I’m back home at my log cabin in the woods. Having been locked up for ten days, it smells like some combination of a gym locker room, a swamp, and a pine forest. Hopefully, we can get it aired out before long. My trip went exceedingly well. Spent some time in South Dakota and Montana, but the majority of the trip was spent in various parts of Wyoming. My internet access was between slow and sporadic, and non-existent, which was a joy to me and an aggravation to the kids.
I spent most of the last week at an altitude of 7,000 feet or higher. Whenever I came down and encountered the news of the day (“they were Nazis, Walter?”) I couldn’t escape back into the mountains fast enough. None of the people I encountered were talking about the Shit Show at all. We were focused on pronghorn and elk and bison and condors and eagles. The National Parks have never looked better, which I consider a minor miracle.
Before I left, I said that I wasn’t sure whether I can keep doing a job that is taking a mental and physical toll on me. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, but one thing I am assured of now is that there is a lot of support for what I do. Dozens and dozens of people made electronic donations, large and small. Perhaps best of all are the letters I received. They came from all over. From big cities like Minneapolis and San Fransisco but also from places like Decherd, Tennessee and Hamilton, Montana and Amherst, New York and Eagan, Minnesota and Whitewater, Wisconsin and Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Some people put aside quite a bit of time to tell me how much they value my work and to urge me to keep at it. Others offered advice or other forms of encouragement. All of it is much appreciated. Thank you, every one of you.
I now know, with more clarity than before, that my efforts reach and touch a lot of people. And that’s an incentive to continue my work. If I received the same level of financial support I enjoyed over the last ten days three or four times a year, any financial incentive to take on more lucrative work would be completely eliminated.
The psychological problem runs deeper than that, though. Part of it is just the damage I do to myself by constantly exposing myself to what amounts to a toxic sewer of idiocy and bad faith. Part of it is being tied to a chair too much of the time. And part of it is just trying to overcome the wound I feel the American people inflicted on me by electing Donald Trump as their president. Really, the whole electoral process in 2016 was so deeply disappointing to me that I’ve had trouble recovering the generally optimistic disposition that has carried me through outrages like the impeachment of Clinton, the Florida recount, the response to 9/11, the decision to invade Iraq, Katrina, the midterm elections of 2010 and 2014, and the complete breakdown of congressional competency in the second term of Obama’s presidency.
Perhaps part of the problem is that I see pretty much everyone as off track, chasing ghosts, misdiagnosing problems, advocating solutions that won’t work and doubling down on strategies that have failed. That makes me want to step into the breach and offer leadership, but it also serves as a major source of discouragement.
Back in June, I wrote a piece at the Washington Monthly that looked at some then-current analysis of the state of play. I noted that the analysis echoed what I’d been writing for months.
If that looks familiar it’s because I’ve written essentially the same thing over and over again. It’s not just health care and tax reform that are in peril. If Trump attempts to raise the debt ceiling using nothing but Republican votes, he will fail, too. If he tries to pass appropriations bills without any Democratic support, the government will either shut down or be funded on continuing resolutions that keep Obama’s priorities in place. He will not get an infrastructure bill without significant Democratic input and support.
Not only can he not govern successfully using this strategy, he cannot govern at all. This is why I foresaw that his administration would crack up on the shoals sometime this summer, and certainly no later than September when the fiscal year ends and the debt ceiling becomes critical…
…The consequences will begin to pile up now. Trump will lash out in ever more confusing and bizarre ways. And then the indictments and plea deals will start to flow in from Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s shop. By Thanksgiving, if not before, the nation will be confronted with the urgent need to remove Trump from power and I suspect there will be more consensus about it by then than most people can imagine right now.
We haven’t even gotten to the meat of that list of problems, and Trump is looking weak enough to topple. Most of his top staff are already gone. The business community is shunning him. His own military is shunning him. The intelligence community has been hostile from the beginning, but they’re going to be increasingly heard from in the coming weeks. As for elected Republicans, they’re beginning to crack, too.
This is the place Trump finds himself before he has to deal with the budget and the appropriations and the debt ceiling. I think people can begin to imagine what I said most of them could not back in June.
