Republicans Will Have to Make a Choice

Those who thought Republicans could duck Donald Trump by just working their agenda and the refs found out last night that they’re in deep trouble. Turnout among rubes, I mean Trump supporters, is depressed. Many on the right argue it’s because he hasn’t enacted his agenda. In truth it’s because he’s tried. And enthusiasm on the Democratic side is through the roof, where it promises to remain as long as the Donald remains center stage to keep stoking the bonfire.

Despite all of this, the Don remains dangerously popular (if you’re a Republican). In other words, any which way you turn, welcome to the whirlwind.
Every day it becomes ever more clear that Trump’s agenda is no different from that of other Republicans except that he’s grossly incompetent. So what to do as a Republican? You’re being hammered by your donors to pass a desperately unpopular agenda. Those donors don’t care if you get re-elected unless you prove yourself useful. At the same time, choices have real world consequences. The rules of politics have not been suspended.

They could try to pass a tax bill and then turn on Trump, claiming their shocked!!, shocked!! by revelations of the Mueller investigation and sundry Constitutional violations. But then they’ll get their heads ripped off by freaks like Bannon. Or they could sing from the Paul Ryan hymnal about sticking with the guy they’re stuck with and keep on keeping on until 2018 is upon them.

Either way, the result will be brutal unless they can figure some way out of this. If there is such a way, I’m not smart enough to imagine what it might be. It’s a Hobson’s Choice if ever one were, so don’t be surprised if we see a number of folks lining up to say they need more time with family before lining up for a K-Street blowjob.