They’ve Cried Wolf Too Many Times

I saw an article on Axios on the state of GOP moderates’ discomfort with the likely Senate version of the AHCA bill, especially when it comes to how it hurts Medicaid. As the story goes, all it takes is for a few of them to say the bill is unacceptable, and it dies, hopefully for good.

If only there were reason to believe that to be the case.
The way I see it is arguably not that much different from Steve M. or Josh Marshall: GOP “moderates” whine and complain, but all their whining and complaining amounts to is a bizarre form of performance art and little more. The basic rule of thumb is that the “moderates” inevitably cave. Anyone pinning their hopes on Caputo or Portman to save the day is seriously in need of a reality check. The “moderate” GOP Senators will whine their way to voting “yes” because … reasons.

So my basic advice is to not take articles on GOP moderates possibly not supporting the AHCA on face value. It would be nice if that were possible, but these idiots almost never break rank. To do so now would be something of a minor miracle. I don’t go through life counting on miracles. Nor should you.

Expect to see these “moderates” in the news for the next however many news cycles whining about alleged problems they have with the AHCA. Will they actually do something to stop it? I’ll believe it when I see it, and not one moment before.

Author: Don Durito

Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life. Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).