(Originally posted as a comment upon the long line of crowing, two-dimensional centrist fools who posted gleeful comments on Booman’s recent article Trump’s Ship is Going Down regarding the few people here who think that two wrongs do not make a right. But of course, they do make a centrist. So does limiting consideration to two dimensions. WTFU.)


This is an open letter to all of the credulous centrist posters on this site who think that the people who are busily…and apparently successfully…trying to take down Trump are “the good guys”:

They are not. They are people who are shoring up the corporate-owned globalist movement that has caused the economy of the U.S. to almost totally tank over the past 35 years or so. They prosecute wars in defense of the .01% and sell them to the rubes as “righteous.” They have made the U.S. the primary enemy of a huge part of the population of the world, and I do not only mean ISIS, al Queda or any other terrorist organization. They are preparing to rule a worldwide serf class…you folks included…by means of total surveillance.

Sometimes there is more than one group of bad guys in action. Partisan politics has nothing to do with this. Not really. It is just another tool that the controllers use to fragment and deceive the population. Knee-jerk Republicans and knee-jerk Democrats are all fools.

Trump has probably met his match.

So what?

He will be replaced by yet another cooperative front man, and the Big Con will continue.

Here is the real deal:

Four professional front men yukking it up for the camera.

Two Republicans and two Democrats.

You think that they were not owned lock, stock and barrel by international monies?

Give me a break!!!

You think that the almost total media opposition to Trump from the very beginning wasn’t based on his not being owned by “the right people?” That it was because he is some kind of stupid candidate? If that is true, why were equally stupid candidates like Bush II and Ronald Reagan not totally opposed by the same media?

Answer me that riddle, please.

And answer this question as well.

Are you better off than you were before Bush I…the first in this most recent line of PermaGov hustlers to be president…was elected?

Is the U.S.?

I don’t think so.

The rich are richer and their gentrified areas are doing well, but what about the rest of the country?

In fact…what about you!!!

Unless you are a compliant part of the Big Lie Machine…Big Media, Big Finance, Big Tech, Big Med, Big Insurance, Big Academia, Big Politics, etc…you are not doing very well at all.

And a third and final question.

Do you think this con game can go on forever?

I don’t.

So…go snark your empty snark and rate your empty ratings. Your time will come. Bet on it.


P.S. When two Big Lies meet, the bigger one will always win.

And here we jolly well are, aren’t we.

Up Con Creek without a paddle.