Appears Prof. Mifsud of Maltese descent has close links to former Italian Minister of the Interior Vincenzo Scotti and the Italian Intelligence Agency. See more information from the Link Campus based in Rome. With links to a corrupt Saudi Prince, getting some sense now of a covert operation or a piggy-back Mossad act with knowledge of Intelligence gained from Five Eyes raw data …
[The Maltese government send a warning to Colonel Gaddafi when the F-111 fighter bombers were en route to Libya in the 1980s.]
Partenariats of EDOF
- Link Campus University
- Mayo Clinic
- CNN Freedom Project
- Comité International de la Croix-Rouge
- Conseil National sur les Relations Américano-Arabes
- Freezmate
The EDOF Centre will work closely with the various interdisciplinary academic departments at the Link Campus University as well as with international governments and organizations in order to support experts, academics, researchers, diplomats, governments, and civil society activists in their attempts to help countries in conflict, crisis and transition around the world. The Partnership Agreement was signed in Rome on May 8, 2017.
“We are very excited to be partnering with the Link Campus Foundation to fund and enable important scholarship that looks to build bridges of mediation in conflict regions around the world,” said EDOF’s CEO, Dr. Nawaf Obaid. “We have respected the work of Link Campus for some time. The Centre hopes to play an important role in contributing to its efforts toward creating peace and good governance by strengthening the ability of researchers, media, and civil society to speak out and be informed on vital contemporary issues.”
Professor Joseph Mefsud will be appointed the Founding Director of the Centre for a period of three years. Scholarships and bursaries will be allocated in the field of War and Peace studies. The Centre will also hold international seminars and conferences, produce research publications, and appoint Senior Fellows in the field of War and Peace studies.
According to Tarek Obaid (1), Founder of EDOF, “The Centre will take a very pragmatic approach to helping bring smarter and more relevant thinking to the area of conflict mediation.” It will achieve this by having three areas of concentration: training, mentoring, and providing platforms for professional and expert seminars; building up the capacity of institutions and civic groups; and working with independent and official partners to remove barriers to free expression, robust public debate and open citizen engagement. “Offering this research platform for experts is EDOF’s way of trying to support those who are doing the heavy thinking as to how we can bring resolution to some of the more intractable conflicts in our world.”
[(1) Source: Sarawak Report]
Belfer Center – Nawaf Obaid Biography
Nawaf Obaid is the Visiting Fellow for Intelligence & Defense Projects at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He is also a weekly columnist for the pan-Arab daily, Al Hayat Newspaper.
He is currently the CEO of the Essam and Dalal Obaid Foundation (EDOF).
From 2004 to 2007, he was Special Advisor for Strategic Communications to Prince Turki Al Faisal, while Prince Turki was the Saudi Ambassador to the United Kingdom & Ireland, and then the United States. And from 2007 to 2011, he worked with the Saudi Royal Court, where he was seconded as a Special Advisor to the Saudi Information Minister. Most recently, he served as the Special Counselor to the Saudi Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 2011 to 2015.
Joseph Mifsud: Brexit: stepping off a cliff or indipendence day?
Il 20 marzo alle ore 10:30 presso l’Università degli Studi Link Campus University, si è tenuto il convegno “Brexit: stepping off a cliff or indipendence day?”
Il convegno determina il primo atto di una collaborazione italo-britannica post Brexit, ed è stato organizzato in occasione della firma del Protocollo d’intesa tra l’Università degli Studi Link Campus University e la London School of Economics and Political Science, tenutasi lo stesso giorno nella sede dell’università romana.
Sono intervenuti: Franco Frattini – Presidente del Corso in Studi Strategici e Scienze Diplomatiche e Presidente della SIOI, Vincenzo Scotti – Presidente dell’Università degli Studi Link Campus University, Michael Cox – Direttore della LSE IDEAS e Professore di Relazioni Internazionali presso la LSE.
- ○ Link Campus University – Vincenzo Scotti, President
○ Portrait of a Political Leader: Vincenzo Scotti
Linked to Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal …
○ Hariri Caught In Sudairi Power Struggle – US Policy
○ Iranian dissident does not believe in ‘Saudi ambassador’ plot
- Prince Turki Al Faisal said the evidence, disclosed by the United States late, was “overwhelming” and “clearly shows official Iranian responsibility”. “Somebody in Iran will have to pay the price,” said Prince Turki, who also served as his country’s envoy to Britain and the US.
Prince Turki al-Faisal, the chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, is a former director of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and ambassador to the United States.
[Update-1] In reply to links found by Marie3 in comment to diary!
One needs to keep up a lavish, Saudi lifestyle in these circles … also a link to Abu Dhabi, the military wing to the Saudi Kingdom and a hub for retired US generals. A great place to divert from American shores to set up headquarters: think Erik Prince’s XE or Academi and VP Cheney’s Halliburton. Dubai always has two faces historically dealing in contraband. The UAE emirs were close to Osama Bin Laden and it was president Clinton who failed to kill the Al Qaeda leader because of the presence of Emirati royalty falk hunting with him in Afghanistan. To circumvent the financial sanctions on Iran, the payments in gold between Turkey and the ayatollahs of Iran were handled through Dubai.
