Is Chuck Grassley the Roy Cohn that Donald Trump has been looking for?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’ve always assumed that “Fixers” were smarter than the other people in the room rather than people who just made things up and kept repeating with the hope that some fools would follow. Grassley & Graham both are repeating the discounted line that the Dems/Clinton funded the Steele document, it was flawed but it spurred the FBI investigation. I could fund a pet rescue enterprise in every state with the taxpayer monies these guys have wasted trying to deflect from Trump.
From the article: “Current and former American and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the investigation say that the federal inquiry did not start with the dossier, nor did it rely on it. Rather, they have said, the dossier and the F.B.I.’s discussions with Mr. Steele merely added material to what American law enforcement and spy agencies were gleaning from other sources.”
HRC and the Dems did indirectly fund it.
Because everyone’s hands are dirty in the DC swamp…contaminated by the Deep State/Intelligence system now fighting for continued control of the American Empire.
Throw the bastards all out!!!
Let’s start fresh.
True enough, but that it was funded by Dems as oppo research, paid through H’s lawyer, doesn’t make it illegitimate as they’re insinuating and doesn’t mean the FBI investigation was a product of the Dems research.
Only the broadest strokes of the dossier have ever been shown to have evidence behind them but the dossier also had nothing to do with the FBI investigation.
Actually pretty much everything in the dossier has been verified, except of course the salacious pieces. The dossier itself arrived at the FBI after they already had an interest if not an investigation underway and they found the dossier lined up well with information they’d already received from allies. I think both CNN and MSNBC are going to run Russia investigation specials tonight, should be a good watch.
That’s the intro to that section. The whole thing is worth a read.
C’mon it was originally funded by arch-conservative Paul Singer before Trump won the nomination. Only then did the DNC take over and continue the funding:
How does that make the claim that HRC/DNC collab funded it indirectly untrue?
Marc Elias retained Fusion GPS from April 2016-October 2016 and it was Fusion that subcontracted to Steele.
Who funded Steele’s work is irrelevant. What’s relevant is that there’s factual substantiation for some of his findings. It’s politically helpful in a minor way that Republicans were the first to fund Steele’s 2016 research, but it’s best for us to keep the rhetorical eye on the ball.
Who funded Steele’s work is irrelevant. What’s relevant is that there’s factual substantiation for some of his findings. Congressional Republicans are referring Steele to DOJ for prosecution because they’re trying to make the information compiled by Steele disappear, even though it endangers the security of our nation that our President and people in his Administration and campaign are compromised by their personal and business relationships with powerful people in the Russian Federation.
Or is it “best for us to keep our eye on the rhetorical ball”?
. . . the topic is “serous question”.
Are you serous???
Grassley has behaved throughout this entire affair as if fundamentally and deeply compromised. How is this? How can this be?
I don’t get it either. Chucky is 84 yrs old. He could be home enjoying the company of his grand children or maybe the great grands. But he is in DC rolling around in the gutter.
Grassley is one of the most disgusting members of the GOP Senate caucus. He is relentlessly partisan but also one of its biggest liars and rightwing extremists. He’s the one that came up with the “death panels” garbage during the PPACA debate and has ruled his Judiciary Committee with a cudgel. Yeah, he’s a Roy Cohn type alright.
Now whether his crude tactics will work (“exposing” Christopher Steele’s lies could prove seriously embarrassing and damaging to Trump).
I think we may have to consider the possibility that wide swaths of the Republican Party are controlled by Moscow. This is going to get so very ugly before it’s over.
Short answer?
No. He is not.
Right? Cohn would eat Grassley for breakfast.