There’s not a lot ordinary Americans can do to speed this process along, but you should make your representatives know how you feel about having a white supremacist with the attention span of a gnat serving as our commander in chief and carrying around the nuclear football. In particular, the Republican members need to be told these stories and I recommend telling them in strong moral language. Tell them about your grandfather who stormed Omaha Beach or your grandmother who faced down firehoses and snapping german shepherds to get her right to vote. Appeal to their sense of pride in America and search for where their moral compass aligns with your own. Show them that you have a pulse and enough self-respect to demand that our country be better than this.
By Thanksgiving, I think the country will have this figured out, but the last holdouts will be the ones with the power to fix the problem. Start working on them now, before things get so bad that it’s too obvious for even them to ignore.
Why anyone would be focused on anything else is beyond me. I’ll never understand the wasted energy that goes into fighting among ourselves.
I’ll be honest. I can’t walk away from this fight. Maybe I should. But I can’t.
So, I’m going to see it through.
Thanks again for all your support. It makes me feel like less of a lunatic to keep at this Shit Show.
Welcome back. You are, hands down, the best political analyst I’ve read, and I read too much of this crap, too. Please stay. But spend more time with the kid.
I spent late June and early July mostly offline, as we settled my dad into hospice. I couldn’t take both at once. Now I’m back and I find I have the energy for the fight.
I mean… fuck it….Nazis.
Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win.
Actually, I watched Casablanca again recently and I was struck by how similar today’s world is to the world of 1942 — when Americans did not know who would win the war but had finally realized they had to fight.
This time some of your victories will be merely symbolic, like singing La Marseillaise in a crowded cafe, and some will be actual. But there will be victories.
Personally, I am so very glad that Canada is stepping up to the plate, by accepting thousands and thousands of refugees escaping Trump’s America. So lucky we elected Trudeau in 2015 because our former government would never have supported the desperate families who are now coming north.
Trump favorable rating in the 2016 exit poll: 38%
The last 6 job approval ratings at huffpost:
38, 42, 40, 39, 35, 39
The following equation has held for 4 months:
80% of Republicans approve
30% of independents
10% of Dems approve
I have been, and continue to be skeptical Trump leaves before his terms ends.
As long as Trump holds his margin among Republicans, he isn’t going anywhere. I think he understands that better than the press.
What would it take?
There are three possibilities:
I don’t see him leaving.
I agree. He is not leaving soon anyway. Much will depend on what happens in the next six months like debt ceiling, tax legislation and infrastructure. Then again, he is a volatile sort so funny things happen.
We must win. This sexist, racist oligarchic movement must be defeated. Let’s do the work and keep our heads about us.
The equation you document here is one which will feed Republicans to the electoral slaughterhouse if the vote is not massively suppressed in upcoming elections, particularly since we can now see Trump is constitutionally incapable of learning or changing his path and will not meaningfully improve his poll numbers. He’s spewing on Twitter again this morning like the tiresome, divisive, temperamental drunkard he is and will remain.
It is hard for me to imagine the scales will remain in the eyes of Americans who were conned into accepting the offer “what have you got to lose?”
We have plenty to lose, as it turns out.
Aren’t all of these polls pre-Charlottesville? Haven’t we seen some important shifts in the last week?
#1 — Absolutely. A collapse in the economy is almost guaranteed in the next 3 years and a major war with a lot of coffins coming home is nearly as likely. Either of these “consequences in people’s day to day lives” could help to isolate Trump. Or for a worse scenario, consider the support that Bush gained after 9/11 — there’s no guarantee that that could not be repeated. But isolation alone will not lead him to leave voluntarily nor will it remove him from power.
#2 — If the elites were capable of driving Trump from power, why have they not done so already? What new piece of information, what new data, will it take to convince them to act, that they do not have in hand already? What do they know now that they did not know before the election, when acting would have been a lot easier? The elite actors that have the motivation to get rid of Trump lack the means. Those that have the means lack the motivation. The splits, divisions, and general level of confusion among the elite are huge and growing; their ability to act in any way is diminishing. Seen in this light our hope that they are waiting for political cover from the results of the Mueller investigation seems more hopeful than realistic.
