Science Says Some Snakes Hunt in Packs.
It took “science” to figure this out?
As above, so below.
Bet on it.
Science Says Some Snakes Hunt in Packs.
It took “science” to figure this out?
As above, so below.
Bet on it.
Waiting for the Bundys, Trumpistas, and assorted alt-right goons to step up and praise the Portland, OR, racist murderous thug who chopped down two men that only tried to protect two women.
Speaking of which, also haven’t heard them heralding Gianforte for choking a reporter. They sure are cowardly or Walter Mittyish when it comes to standing up for those that release their ID and engage in the real violence they and their scum heroes idolize.
Real men are like Ricky Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche. A terrible loss for the families of these two. (Some days my opposition to capital punishment is sorely tested.)
We actually need more capitol punishment.
As in the DC version.
All of this shit starts at the top.
All of it.
Had these people been punished as they so thoroughly deserved…along with every member of Congress who supported their machinations…we would not now be in this position.
But NOOOOoooo…
They were secretly and summarily pardoned…it was part of the Obama fix, bet on it, whether it was “official” or not…and it’s been all downhill, all of the time ever since.
Remember what the Booman Trib logo was originally all about?
it was about a Rove-ish figure, all trussed up and waiting for due punishment.
Didn’t happen.
And now the same site is supporting the architects of Abu Ghraib, of waterboarding and Fallujah.
Nice work, folks.
How far we’ve have come from our roots!!!
“The lesser of two evils” is always…by definition…evil itself.
It just takes more time to reveal itself.
Oh, literally chopping their heads off isn’t necessary. Merely appropriate their wealth and lock them up for a spell would take those culprits out of ‘the club,’ and give pause to a significant portion of those that seek to jump into those empty slots.
I don’t want to kill them, Marie; I just want to tar and feather them and then run them out of town on a rail.
Metaphorically if the physical is not possible.
That would be sufficient as far as I am concerned.
Appropriating their wealth and smashing their public standing would feel like tar and feathers to them.
But…will this ever happen as long as the U.S. is a bought-and-sold, corporate-owned system?
I don’t think so.
Does no good to think about implausible fantasies. However, not one POTUS since JFK has not been humiliated. Some more than once. Although Reagan was too ga-ga to comprehend it and GWB doesn’t get it (a lifetime of psychologically insulating himself from public humiliation?). The comfort they have taken in being in “the club” has now been upset because unless they can get the DOJ, Congress, and/or the public to kick Trump out before he makes it through one term, Trump will be in their club. Don’t know why that disturbs them so much considering that they all liked him well enough to associate with him and take money from him in the past. They act as if they’re old money and Trump is gauche nouveau riche and therefore, isn’t their sort.
Will add it here to avoid the tediousness of dealing with the warmongering anti-socialists in the FP threads.
FP weeping for an old and now dead rocker on a political blog and yet nary a word of praise and condolence for one of the Democratic architects of how to continue fighting the Cold War until Russia is another US satellite region in the world. Seems cowardly of them not to honor their fellow traveler, the murderous zBig, upon his death.
For those that may have missed it, here’s Ray McGovern’s latest Europe May Finally Rethink NATO Costs. Includes real history and authentic reading of recent current events instead of the BS shoveled by the USG and MSM.
Thanks for the link.
You probably didn’t miss this, but just in case or for anyone else that wonders in, a worthy piece by Paul Street It’s Not Gonna Be Okay: the Nauseating Nothingness of Neoliberal Capitalist and Professional Class.
One thing Street seems to have missed is that Trump didn’t formulate his faux populist appeal. He borrowed it from Perot and expanded it a bit when ran for president in 2000. So, he’s been formulating presidential campaign for as long has Hillary has hers. Would explain why both seemed so stale.
I didn’t miss it.
In fact, I based a post on it…one on which you commented.
MT Loss Shows Dems Have Rural Problem? No, MT Loss Shows Dems Still Have an UNDERSTANDING Problem.
Info creep. Too much info, too little time.
They’re counting on this.
Sorry — was focused on the main topic — MT senate election in that diary. However, that particular election refutes Street’s points. Have to dig a bit and understand unique characteristics about the character of mountain states and MT to appreciate why it didn’t apply there in this election. Whereas Trump’s 20 point win over HRC, but only with 55% did. And not to be forgotten that the incumbent Democratic governor won reelection on the same ballot.
Quist was the right sort of candidate and ran a good campaign with the initial expectation of not much campaign money, but he was also a flawed candidate in several ways. If he’d been super-wealthy, his age and lack of public policy knowledge/familiarity beyond superficial platitudes and political experience wouldn’t have hurt him. What carried him is that he’s authentic and entered the race with a decent level of name recognition. Gianforte would have blown away any other Democratic candidate in such a short election cycle that didn’t have those two aspects. Had the governor opted for a longer election cycle (he could have chosen any number of days between 85 and 100 and he went with the shortest of 85 days), it’s possible that Quist could have prevailed.
Gianforte, even given MT’s preference for a GOP House Rep. and incumbents, will be vulnerable in ’18 but it will require a candidate like Quist but with more substance and some political experience to exploit that vulnerability. Another mushy neoliberal Democratic nominee will lose to Gianforte.
Mushy neoliberals are so last year!!!
You wish. We’re only into the twenty-fifth year of their control of the mythical center and they are still the first generation and not yet ready to hand over the reins to their spawn. Hillary has declared that she beat Sanders and Trump and therefore, she will lead ‘the Resistance’ all the way to her installation in the WH. And Obama has moved up to a position of royalty — very British — no shortage of stupid people that will show up to catch a glimpse of a king/queen/prince/princess that shows up on schedule, a sacrifice and interruption of their normal life of idle indulgence.
Totally on point, especially the Obama/Royalty thing.
But…HRC is way past her use-by date, and any “resistance” that she might lead will wither and die on the vine. It might/could.maybe will sap enough energy from other “resistances” to make the whole game null and void, but maybe the creature towards which the resistance impulses are will show itself to be so repulsive that no amount of co-opting wil;l stem the resistance tide.
Or maybe we’ll just turn into a gigantic post-empire Great Britain and emulate their astoundingly popular embrace of the “Carry On” series of comedy movies. These were films that featured bumbling, foolish Brits managing to survive in the direst of straits without the slightest idea of what they are doing or how they’re doing it.
Like the U.S. now.
She will run again. Bet on it. Have to stick a stake in that vampire’s heart.
Too small for ordinary folks to take note of, but not too small for the advisors/handlers of foreign VIPs to note and prep to counter:
February 15, 2017 – What does Donald Trump’s handshake say about him? . Watch the video.
May 28, 2017 – Emmanuel Macron: my handshake with Trump was ‘a moment of truth’. Again the video.