration.” In part this level of attention was because in that month, McMaster elevated the Deputy for Strategy position to a higher role within the NSC, meaning that Powell came to attend both the Principals Committee and National Security Council Deputies Committee. At the same time McMaster arranged for the imminent departure of McFarland.

Powell was one of the key figures in securing the release of Egyptian aid worker Aya Hijazi. She is intentioned to be among the top officials escorting the chief executive on his first foreign trip.

The American Dream is rock solid. Dina Habib Powell is the personification of its existence. I never understood the path towards succes … needs one to sell your soul to right-wing Republicans? Speaking of shattered glass …

How could I forget DHP? I got in plenty hot legal water here @BooMan in 2005. The Powells were part of the Republican establishment in the great state of Texas, revamping the educational system in its image. I dug a bit too deep ….

She married Richard C. Powell, a man who works in public relations, who became a managing director of the Washington-based Quinn Gillespie & Associates.

PS I came across Dina Powell in my most recent diary …

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