Trump wants realignment. He either thinks that having Russia as an ally would benefit the U.S. in any number of ways, or…if you are to believe the professional liars in the Intelligence services…he is ether a dupe and/or an agent of a hostile Russia.
But…Trump is a professional liar, too.
And there we jolly well are, aren’t we? Adrift in the PostFactual Universe without a warp drive/truth drive to get us back home.
I think you give Trump too much credit. My guess is that he isn’t the strategic-type who understands the benefits to having a realignment of powers, he wants money AND to be adored by everyone, which is why he idolizes strongmen like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, Assad, etc.. Putin wants the petrodollars that will give him what he wants: unlimited power.
A fast way to accomplish this for Trump is to do a deal with Russia that will permit them to have unlimited access to their oil and the markets which are currently sanctioned (Thanks, Obama). The whole Mayflower/Rosneft deal proves that Trump adn his family are willing accomplices to helping Putin get his riches in exchange for Trump & Co. to get their fair share. In the meantime, Putin will not only get untold fortunes, he’ll be able to annex all of Eastern Europe and beyond granting him access to ports and pipelines, etc…by dismantling NATO and sowing chaos in the West.
Russia agrees to help Trump win the Presidency (giving him the adoration he craves), as well as the ability for his family to profit off his success (see: Melania’s defamation lawsuit, Ivanka’s business, Trump’s business, etc…), while probably also blackmailing him with decades of loans/money laundering, and other incriminating evidence (although it’s probably not even necessary since Trump likely goes about this willingly); in exchange Russia keeps their nemesis out of the White House (Clinton) opening their opportunities for world domination.
Putin is playing 11th dimensional Chess. Trump is playing tic-tac-toe.
Meanwhile, the Intelligence Community is trying hard to bring down Trump and stop Russia, the GOP is trying to use this chance to get the ROI that the Kochs demand, the alt-right wants to use this to get their White Supremacy, and our media is slow-rolling everything with a drip-drip-drip of information so that we’re tuned to cable news and daily headlines while our brains turn to mush.
I don’t need to know Trump’s motivation to know that weakening NATO benefits Russia and pretty much no one else.
I don’t need to know Trump’s motivation to know that having Russia as an “ally”, under the current Russian government, is a fucking terrible idea that would be bad for the U.S. and the rest of the world except Russia.
Mir I-Druzhba.
Trump wants realignment. He either thinks that having Russia as an ally would benefit the U.S. in any number of ways, or…if you are to believe the professional liars in the Intelligence services…he is ether a dupe and/or an agent of a hostile Russia.
But…Trump is a professional liar, too.
And there we jolly well are, aren’t we? Adrift in the PostFactual Universe without a warp drive/truth drive to get us back home.
So it goes.
I think you give Trump too much credit. My guess is that he isn’t the strategic-type who understands the benefits to having a realignment of powers, he wants money AND to be adored by everyone, which is why he idolizes strongmen like Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, Assad, etc.. Putin wants the petrodollars that will give him what he wants: unlimited power.
A fast way to accomplish this for Trump is to do a deal with Russia that will permit them to have unlimited access to their oil and the markets which are currently sanctioned (Thanks, Obama). The whole Mayflower/Rosneft deal proves that Trump adn his family are willing accomplices to helping Putin get his riches in exchange for Trump & Co. to get their fair share. In the meantime, Putin will not only get untold fortunes, he’ll be able to annex all of Eastern Europe and beyond granting him access to ports and pipelines, etc…by dismantling NATO and sowing chaos in the West.
Russia agrees to help Trump win the Presidency (giving him the adoration he craves), as well as the ability for his family to profit off his success (see: Melania’s defamation lawsuit, Ivanka’s business, Trump’s business, etc…), while probably also blackmailing him with decades of loans/money laundering, and other incriminating evidence (although it’s probably not even necessary since Trump likely goes about this willingly); in exchange Russia keeps their nemesis out of the White House (Clinton) opening their opportunities for world domination.
Putin is playing 11th dimensional Chess. Trump is playing tic-tac-toe.
Meanwhile, the Intelligence Community is trying hard to bring down Trump and stop Russia, the GOP is trying to use this chance to get the ROI that the Kochs demand, the alt-right wants to use this to get their White Supremacy, and our media is slow-rolling everything with a drip-drip-drip of information so that we’re tuned to cable news and daily headlines while our brains turn to mush.
I don’t need to know Trump’s motivation to know that weakening NATO benefits Russia and pretty much no one else.
I don’t need to know Trump’s motivation to know that having Russia as an “ally”, under the current Russian government, is a fucking terrible idea that would be bad for the U.S. and the rest of the world except Russia.