#3 — The other thing that GA-6 shows them is that they can’t be beat by a Democratic Party in its current state of disarray, and that situation was developing long before Trump even thought of running. Whether they’re actually correct in these conclusions is, of course, another matter but those are the conclusions they will draw.
As long as elected Republicans think they can get away with it they will continue to try to leverage as many short-term gains as possible from the monopoly they hold on power. “As many as possible” might be a short list for reasons that BooMan has explained many times before but that won’t stop them from trying. In this, they can look to the historical record for confidence that there will be few electoral consequences (and they can be sure that there will be no consequences in any case for another 15 months — plenty of time for further mischief).
Meanwhile the more Trump fails to accomplish anything, the more he will be driven to destroy everything. That’s who he is, it’s what he does.
I don’t either, and I don’t see him being removed from office. If we still exist as a country in 2020 we’ll get to watch a battle between the right-wing Republican elites (represented by warlords like the Kochs and Mercers) and the alt-right insurgents that captured the Party in 2016. Whether the Democrats can bring a contender to the election that stands a chance of success is dependent on the war that’s currently going on in the DP.
Great news! Welcome back, Martin. About all I can do is continue sharing your posts religiously, but I sure appreciate what you do.
Good to have you back. I doubt any of us have the luxury of walking away from this particular fight. Keep hanging in there. This will be a marathon rather than a sprint.
Welcome back. I’ve missed you desperately, but very glad you took the time to regain your strength.
So happy you are back! The country needs your knowledge and perspective. We know it comes with great personal cost, and we honor you for it.
Welcome back, Martin. Thanks for continuing.
“Don’t Worry Baby” by the Beach Boys is a wonderful song, gorgeously arranged and very specific in its lyrical reassurances. It’s been working to reassure me a bit during these very troubled times in our politics and society.
LOL! As if you were going to forget about politics and go sell housewares.
Seriously thought I do not want to lose your astute commentary so, although I still don’t get this site*, I’m gonna drop some change in the bucket.
For one thing, you expect me to do my own HTML tags? Not happening, dude–I’m 75.
Welcome Back!!! So glad you’re going to continue to keep us informed. Yours is the only blog I read regularly. I count on your expertise to help me make sense of things. Thank you, also, to my fellow readers who have the means to continue to support this blog.
Trips with limited connectivity are great. They give you so many great OMG moments to remember and think about when you get back to the world with all its WTF moments. And Trump is giving us so many of the latter that we will need to draw on the former more and more.
So glad you decided to stick with it Martin. Thanks
It’s funny how the internet has, in so many ways, brought us to this point in 2017. The lowered heads of the web’s profoundly distracted consumers has allowed an orange-headed monster to hoodwink millions (we know what kind of hood), in large part through idiotic, 140 character bursts, and for Russian bots to lead some of us around like sheep to slaughter. But it also allows us to know someone like you in a surprisingly intimate way–I felt the hurt of your brother’s death and the outpouring of feeling here as if a close friend had suffered the loss. So we form small, dispersed communities like the one around you and your incisive, overarching view of the political. And it allows for information to be shared far and wide and for surprisingly deep feelings to emerge from the virtual sharing.
We may be fucked, but In the not too distant past, Charlottesville and the days that followed might have taken weeks or months to effectively fight back on. We’ve come to understand that we have collective impact through the web, achieved by organizing and showing up for rallies, through smart thought leaders like you, and just as important, by using our collective monetary clout, from Howard Dean to Obama to Bernie to the pressure that we are now able to bring to bear on corporate chieftains. Your voice is needed.
Something tells me if you thought you were going to hang it up before you left, after seeing Nazis on the march with Trump’s approval that you’d have changed your mind. You left at almost the right and proper time to rest up.
You have a point.
Thank you Booman, longtime lurker here, I registered in order to thank you and to encourage you to continue. I learn so much from the posts and comments on this blog , please keep it going ! We have so much more crap to bear before this is over. I come here for encouragement and hope and to make sense of the senseless .
“”””There’s not a lot ordinary Americans can do to speed this process along, but you should make your Representatives know how you feel about having a white supremacist with the attention span of a gnat serving as our commander in chief and carrying around the nuclear football.
