The War At Booman Tribune Between the Kneejerk Neocentrists and the Thinkers.

(The following was originally written in response to one of way too many negative posts and downratings by the entity known on this site as “marduk.” The site is now at war with itself, just as the U.S. is at war with itself. God only knows how all of this will turn out. Read on if this matters to you.)

Marduk: You have apparently been tasked…by yourself and/or perhaps by others… with turning this site into dKos Jr. Tasked with turning Booman Tribune into a lockstepping, DNC-approving, Yesman site that will once again help elect another faux liberal like Obama into power.

You…and centristfield and the rest of the neocentrists…seem to think that you speak for the Booman Tribune “community.” You do not. You say nothing of substance. You don’t say shit, you just snipe. Take a look at the posts below that appear in the “Recommended” section.  Posts that people actually thought through instead of kneejerking downrates and two-sentence insults.

Here is tonight’s lineup:

Wealthcare Vote in the Senate This Week“: Essentially a post about how the so-called “representatives” of this country shine on “…constituents who do not approve of these bills. We appear to be in the majority, even in my own red state.”

Washington Post on the Millennial Left“: An observation about how the mainstream media tries to spin the awakening of younger U.S-ians to the centrist attempts at maintaining the status quo by any means necessary.

I have bolded part of this because it expresses the core beliefs of the young I encountered on the Sanders campaign.

In general Sanders is not taken seriously with establishment DC types.  You can even see that in Booman’s reaction in his thread on neo-liberalism.

In this he badly misreads the contours of the generational politics on the left of center all over the world.

I will admit I am surprised at how much legs this has on twitter.

Europe’s Socialism Beats IMF Forecast …”: A refutation by perhaps the most thoughtful accumulator of anti-neocentrist info in this site regarding the mass media meme idea that “socialism” is headed nowhere fast.

The true long-term political battle is the attack on democracy itself from within the US itself by the GOP billionaires (Koch bros.) and the policy set out by James McGill Buchanon. The neo-con militaristic agenda is intact due to U.S. Congress and the complex of right-wing think tanks, the Pentagon, CIA and the whole IC. The president is a prisoner in the White House.

Believing Alternative Facts: Spicer – Bannon – Conway. Why?”: By the same poster, this time outlining the shaky evidence from the spooks about what is really going on. Read the entire interview with Seymour Hersh here. Like Assange and Snowden, Hersh’s rep has taken direct hits from the mass media…described as a tool of Russia, etc. Non-personing is their major tool.

Their only tool, when you get down to it.

Same as yours. Post enough zeroes and ones and you think that you can make people disappear. You are just mass media writ small. Very small.

Khodorkovsky, Browder and the Magnitsky Act“: Another broadside from Oui, this time taking down the other side of this ongoing hustle, Putin and his own gangsters. As I have been saying here for several years, both sides of the hustle…domestic and/or international…need to be examined with a jaundiced eye.  

Just because one side is demonstrably crooked does not mean the the other side is demonstrably not crooked.

Wake the fuck up.

Why Dems lose: the new DCCC slogan (it’s changed)“: A simple demonstration of how the cowherd middle cannot even hire slogan makers who can cut the mustard. Groupthink at its worst.

Senate Parliamentarian Delivers Blow to Any GOP HCR Hopes“: A paean to the Sanders forces that are trying to move the DNC further left.

The Senate Parliamentarian has ruled the following are required to comply with the filibster rule, and are not subject to modification through the reconciliation.  Put another way, the GOP now needs 60 votes for the following:


It was Sanders staff that did the bulk of the arguing before the Parliamentarian. Topher is from the Center for American Progress: in no way is he a Bernie guy.

And so on.

You downrating children are not “the community” of this site. You do almost nothing but snipe while people with real ideas…TarheelDem, Oui, Marie3, The Voice In The Wilderness, myself and others…try to make clear what is really happening in UniParty America.

You want to say something in opposition to what is being recommended here on a daily basis?

Go ahead.

Write some standalone posts. Let’s see how many get recommended. But don’t just sit at your computers and potshot away with downratings…unless of course you have no real ideas but the continuation of a failed democracy by any means at your puerile power.

You disgust me.


Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.