The site been under a pretty substantial attack in recent days and it’s messing with the basic functioning of the site at this point. If you’re being logged out constantly or can’t access the site or are being redirected to other sites, and you still can somehow figure out how to comment here and describe your problem, please do.
Go here.
BooMan, that sucks. In case this might provide a clue:
I have not had any problems with the site. I always get to your posts through my RSS feed in Leaf on my Mac, but I just googled BooMan Tribune and was able to get to the site just fine.
Interestingly enough, though, this Open Thread does not show up as a thread on the front page, but it did show up in my RSS feed.
The most recent thread that I see on the front page is: Roger Stone Is Betting on Impeachment.
Finally able to comment somewhere. I am logged out on most pages as soon as I try to comment. One interesting tidbit though
— I tried to create a Diary to leave a comment. It allowed me to do so, but not as user ClearSkies, instead as user Marie3!
you’re saying that the diary “An Oddity for Breakfast” was written by you?
No. I can reply to other peoples comments, and I can create diaries in the name of Marie3, but I cannot submit said diaries.
… and also, it appears that the commenting function works for me only by following the Recent Comments tab at the top of the page.
and I should have mentioned, that if I try to submit any such diary, I get an error:
“Sorry, you don’t appear to be a valid editor for this story”
Try going to Progress Pond and seeing if we can get people logged in and talking there.
I’ve met no difficulties.
When I’m logged in all seems to function properly.
When not logged in, this front page “Open thread” doesn’t appear on my screen.
Is it a DDoS attack?
Just placed a comment in Marie3’s diary … is posted but is not seen as a comment under my “Oui’s Page” list of comments …
hmmm 😉
I cant seem to login on progress pond with BT creds,or register a new account.
I did reset my pw 15 min ago, for unrelated reasons, i haven’t logged in in months.
Hope you get it fixed soon, good luck.
This thread appears on the front page and I’m able to comment.
I get messages that I’m logged in as other users – Steggles and tien le so far. So maybe the attackers are trying to spoof users, especially users with administrative powers?
(Really curtadams, in case this post shows up as some other user.)
Marie3 here:
Same problem with being kicked out as others have reported.
I was logged in as Streggles until I opened this thread and then became Tien. Now to post a comment, I’ve become curtadam but Preview shows up as Marie3. Will see what Post results.
That’s similar to me – I was Steggles on the front page and Tien Le when I looked at a diary. I was never you, though. Maybe you were on after me and the attack was causing us to connect to accounts already on.
Also, the front page was sometimes not up to date.
Now things seem fine again. Thanks Boo!
Oops, cheered too soon. Now I’m getting logged off when I try to look at the top post. Don’t seem to be spoofing anybody though.
Trying to post a comment using Opera with its VPN feature. I am still having to continually log on. Not sure what is going on with your site.
Also, to use Progress Pond, do I need to create a completely new account and will it be something I need to pay for? Just trying to sort out my budgeting situation.
I have had trouble logging in all day. My name and login were disappearing every time I clicked on a thread or the comment box.
It seems to be working now. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Hi, y’all!
Testing again this morning. I typed the previous message yesterday and it didn’t show up until today, but there it is! I hope everything is all fixed.
I emailed you earlier about being repeatedly booted off, but I seem to be having no problems staying logged in under my usual name on the site, now, this evening. Testing the commenting feature…
Well, at least I don’t get booted off immediately. I’m still getting booted without signing myself out, especially when I refresh a page.
I had trouble posting an embedded YouTube video. I got a Securi Firewall screen saying that a cross-site scripting code was detected and the site was being blocked. It also asked if I was the site owner or admin and asked to whitelist the site.
I’m also being logged out every few minutes.
Then I click on a diary and get logged back in again without typing in my userid and password.
Hopefully we are making some progress. Slowly this site is coming back to life.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that there is no net neutrality anymore.