In particular, the Republican members need to be told these stories and I recommend telling them in strong moral language.
Tell them about your grandfather who stormed Omaha Beach or your grandmother who faced down firehoses and snapping german shepherds to get her right to vote.
Appeal to their sense of pride in America and search for where their moral compass aligns with your own.
Show them that you have a pulse and enough self-respect to demand that our country be better than this.”””” ( excerpt from Booman Tribune Blog )
I want Sen Tom Cotton and Rep French Hill to know that my uncle died in Italy fighting against the Nazi’s during WW 2 , and when I see Nazi flags in the streets of America I will stand against it forcefully — THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES TO THIS –. There needs to be a public apology by our President for suggesting that , ” good people ” were marching under Nazi banners !
LFS , Little Rock (SLIGOWOMAN )
I took your advice and wrote to my Congresscritters … probably won’t register with them but got it off my chest
Welcome back. You are right about november. A lot can happen between now and november. There could be another Katrina or Gulf oil leak, or flu outbreak and no vaccine, or Perry looses a nuclear bomb. Oh, and Mueller could surprise us all. I’ll be watching the turkey pardon. Does Barron participate or is it the donald alone pointing out how beautiful the bird is…his mood will be telling.
Good to see you back. I’ll try to step up my contributions. Can’t do much and can’t do it every month, but I can handle giving more than I have been. It’s well deserved.
Afaik nobody got shot in the face while you were gone, so we have that, too.
Don’t be shy about asking for money. As you know, Josh has been politely aggressive in his appeal for funds to carry on his work. He’s been successful. We need to financially support those who are doing this work. Appeals don’t offend or annoy me in the least. Ask us every quarter. Ask us for a minimum donation and set a number of donations as a goal as he did. Remember Howard Dean’s thermometer? It was an incentive, and it worked, so far as I know. Also Bernie’s $27 pitch.
A little inspiration:
I’m grateful that you’re back, Martin. The interwebs just weren’t the same without you.
Hey, I’ve got a suggestion. Charge us all $10 a month for membership. Those who really don’t want (or can’t afford) to pay could still read your stuff over at Washington Monthly, where pretty much everything is cross posted. But your loyal followers would gladly fork out a few bucks a month and the subscription would be our license to read and post comments.
Since people value what they pay for, it might increase your notoriety. Even if it didn’t, $10 multiplied by 500 followers would be a decent income. If there aren’t that many now, there will be. Plus, you could always ask those to whom $10 is a pittance to donate more.
I’ve been away from home for a week, too, with limited access to my usual daily political input. I would have been the first to welcome you back, had I been able. Booman is the first blog I read every day and I check in more than once to see updates and posts.
I, too, breathed a sigh of relief to read that you had returned. And while I’m so glad you got time away, I’m also glad you came back. We don’t know what this madman of a president* will do next, but having your informed, intelligent insights makes it easier to interpret the mess.
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed again. Get out and enjoy little things.
We’ll still be here.
Welcome back, and thank you for returning. As I’ve been telling my teens, “I wish I could tell you to leave it all behind, find some lovely, isolated place, and live in peace, but the world needs people like you.” Those of us who can fight back have to do so, but at least we aren’t doing it alone.
Glad you’re back and going to stay. Lurking much more now than in the past but I’m always reading. I wish I could have given more but we’ve lost one family income and the b2 boy is about to start college. Perhaps in a few months. Thanks again BooMan.
Thank goodness you’re back, man! I made a donation and I want my money’s worth!
No, seriously… I made a donation because I find you one of the most insightful analysts around. I feel like I’m a minor political guru myself, thanks to you and Josh Marshall.
Also… I knew you’d come back. This is quite clearly your calling. Maybe it’s painful sometimes, but if you left, there would be a giant hole in your soul, and it would be even worse. That’s how it is with callings. You have no choice but to follow them.
So please just do what you need to do to allow yourself to do this for the long-term. If the sewer is too poisonous, maybe don’t dip into it quite so often. Or maybe schedule vacations more regularly!
And put out the call for donations regularly and prominently. Moreso than you have.
I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and never got around to donating. Donated and signed up today to let you know I really appreciate your insights and would miss this blog if it went away.