I wrote a post here recently called Losing Begins To Tune Up the Dems. It was about my observations during a couple of recent Friday round trip car rides from the Bronx to a rural area about 60+ miles from Boston and back. Long story short, I saw and heard intimations that the whole Russiagate thing was losing steam and that Dem voter types at the local level were beginning to look anew at the possibility of reforming their own party…cleaning out the leftish side of the DC swamp.
There were several reasonable comments, but at the end there appeared two snark posts…both from long-time supporters of the “Don’t blame us Dems, blame the Russians!!!” faction of the party.
One said “Russiagate is bullshit. It’s all just a huge conspiracy lunacy,” and the other…from our long-suffering host…simply said “On second thought, drop the Counterpunch and go back to porn.”
So I wrote a response.
It grew.
Here it is in full. Read on.
Russiagate is not bullshit…or maybe better, it’s one-sided, politically motivated, partisan bullshit. The partisanship is not as well or as clearly defined as usual because the DemRat and RatPub factions have somewhat united to get rid of Trump and whomever is really running him, a rival gang that is basically going after some important part of their currently shared territory.
The Trumpistas initially got their win due to the awful way(s) that the Rats and Dems have been running this country since Clinton I if not before, treating its workers as disposable, indentured servants for the corporate ruling class. The Trump win was a reaction to total, bipartisan incompetence at anything other than theft and propaganda in Washingtoon, DC.
We need to drain the swamp on both sides of the current contretemps, and there is no real movement afoot…no nationally publicized movement, for sure…to do this. Sanders/Warren comes close, but no cigar.
Why no cigar?
Because the corporate-owned and controlled media won’t cooperate in letting that cigar be lit, that’s why. The media will oppose any and all tendencies towards change…of any sort, from socialism right on through whatever is being plotted by the Trump controllers…aims which appear to me to probably be governmental collapse and some form of partially disguised totalitarian rule. Partially disguised at first, anyway.
And so…here we jolly well are, aren’t we. Deluged by the centrist media with all of the (at least partially true) info regarding the nasty machinations of the Trump forces to gain power.
That’s only going to stop the invaders…if it works, of course…from further polluting the DC swamp. That swamp will still be filthy.
What to do, what to do?
I’m pretty much in agreement with the prognostications of the scholar that Booman referenced in his latest post, myself. (Go to Booman’s post for links, please.)
Back in April, when the BBC talked to Thomas Homer-Dixon, chair of global systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada, about the prospects for the collapse of Western Civilization, they were told that things do not look good.
The Syrian case aside, another sign that we’re entering into a danger zone, Homer-Dixon says, is the increasing occurrence of what experts call nonlinearities, or sudden, unexpected changes in the world’s order, such as the 2008 economic crisis, the rise of ISIS, Brexit, or Donald Trump’s election.
I guess you can call that an updated version of the four signs of the Apocalypse. These nonlinearities aren’t so much causes of our current problems as they are consequences of them. Many have noted how the invasion of Iraq cascaded into the Syrian civil war, and also how a drought brought on by climate change contributed to the disintegration of Syria’s political consensus. The financial collapse of 2008 was foreseen by relatively few experts but came about as a natural consequence of a failure to adequately regulate financial instruments. And both Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are widely regarded as hard to foresee consequences of growing income inequality and anxiety about immigration and refugee patterns.
For Homer-Dixon, there are echoes in all of this of the end state of the Western Roman Empire:
Also paralleling Rome, Homer-Dixon predicts that Western societies’ collapse will be preceded by a retraction of people and resources back to their core homelands. As poorer nations continue to disintegrate amid conflicts and natural disasters, enormous waves of migrants will stream out of failing regions, seeking refuge in more stable states. Western societies will respond with restrictions and even bans on immigration; multi-billion dollar walls and border-patrolling drones and troops; heightened security on who and what gets in; and more authoritarian, populist styles of governing. “It’s almost an immunological attempt by countries to sustain a periphery and push pressure back,” Homer-Dixon says.
Booman apparently thinks that ousting Trump might slow this new nonlinearity down. I do not think so, myself. If successful, it will probably just prepare the groundwork for yet another nonlinearity, and on and on and on the nonlinearity circus will continue…gaining speed and torque… until it accelerates into some sort of cataclysmic collapse.
I personally do not know what to do to stop this acceleration, let alone how to do it. I spent last week in a rural area outside of a small city in eastern PA, teaching at a jazz camp that is run and administered by local, small-town people. Good people, well-meaning people, hard-working people. Besides an occasional shrug and raising of the eyes heavenward when politics was mentioned, they were almost totally clueless about what is happening in DC now. They were not only clueless, they were also eyes wide shut about it. They have been mediaed-out. They are exhausted. “Let the fools do whatever they’re going to do” was the prevailing attitude. “We’ve survived them before; we’ll survive them again.”
Like dat.
i felt pretty much the same thing in the diners, gas stations, markets etc. of the area.
Maybe they’re right.
I hope so.
P.S. Bernie Sanders, yesterday:
Last month more than 4,000 people gathered in Chicago for the People’s Summit. Independent senator, former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders delivered the keynote speech. During his speech, he repeatedly criticized the Democratic Party, calling it an “absolute failure,” and blaming it for the election of President Trump. “I’m often asked by the media and others: How did it come about that Donald Trump, the most unpopular presidential candidate in the modern history of our country, won the election?” Sanders said. “And my answer is that Trump didn’t win the election; the Democratic Party lost the election. Let us be very, very clear: The current model and the current strategy of the Democratic Party is an absolute failure.”
