So, this happened yesterday:
James O’Keefe, the conservative activist who attempted to plant a false story in The Washington Post this month about GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, was presented Wednesday with an Impact Award, handed to him by Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
O’Keefe accepted the award on behalf of his organization, Project Veritas, at an event hosted by the conservative group United for Purpose at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C..
“Proud to receive the Impact award from Ginni Thomas on behalf of the @project_veritas team,” O’Keefe wrote on Instagram, before praising other 2017 award recipients such as Fox New host Sean Hannity and Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton as “fighters.”
I just want to briefly review some facts here. James O’Keefe sent an employee named Jaime Phillips to spy on Washington Post reporters and try to get them on tape saying things that could be used to end their careers. This employee was then repurposed to tell a false story of being statutorily raped by Roy Moore as a teenager and impregnated. According to her fable, Moore drove her to Mississippi to get an abortion. The hope was that the Post’s reporters would report all of this as true. The next step, obviously, would have been to expose the story as a fake and thereby undermine the reporting being done on Moore’s credible accusers.
Fortunately, the Post’s were vigilant and figured out the entire scheme without being taken in. But the effort was clearly concocted in an effort to discredit Moore’s accusers and to give substance to the accusation that the mainstream press is biased and untrustworthy. And this was in the service of getting a plausibly-accused child molester elected to the U.S. Senate.
For this, the wife of a Supreme Court Justice gave him an award. And not just any Supreme Court Justice. Clarence Thomas was also plausibly accused of inappropriate sexual behavior, which you may remember from his confirmation hearings.
I don’t know if the conservative movement can get lower than this. Unfortunately, I suspect they can.
This verifies what most of us knew about Justice Thomas. Anita Hill was right.
I live up in the frozen north, and there’s a standard joke about the last words before most car accidents here – “Hold my beer, I’m gonna try something.”
I think in a way that joke applies here. Just watch – you ain’t seen nothing yet.
they can always go lower. Wait til they start a war in the middle east and blame it on Hillary Clinton.
Oh hell no.
Just “conservative” performance art, wherein immorality is a required element of the aesthetic.
My Occam’s razor –
McCain will do a thumbs down at midnight, but then vote for the corporate giveaway and throwing people of medical insurance, even when he has cancer!
Flake will write a book, appear on Trevor Noah’s show, even write a $100 check for Doug Jones, but vote for this bill.
The list is endless in proving this maxim!
Saw on Twitter: “When they go low, we go shoot ourselves in the foot.”
It always seems to be a contest, doesn’t it?
No doubt that they will keep trying.
. . . as they can get”.
They’ll always find a way under that bar, even though it’s lying on the ground.
O’Creep is the most disgusting piece of shit I can think of right this minute (though obviously he’s got competition from the Oval Office). He should be rotting in prison for fraud committed multiple times, now.
I can’t get over that:
. . . isn’t she?
She’s like the poster child for Denial (Not Just a River in Egypt(TM)):
“Honey, now you know that Anita Hill person may or may not be a little bit slutty, but she sure is more than a little bit nutty. I never done none o’ that shit!”
“‘Course you didn’t, honey. Now isn’t that James O’Creep just the poster child for Righteousness, though?”
It’s impossible to parody this environment, isn’t it?
When it comes to O’Keefe I believe in karma. He has developed a MO and he has gotten sloppy in search of a win.
I think the better question is why would the people who have control over such things stop it from going any lower?
Anyone not a frothing conservative fascist has know for over almost a decade who O’Keefe is, who’s paying his bills, and what his job is….yet, the media CAN’T ignore/dismiss him on pain of the executive suite getting a angry phone call.
The so-called conservative movement is long been made up of radical extremists. We’re seeing sewer rats at this point with absolutely no ethical goal posts. They’re all about hate and greed.
This is a truly incredible story. I’m at a loss for words — it demonstrates a level of horror that I thought was only available hypothetically or in banana republics or fascist regimes.
