Plot to murder 6 million Germans – Abba Kovner head of group called Nakam or Avengers. Plan was to add poison to the water supply in major West-German cities München, Nuremberg, Hamburg and Frankfurt. The British military foiled the plan. There was previously a threat from Israeli underground for terrorist strikes on London. The bombing of the King David hotel in Jerusalem was just a modest example.
Film to show new details of Jewish post-war revenge plot to poison German cities … review online:
○ Times of Israel
○ British Mail Online
Earlier reports on the Holocaust Avengers
Revenge of the Holocaust Survivors | The Guardian – July 2008 |
Kovner sought moral backing for his project, travelling to Palestine to consult the leaders of the Jewish state-in-waiting. He met Chaim Weizmann, who would become Israel’s first president and who had begun his career (at Manchester University) as a research chemist. Once Weizmann heard from Kovner the horrors of the Holocaust, he could mount no resistance: he gave his blessing to the Avengers, even offering them help in acquiring the poison. (Several sources suggest Weizmann approved only Plan B, rather than the more deadly, and arbitrary, Plan A.)
More below the fold …
Yet Plan A never happened. Kovner, with two canisters of poison in his backpack, was arrested by British military police while on a ship bound for Europe: he had been betrayed. The Avengers came to believe that the highest echelons of the Zionist hierarchy had heard of Plan A and were determined to thwart it, not least because they feared such a massive slaughter would fatally undermine the moral claim Zionism was making after the Holocaust – that as a people who had endured near-annihilation, the Jews had won the right to a home of their own.
Plan A, and indeed the Nokmim effort, raises vexed questions for Jews. Were those Avengers right to take the law into their own hands, to ensure that the guilty paid for their crimes and that future generations would know Jews could not be killed with impunity? Or were they resorting to a crude distortion of Old Testament justice – “An eye for an eye” – that let them sink to the level of their persecutors?
Yet, despite the weight of these questions and the books that have been written, the story of the Avengers has not yet become a central part of the Holocaust narrative. That may have disappointed Kovner, who died in 1987. One former comrade, Gabik Sedlis, told Cohen that the leader kept one eye on his place in history, hoping to be ranked alongside the ancient defenders of the Jewish people. “Two thousand years from now, he wanted people to talk about Judah Maccabee and Abba Kovner.”
The Holocaust and Zionism’s “Broken Oath” | Tikun Olam |
The following guest post was written by Prof. Ilan Sadeh, a native-born Israeli, child of Holocaust survivors and now a professor of computer science at a Chinese university. The original was published in Hebrew by HaGadah HaSmolit [“The Left Bank”] …
“Like Sheep to the Slaughter”
This wretched term was taken from the words of Abba Kovner, appearing in a proclamation published to residents of the Vilna Ghetto. The Hebrew translation by Kovner read, “We must not go like lambs to the slaughter.” Y.Y. Agnon, in his book, The Sign, distinguished between the Jews of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora: “It is better to live in Israel than outside of it, as Israel has granted us the power to stand up for ourselves, unlike the Diaspora where we walked toward our enemy like lambs to the slaughter.”
Agnon made the use of the term acceptable. He had a limited capacity to understand. Although he was awarded a Nobel Prize, he in no way measured up to Janusz Korczak. The Jewish leadership should have stopped the spreading of such poison. It did not. Holocaust survivors were a trampled lot.
People of the old settlement ridiculed the Holocaust survivors regarding their conduct during the Holocaust. In so doing, they poured salt on wounds that never healed. During the Yom Kippur War and in others, soldiers were taken captive and murdered. Did they go as lambs to the slaughter?
- ○ “Not as Sheep Led to Slaughter”? On Trauma, Selective Memory, and the Making of Historical Consciousness Author Yael S. Feldman
Trauma of the Shoa, the second generation turns to extremism and fascism: from victim to perpetrator of war crimes, torture and genocide. The Trump administration with Pence and Kushner are enabling the right-wing extremists in Israel – further isolation for America and Israel. Technological and military assets is saving Israel from an early demise in the ME neighbourhood.
Project Coast: Apartheid’s Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme | UNDIR – 2002 |
The similarity between the name provided by Lourens and that of convicted chemical arms dealer, Israeli citizen, Nahum Manbar, is striking. In 1999 Manbar was found guilty by a Tel Aviv district court of “aiding an enemy state with intent to harm Israel’s security, by having sold chemical weapons (sic) related materials to Iran”. The 80-page judgement says: “He played a double game, supplying the Iranians with components for weapons of mass destruction, while deliberately misleading the Shin Bet regarding his business deals.” [370]
[370] Jerusalem Post, 18 June 98, p. 1, "Manbar convicted of selling poison gas to Iran", via Nexis; Reuters from Jerusalem, 18 June 98, "Netanyahu wants Israeli to pay for arms sale", via Infoseek; Uzi Mahnaimi (from Tel Aviv) and Yvonne Ridley, Sunday Times (London), 19 July 98, p. 18, "Briton reveals Israeli traitor's hidden heroics".
Between 1955 and 1960 Eleven Iranian officials attend US Army chemical and biological weapons (CBW) training courses. — Congressional Record (Annual Edition), 23 December 1969, pp. 41180-83; cited in Gordon M. Burck and Charles C. Flowerree, International Handbook on Chemical Weapons Proliferation (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1991), p. 252.
Mid-1980s Mana International Investments, a company registered in Poland and controlled by Israeli businessman Nachum Manbar [NYT], supplies Iran with nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protective suits. — “CW Deliveries from China,” Iran Brief, 6 July 1995.
19 June 1988 Nachum Manbar, an Israeli businessman, is convicted for selling biological and chemical weapons parts and know-how to Iran for $16 million. — “Iran Denies Buying Chemical Weapons from Israeli Trader,” Pakistan Link, 20 June 1998, [Source: NTI: Iran Biological Chronology]
○ New allegations surface for US experiment with biological warfare on Korean peninsula
○ South Africa’s Apartheid regime and Israel joined research on biological warfare | Project Coast |
○ Israel’s Fourth President, Ephraim Katzir, Founded IDF Biological Weapons Program | Tikun Olam – 2012 |
○ Story Claiming West Bank Rabbi Endorsed Poisoning Palestinian Wells Likely Zio-Hoax | Tikun Olam – June 2016 |
The Jews are evil, but at least they provide endless grist for your mill.
True, there is hardly any coverage here @BooMan of the Israeli-Palestinian issue … not even the 4 day visist of VP Pence is mentioned. Great friend of America and U.S. Congress Bibi Netanyahy sees the politics of Washington DC close the gap to their moral values. Fascism breeds Fascism.
Far beter sources with recent events are …
○ Palestinian legislators are `dragged out’ of Knesset as Pence promises embassy will move in 2019 | Mondoweiss |
○ Mike Pence’s Middle East tour: Speaking to Israel’s hard right only | MEY – #occupation |
○ Pew Poll: Democrats, Youth Increasingly Alienated from Israel | Tikun Olam |
○ Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed | Electronic Intifada |
I too have been distracted from ME events to write about the Trump administration.
More reading on topic …
○ What Irish hero Michael Davitt tells us about Jewish history | Plilip Weiss – Jan. 20, 2014 |
…. and don’t call it the “West Bank” … it’s Judea and Samaria … come on in and let’s talk democracy, a one state solution??
○ Christian Zionists Collude with Alt-right Trump