The federal government will likely reopen by Tuesday after Senate Democrats accepted an offer from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to end their filibuster of a stopgap spending bill.
I am shocked!!!
Shocked, I say!!!
From my post here a couple of days ago:
Government Shutdown??? Give me a BREAK!!!
Imagine a real shutdown.
Just for starters, legislators and the rest of the DC swamp wouldn’t get paid.
Neither would the members of the Armed Forces or all of the corporations that manufacture goods bought by the federal government.
The Swamp would dry up in no time!!!
But of course…they won’t actually let a real “shutdown” happen. That’d be bad for business, wouldn’t it. It will be a “shutdown” in name only…a false news shutdown with the media blaring about the hottest-thing-EVERness of the crisis while the backroom hustlers and their corporate bosses make the compromises necessary to keep their immensely lucrative con game in action.
A news cycle or two later?
Provided of course that some hostile power (And I include the entire corporate system of the (Untied States)…err, ahhh, of course I meant the United States…in that “hostile power” rubric. Maybe Trump, too, come to think of it.)…provided that some hostile power doesn’t take advantage of the hustle to run its own hustle on the country?
Another hottest-thing-ever story will be ginned up to keep the news cycle’s wheels profitably spinning and the rubes’ eyes on the wrong hand of the carny barker.
Later…I’m gonna ignore this shit.
You should too.
Like I said…
Read on for more from the above Atlantic article.
Schumer’s agreement with McConnell does not have the support of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi or the party whip, Steny Hoyer, according to an aide, because Speaker Paul Ryan has not made the same commitment to put an immigration bill up for a vote. But Pelosi and Hoyer won’t urge all Democrats to vote no, and the bill should pass easily in the House with most Republicans on board.
In an early indication of the Democratic divide, votes opposing the agreement on Monday came from some of the caucus’s most liberal members as well as those likely to consider presidential bids in 2020, including Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Kamala Harris of California. “I refuse to put the lives of nearly 700,000 young people in the hands of someone who has repeatedly gone back on his word,” Harris said in a statement, referring to McConnell. “I will do everything in my power to continue to protect Dreamers from deportation.”
A moral stand? Just politics as usual? More likely a combination of the two, at least from the newer hustlers in he Dem mix. I so wish the Democratic Party as a whole would take a stand…a moral stand…and damn the torpedoes!!! There are so many people in the U.S. who would back such an uncommon occurrence. It is the constant backbiting, infighting and jostling for political position from both parties that has turned off almost 50% of the electorate so thoroughly that they won’t even vote.
I see the same thing happening on this site.
The backbiters are slowly taking control.
Stand the fuck up!!!
P.S. From another article in The Atlantic
Trust Is Collapsing in America
When truth itself feels uncertain, how can a democracy be sustained?
The same question that I have been asking here for nearly a year.
Standard of proof???
In a false news world, there is no “proof” available.We are living in a post-factual world now, JDW.
All of the things that we used to think we knew? The things that we accpted as “true” due to our upbringing?
Our social programming?
Our schooling, our media brainwashing, etc.?
Gone down the rabbit hole.
…only a few people really understood how much “the truth” had been perverted in this country since at least Clinton I’s barefaced statement that he “…did not have sexual relations with that woman…” Go further back, to the assassination years. That’s when it started to get really heavy, this false news, postfactual, truthiness world.
And still, only a few people out of our many millions began to call out the lies.
Later on, only a few saw Watergate for what it was…a contest between liars.
The better liars won.
On to this year…
Suddenly the truth about the lies…the lies about what and who Obama really was (A slick, neoliberal frontman, nothing more and nothing less) , the lies about neolib rule, the lies about goddamned near everything that our government says it is…began to penetrate the thick skulls of the hoi polloi.
The result?
He called the lies out, one by one. No matter that he too was lying…at least he was telling the truth about previous lies. His first big breakthrough? That line about Hillary Clinton, the money he gave her and her subsequent requisite appearance at his daughter’s wedding. He told the truth about the lies that lay behind what we had almost all been misedumacated into believing to be the way our system worked. It was like he threw a shrapnel grenade into the whole system. The splinters flew out, decimating all the liars with reach. Including…eventually…Trump himself.
And now? Now it is rapidly getting to the point where nobody believes nuthin’!!! And well they shouldn’t. The whole curtain of lies has been torn down, revealing the one fact that we are all beginning to be able to see.
Our Grand Societal Wizards have no clothes on. They are just naked little hustlers, hiding behind a curtain of lying tailors.
Each and every one.
Will I once again be accused of being some sort of a nihilist here?
Maybe, but this is a positive development as far as I can see.
Recovery only really begins once you realize that you are sick.
Physicians…heal thyselves!!!
More from the Atlantic article linked above:
“In God We Trust,” goes the motto of the United States. In God, and apparently little else.
Only a third of Americans now trust their government “to do what is right”–a decline of 14 percentage points from last year, according to a new report by the communications marketing firm Edelman. Forty-two percent trust the media, relative to 47 percent a year ago. Trust in business and non-governmental organizations, while somewhat higher than trust in government and the media, decreased by 10 and nine percentage points, respectively. Edelman, which for 18 years has been asking people around the world about their level of trust in various institutions, has never before recorded such steep drops in trust in the United States.
There it is.
Meanwhile, your DemRat leaders…and I do mean “your” because they sure as hell ain’t mine…proceed with their endless parade of compromises.
And…many of you here still back them!!!
Simply unbelievable.
How much horseshit are you going to take?
These are the people who shivved Bernie Sanders in the back so they could “have a candidate that would win!!!”
How’d that work out, oh you many lifeling lotus eaters?
Great work.
As usual.
Thanks for the Trump.
You want some kind of breakthrough? Me too. Here is what the I Ching says about “breakthrough” and evil. (Emphasis mine.. And it should be yours, too.):
In a resolute struggle of the good against evil, there are, however, definite rules that must not be disregarded, if it is to succeed. First, resolution must be based on a union of strength and friendliness. Second, a compromise with evil is not possible; evil must under all circumstances be openly discredited. Nor must our own passions and shortcomings be glossed over.
Gloss on, neocentrists.
Gloss on.
Or as the King James Bible says: