I don’t like Peggy Noonan, nor her opinions about most things, especially her weird ideals of manhood.
But when she turns her poison pen on Trump it’s very satisfying. And Mika reading it aloud on MSNBC is entertaining as hell.
The original article is https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-is-woody-allen-without-the-humor-1501193193
the MSNBC segment is at http://juanitajean.com/thank-you-peggy-noonan/
The president’s primary problem as a leader is not that he is impetuous, brash or naive. It’s not that he is inexperienced, crude, an outsider. It is that he is weak and sniveling.
Noonan’s adjectives hidden behind the paywall include “weak” (repeated), “whiny”, “self-pitying” and “limp”, which Mika gives extra emphasis to.
they’re turning on him. good you mention Mika – so far T hasn’t responded to her calling yesterday “Fail Friday” in T’s honor
Word! Woody Allen without the humor. That is as about as directly aimed groin shot as one can make on the hoary grifter.
Peggy can write.
She is more than a little nutty.
But she can write.
seems to me what she’s always excelled at, even more than nutty, is nasty. She is mean-spirited to excess, and rarely aims it at anyone deserving.
but yes, she can turn a phrase.