Booman Tribune members have two Yahoo Fantasy Football leagues going. Frog Marchers VIII. and Also Frog Marchers. I’ve been pressed back into service to be commissioner for the former. The latter has a separate commissioner who played last year.
UPDATE: The Also Frog Marchers League Commissioner tells he he has two (2) slots available if anyone is still interested. Contact me at stevendbt [at] yahoo [dot] com and I will pass along your names and emails to him to send you an invite to join.
Dear Steven D…
We have fantasy politics aplenty. From all sides.
Why would we need fantasy football?
Just sayin’…
We’ve been doing these leagues for years now AG. There’s a number of folks who have participated over the years. So there’s that. I understand your sentiment, however.
That was just a comment on the fantasy “everything” in this society, Steven. We have a fantasy governmental system now…fantasy elections bought and sold by corporate money and promulgated through media that is owned by that money.
We have a fantasy educational system, buttressed not by achievement but by multiple-answer tests and massive amounts of prescribed, psychoactive drugs. The drugs are used to control the students who act out in response to the bullshit, so-called ‘socialization” system in which they are required to stay until they are either broken of their natural resistance, go mad and/or become criminals or…the lucky ones, the smart ones…learn to stay stay within it without truly surrendering.
We have a fantasy healthcare system that harms its subjects overall as much if not more than it helps them, and it is financed by a fantasy insurance system that only cedes insurance rights to those that sufficently play the socialization game or become criminals themselves and are so successful that they either join the 1% class or at the very least work as its willing overseers.
Our media system is almost totally based on fantasies…fantasies concocted by the controllers when it’s necessary to do so to maintain control, otherwise massive fantasy systems produced simply to occupy the population’s minds with total fiction…so-called reality TV right up in the front of that line (i include mass media news in that group), followed by “sports” that are rigged by look-the-other-way PED use and fixing rules so that the population’s attention remains fixed on the drama rather than appreciating the pure effort that most great athletes make to excel in their chosen line of work.
Our popular cultural system is fantasy as well…especially the “musical” one. Most of the music promoted and bought in the U.S. simply does not exist in real time. It is a thoroughly concocted fiction. The performers are so heavily propped up by technological cheat systems that most of them couldn’t sit down in front of you in an empty room, tune their instruments and then sing a passable version of “Happy Birthday.” I am a lifelong witness to the truth of this statement.
Fantasy football is just another of thousands of diversions meant to keep people from looking at what’s going on.
Carry on.
We don’t have much choice.
Do we.
Carry on.
isn’t anything people do for fun just a diversion?
Are you saying you don’t do anything for fun so you can stay focused and pure?
Why do you ask?
just making sure I’m clear on your position
You are.
If your “fun” is a diversion from understanding the reality of the situation…on the most basic level here, the brain injuries widely suffered by these “heroes of the gridiron” who are in reality just disposable pawns in the corporate money-grinder…then yes. That is my position.
The “shock and awe” attacks on Iraq, the Trump-proposed “fire and fury” N. Korea threat, the overwhelmingly violent police presences in black neighborhoods, the ICE terror …all just NFL mainstream business writ large.
Accept it small?
You are more than halfway there to accepting it ever larger.
Wake the fuck up.
watching a movie, reading a book – all diversions from reality
reading blogs, commenting and rating comments – all diversions from reality
They’re all equally bad in your view?
It depends on the book or movie. Great art heightens reality. It educates us on any number of levels. Schlock? Not so much.
Reading blogs, commenting and rating comments? That depends on the blog. This one was very constructive…and instructive, as well…for many years. Now? Also not so much.
I do keep trying…but less and less. Booman seems to feel much the same way. I do not remember him ever publicly considering closing this site down, nor do I remember him taking a long time off for mental and emotional health reasons.
The whole situation in this country is very stressful. We feel massively surveilled and simultaneously…unless we do something very bad…effectively ignored. We also have lost most of our faith in what politicians say and what the media report. The smart ones have, anyway.
My own solution has been to step away from it all. It’s been a gradual motion, but as far back as 12 years ago I was recommending that people break their addictions to media and the mainstream U.S. culture in general.
The word “diversion?” Diversionary tactics abound in this system now. They are aimed at more and more well-focused identity groups. The start of that was the proliferation of small, narrowly defined cable TV stations. You like old-time corny music? We’ve got it for you, 24/7. The (so-called) histories of violent criminals? Left wing, right wing or centrist “news?” B movies? Reality shows? Sports? And on and on and on it goes. Take your pick, sit down with your choice of poisonous fast food and enjoy!!!
Meanwhile the national politicians right on up to the presidency are lying their asses off every time they open their mouths, and so are their representatives. “Public and Private’ positions? That wasn’t just HRC, she just made the mistake of giving the whole game away.
So…you like fantasy football? Knock yourself out. It doesn’t mean anything. That’s why it exists, along with all of the other diversionary systems that help to keep the population in a state of eyes-wide-shut control.
Why is that control system breaking down now? (Witness Charlottesville for the latest evidence supporting this statement.)
Because the underclasses…and I include the middle class in that group…are now not making enough money to sustain an even partially comfortable economic condition. Sure, you may have a job, but wages are not keeping up with inflation…and I don’t mean the “Oh, we’re doing much better now!!!” economic hype that one sees plastered on the media front pages. I’ve seen that for decades, and yet prices for things that one in my own working class economic condition could easily buy are now well out of reach. And…your precious job is under attack from technological advances. And…the ‘gig economy” is now so deeply in place that many bosses don’t have to pay benefits.
So go ahead and divert.
It’s like giving candy to a baby.
At least for a while, the brat will shut the fuck up.
The tooth decay comes later.
Thank you SD
No problem.
Did you close your bold html tag?
I only bolded the UPDATE