Like dat, too.
Every time any one of you leftinesses support the current Dem machinations and line, all you are doing is postponing (or quite likely making totally impossible) the re-formation of the Democratic Party into a true, effective resistance party to the current neocentrist government.
Do not continue on this path until it is simply too damned late.
AG, your message is mostly spot-on, but the claim that the Trump Administration is “neocentrist” is ridiculous.
I’ll pass on Counterpunch.
the term “neocentrist” is ridiculous in itself, but likes having made up a new label.
Counterpunch is one of the main voices of the Hillary-would-have-been-worse left. Totally deranged shit.
<blockqupte?<B>Totally deranged shit.</.b>
Says the neocentrist.
Remember when you were a progressive?
About the same time HRC was cozying up the Goldman Sacks and the like in her “private” situation while her public self was telling us all how progressive she was?
Grow up.
You been had.
I did not claim that. They are right-wing raiders of the neocentrists. That is why the neocentrist DemRats and RatPubs have drawn their wagons…and their media…in a tight, mutually defensive circle…In order to potshot the invaders until they get discouraged.
Only…it ain’t working.
Not yet, anyway.
The new neocentrist meme? Trump is mentally ill.
That’s not going to work, either. The people who voted him in kind of knew that already.
They were wrong, of course, but they were dead tired of the same old same old.
Bet on it.
Some points of denial in US politics:
Americans, especially smooth-spinning politicians, might not have noticed this, but apparently other nations and other business communities did notice.
Trump is an extreme and radical expression of US denial of the facts of the 21st century. He just digs those two holes deeper faster. That is the source of our current clarity of our position.
If not for US (primarily Democratic) postwar policy, “the West” would have been collapsed in 1946 and people would be arguing how prescient Oswald Spengler was.
Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan lost the economic thread and Democrats saturated with Theodore Lowi’s The End of Liberalism piled on.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lost the geopolitical thread and Democrats, afraid of being labeled “soft on defense spending” hunkered down.
The election of Donald Trump has been very clarifying about the actual global power of the US. But instead of regaining power, every American First, Make America Great Again action digs the hole deeps and squanders more of the taxpayers current and future tax payments. And it endangers Social Security and Medicare trust funds.
As Chuck Schumer postures seeking comity in the Senate while circling up his 7th Cavalry and hoping they hold together. And pinning his hopes on the defeat of the most hated legislation in the GOP lineup. Meanwhile the GOP hopes to hold its caucus to push through Trumpcare and demoralize the Democratic caucus so that they crack on the other items in the GOP agenda. This is not what one calls an advantageous position for an opposition party.
So everyone is in denial, seeking lost glory. GOP included. If they win, they lose.
Nothing for the rest of us to do but watch and push back on infringements at the local level. Mostly because our representatives are expecting us to clap loudly while they continue not to listen and while they continue to find K Street closer than their own constituents.
So much clarity. We are now a Saudi and Israeli tributary state. Diplomacy might protect us where oceans no longer do. Britain was the keystone of the North Atlantic alliance; Brexit removes that keystone. Good infrastructure is a source of economic and international political power. Destroying other people’s infrastructure rapidly reduces your circle of allies by impoverishing their economies. Refugees and internal displaced persons matter for bringing wars to an end. The US used to understand many of these things that it has now a self-enforced stupidity about.
And still we blog. Even more clarity from the G-20 this week. Ever more hope that the collective consciousness of the internet might become smarter rather than more stupid. Ever more evidence that being closer to the principals in the decisions and actions does not provide any more clarity that seeing them over the various media. Nor do trips to the exurbs give clarity on public opinion. Too much tongue-biting, too much telling people what is anticipated they want to hear, too much fear of real opinions and information.
So much clarity. We are now a Saudi and Israeli tributary state. Diplomacy might protect us where oceans no longer do. Britain was the keystone of the North Atlantic alliance; Brexit removes that keystone. Good infrastructure is a source of economic and international political power. Destroying other people’s infrastructure rapidly reduces your circle of allies by impoverishing their economies. Refugees and internal displaced persons matter for bringing wars to an end.
For some of us, there are few surprises as many developments were foreseen.
○ After Brexit: Transatlantic Opportunity for Europe’s Neutrality – June 2016
○ Muslim Brotherhood Axis Egypt – Turkey – Qatar Faces Defeat – July 2013
Fortunately I can watch international news by satellite reception. Excellent coverage of the Middle East, Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Arab Spring and WhoIsWho in the Gulf conflict. In Europe we still have some independent sources of news.
Under Obama/HRC there was a push to advance the regional power of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hillary was the darling of Erdogan, Morsi and Qatar/Al Jazeera. Under Obama/Kerry there was a major shift toward reality in Middle East foreign policy with the Iran nuclear deal. With Trump/Kushner a major shift to repeat the mistakes under G. Bush/Cheney by blind support for Israel, Saudi’s Wahhabism and permanent war on terror.
○ In Joe Biden’s Own Words of Truth; Our Arab Allies Funded ISIS!
In short hand, ISIL was funded by the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia, and Al Nusra Front was funded by Qatar with direct support from Turkey. The CIA and the Pentagon send arms to individual groups with little success. NATO partners provided intelligence, logistical support and air support.
A mob has hundreds of arms and legs but no brain.