Are we that far from that, that you are surprised?
I have stopped asking if there is a line representing human decency over which the Republicans will not cross, and of course the answer is a resounding “NO!”
I don’t ask what would happen if Obama had pulled any of their stunts, or what would Hillary have done. I don’t wonder if there’s a single solitary Republican now who will stand up for their constituents who need health care or a decent education. I quit hoping that there will be any breakaway votes cast by Republicans in the House or Senate.
They have sold their souls to their party, the party of the rich, the party of corporations, the money party. We are now hostage to their demands and whims. What we could have hoped for: a bridge too far or a terrible goal too high or deeds too heinous to imagine, they do not exist.
The Republicans have no limits.
. . . convicted criminal serial ratfucker and all-around sleazebag O’Creep into merely a “conservative activist”.
Ginni Thomas is giving O’Keefe an award for playing the role of useful jerkwad. O’Keefe is also handsomely rewarded for his “high jinks” by the rightwing welfare circuit. I believe he routinely pulls down over $300k per year, which is chump change for the Kochs, the Mercers, Shelly Adelson, etc.
Why would they bankroll a complete cretinous criminal creep like O’Keefe to do these skeevy unethical immoral things? Why not? They WORK some percentage of the time. Remember ACORN? Democrats in Congress couldn’t wait to defund them. Yeah, pile on if you want, it was Big D who dropped the hammer on ACORN, which was, uh lemme see, registering minorities to vote.
And then, of course, the usual suspects in the rightwing propaganda wurlitzer can use O’Keefe’s lying b.s. in the spin-machine to make it seem like O’Keefe was actually “onto something real.” And the usual conserva-rubes’ll lap it up believing to the bottom of their shriveled black hearts that whatever lies O’Keefe is peddling today are the “real news,” and that anyone who is disputing the veracity of O’Keefe’s “findings” is just peddling “fake news.”
Win, win, win for the conservatives.
That’s why scumbag Ginni Thomas gives O’Keefe an award. Why wouldn’t she? Are you really surprised by this? I’m not.
. . . enlightening characterization in this context.
There were indisputably Dems who, to their very great shame, were duped by O’Creep’s fraud and rushed to the judgment that ACORN, which did much good, must be thrown under the bus.
Characterizing those Dems as “Big D” does not advance understanding, nor is it useful for anything that’s needed.
That situation was pretty analogous, though — in a bad way — to the Obama admin’s firing of Shirley Sherrod on the basis of a similarly fraudulently edited video clip and MSNBC’s cowardly firing of Sam Seder (since rehired) based on rightwing shit-stirrer Mike Cernovich’s deliberate misrepresentation of an old Seder tweet (as NPR pointed out yesterday or today).
Too many scared of own shadows when rightwingnuts sling shit.
We may decide to agree or disagree about the terminology that I used, but the outcomes remain the same, as you also indicate re the Shirley Sherrod situation, which I found deeply distrubing.
IMO, Al Franken was the latest to lose out due to his own party’s rush to judgment. Others may well disagree, but I’m disgusted with how that situation was handled. The rush to push out Franken by a significant subset of the D Party doesn’t sit well with me.
IMO, the Democrats get pwned by the Rs everytime.
So Roy Moore is likely elected, DJTrump remains in the White House, and Joe Barton remains in the House.
Sure sure… allegedly Franken “did the right thing,” but did he? I think he should have stayed while an Ethics Committee reviewed the situation.
You sure don’t see Rs pushing out their own, do you?
And since when has “taking the high road” led to Democratic victories in these kinds of knife fights? Hardly ever. And as we witnessed with ACORN and Shirley Sherrod, the Democrats at least participated in screwing their own for no good reason.
I’m just tired of that type of behavior. It’s counterproductive to acutally representing the needs of the alleged constituents of the D party.
That’s my opinion, of course.
no. they can always go lower.