The affair of Prof. Mifsud stinks a mile deep, seems to me he used Papadopoulos as an entry point for himself to get into the Trump campaign as a listening post for third parties. Through Rupert Murdoch and his connections the blame was laid at the feet of Russia’s Putin to the advantage of Bibi Netanyahu, Israel and his gang. Turkey’s Erdogan had been had, he was the NATO stooge in the overthrow of Assad. Erdogan is trying to limit the damage with the invasion into Syria against the Kurds in Afrin region. Using once again the FSA or whatever Al Qaeda remnants are available.
See my comment with link to article by Prof. Joshua Landis. He clearly confirms all nations that were part of the Baghdad Pact – CENTO – have been lost as Western or U.S. allies. Back to square one: our remaining allies are the young state of Israel and the Saudi Kingdom of the tribe of King Feisal and the smaller Gulf States. King Abdullah of Jordan and the Palestinians under Abbas have been left hanging to dry.
The 1MDB Fund corruption is a deal of Malaysian leaders with Saudi Arabia – too much to cover all at once.
How PetroSaudi’s Tarek Obaid Nabbed $43 Million From 1MDB’s Energy Langat Heist!
How the money travelled
The paper trail produced by the Singapore prosecutors shows that no less than $790 million had been immediately siphoned out of 1MDB subsidiary company Energy (Langat) after it raised a $1,75 billion bond in October 2012, through Goldman Sachs, ostensibly to invest in power plants.
That payment was later accounted for on the spurious notion that it was a “refundable deposit” to the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Aabar, paid as security for its co-guarantee on the loan.
In fact, the entire amount was channelled 19th October into a bogus Aabar subsidiary company in the British Virgin Islands, called Aabar Investments PJS Limited, which had been set up by two Directors of Aabar, who were co-conspirators in the heist.
From there $442 million was rapidly transferred (via two bogus Curacao-based investment funds called Cistenique and Enterprise Emerging Markets) to another hub company controlled by Low named Blackstone Real Estate Partners Limited BVI, which also had an account at Standard Chartered Singapore.
A week later, on 31st October, Blackstone transferred $129,000,000 back to the Aabar Chairman, Khadem Al Qubaisi, using his Edmond de Rothschild Vasco Trust account in Luxembourg.
Meanwhile, $260 million had been flipped on 29th October to Alsen Chance (which like Blackstone was set up by Eric Tan at the same Standard Chartered Bank branch in Singapore). The following day Alsen Chance sent Tarek Obaid’s Maplehill Properties the $43 million.
Malaysia to pay $1.2 billion to Abu Dhabi fund over 1MDB scandal
This is a civil action in rem to forfeit assets involved in and traceable to an international conspiracy to launder money misappropriated from 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (“1MDB”), a strategic investment and development company wholly-owned by the government of Malaysia.
The United States seeks forfeiture of property located in the United States and abroad, including in the United Kingdom and
Switzerland, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 981(a)(1)(C), on the ground that it was derived from violations of U.S. law, and pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 981(a)(1)(A) on the ground that it is property involved in one or more money laundering offenses in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 and/or 1957.1MDB was ostensibly created to pursue investment and development projects for the economic benefit of Malaysia and its people, primarily relying on the issuance of various debt securities to fund these projects. However, over the course of
an approximately five-year period, between approximately 2009 and at least 2014, multiple individuals, including public officials and their associates, conspired to fraudulently divert billions of dollars from 1MDB through various means, including by defrauding foreign banks and by sending foreign wire communications in furtherance of the scheme, and thereafter, to launder the proceeds of that criminal conduct, including in and through U.S. financial institutions. The funds diverted from 1MDB were used for the personal benefit of the co-conspirators and their relatives and associates, including to purchase luxury real estate in the United States and overseas, pay gambling expenses at Las Vegas casinos, acquire more than $200 million in artwork, purchase lavish gifts for family members and associates, invest in a major New York real estate development …
Oh goodie. Another “think tank.” Just what the world needs.
I take it that Prince Turki hasn’t been detained which would mean that he’s in good standing with MBS. Appears that Prince Turki and Nawaf Obaid go back a ways.
Can anybody follow the money? I know nothing about the individuals and business entities listed in this report (except Goldman Sachs and Blackstone but they are untouchables). DOJ/FBI has had an open investigation into this since at least 2012 and reportedly issued a report November 2016.
Too nuts to connect these dots: Trump/Kushner>MBS>Turki>Abaid>Mifsud? With Mifsud getting a new and seemingly professional coat of paint from Trumps KSA good buddies? Will wait for the Russian/Putin obsessives to revise the string and insert Putin at the front and back ends and in the middle as well.
For giggles: Tony Blair, Prince Turki, and Nawaf Obaid.. (iirc Bliar met up and congratulated Trump early on. Never one to miss any potential opportunity to brown-nose.)
h/t fjallstrom @EuroTrib
Full coverage here …
○ Bogus Colleges – Bogus Student’s – Bogus Diploma’s – Bogus Directors – Backdoor Immigration on an Industrial Scale – Need to Undo the Gordian Knot
○ Shadow Foreign Secretary – Michael Ancram in ‘niversity’ Dispute With Prasenjit Kumar Singh | BBC News – 7 July 2004 |
More from a second article the day later: College linked to Trump/Russia affair covers its tracks