After his demise, the Israeli’s can now boast how they tried to assassinate Yasser Arafat by downing a civilian airliner.
○ How Arafat Eluded Israel’s Assassination Machine | NY Times |
- The radar on the F-15s picked up the blip of the transport plane, a DHC-5 Buffalo, 370 miles into Mediterranean airspace. The fighters closed rapidly. They read the tail number, saw the blue-and-brown markings. They were positive they’d found the right plane.
The lead pilot keyed his radio. “Do we have permission to engage?”
It was the afternoon of Oct. 23, 1982. Deep beneath the ground of central Tel Aviv, inside the Israeli Air Force’s main command-and-control bunker, code-named Canary, the pilot’s question played over a loudspeaker. All eyes were on the commanding officer. Everyone expected an order to open fire, but the air-force commander in chief, Maj. Gen. David Ivry, usually a decisive man, was hesitating.
More below the fold …
Israel releases 9 prisoners in deal for Mossad agents | CNN – Oct. 1997 |
Nine handcuffed Arab prisoners were flown to Jordan Monday as part of a trade that secured the return of two Israeli secret agents in the wake of a bungled assassination attempt.
Israel Radio said the nine — eight Palestinians and a Jordanian — are among dozens of prisoners Israel has agreed to release in exchange for the Mossad agents. The agents were captured after trying to kill Khaled Meshaal, the political chief of the Islamic group Hamas, September 25 in the Jordanian capital of Amman.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu persuaded Jordan’s King Hussein to agree to the swap, and last week Israel freed 20 prisoners, including Hamas’ founder and spiritual father, Sheik Ahmed Yassin.
Israel has promised to free as many as 50 more in an attempt to soothe ruffled feelings after the assassination attempt soured relations with Jordan and Canada — the agents used fake Canadian passports — and brought a firestorm of criticism down on Netanyahu.
“From time to time, we have to pay a price for something which you had to do,” Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai said. “I think we are not going to release any Hamas (activists) which would be dangerous.”
Israel Planned To Blow Up Passenger Plane In Arafat Assassination Plot
Only, as so often happens, most (if not all) such “conspiracy theories” turn out to be truth, in this case exposed thanks to the work of Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman, whose just published explosive book “Rise and Kill First” : “The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings” details such Israeli plans as the assassination of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat which included a plot to blow up passenger planes and football stadiums.
Ronen Bergman, the intelligence correspondent for Yediot Aharonot newspaper, persuaded many agents of Mossad, Shin Bet and the military to tell their stories, some using their real names.
The result is the first comprehensive look at Israel’s use of state-sponsored killings.
An excerpt from the book published in The New York Times, details how when former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was defense minister, he ordered the Israeli army to shoot down a passenger plane carrying hundreds of innocent people Arafat was thought to be on. Arafat was chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization at the time. Although the plan was eventually called off, it was allegedly one of a list of plans to to assassinate the Palestinian leader.
How Israel’s leaders use targeted killings to try to ‘stop history’ | Times of Israel |
Tiny Israel, beset by Arab attempts at destruction and the “perpetual menace” of terrorism, developed a highly effective military, arguably the world’s best intelligence agencies, and, in turn, “the most robust, streamlined assassination machine in history.” And on numerous occasions, it was the targeted killing of potent enemies “that saved Israel from very grave crises.” Israel’s intelligence community and its political masters, indeed, have relied on these attacks, and the further deterrent that they create, to avert wars and major conflicts, or at least to widen the gaps between such wider hostilities.
But at the same time, Bergman said in an interview to coincide with the book’s publication, the very success and potency of what are calculated as over 2,700 assassination operations in Israel’s 70-year modern history has sometimes led Israeli politicians to eschew true leadership and diplomacy. They have felt that they have, at their fingertips, he said, “this tool” with which they can “stop history… They can make sure that they achieve their goals with intelligence and special operations, and not by turning to statesmanship and political discourse.”
The Times of Israel sat with Bergman for over two hours to discuss the revelations and implications of his research — eight years of work, 1,000 interviews, untold crates of previously unpublished documents… and a great more material unacceptably unpublished, from his point of view, as a consequence of heavy-handed military censorship.
As both his book — titled from the Talmudic counsel, “If someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first” — and the conversation here will confirm, Bergman is torn by the material that he presents.Talmud or Jewish Law: One Law for Jews; Another Law for Gentiles
In this case, there is no avoiding the fact that the Talmud is heavily biased in favor of the Jew against the gentile. The mishna in Bava Kamma 37b says, “With regard to an ox of a Jew that gored the ox of a gentile, the owner of the belligerent ox is exempt from liability. But with regard to an ox of a gentile that gored the ox of a Jew, regardless of whether the goring ox was innocuous or forewarned, the owner of the ox pays the full cost of the damage.” In other words, a gentile doesn’t even benefit from the rule about an innocuous ox costing only half the damages; his ox is automatically considered forewarned and so responsible for full damages. But a Jew’s ox can hurt a gentile’s ox with impunity.
Jewish Law and Contemporary Warfare
While the biblical narrative about the conquest of Canaan and the commands related to it, have had a deep influence on Western culture, mainstream Jewish traditions throughout history have treated these texts as purely historical or highly conditioned, and in either case not relevant to contemporary life. However, some strains of radical Zionism promote aggressive war and justify them with biblical texts.
Contemporary warfare conducted by the State of Israel is governed by Israeli law and regulation, which includes a purity of arms code that is based in part on Jewish tradition; the 1992 IDF Code of Conduct combines international law, Israeli law, Jewish heritage and the IDF’s own traditional ethical code. Tension between actions of the Israeli government, and Jewish traditions and halakha on the conduct of war, have caused controversy within Israel and have provided a basis for criticisms of Israel.
○ IDF: Hebron soldier said stabber deserved to die, then shot him | Times of Israel |
○ Israeli Chief Rabbis Endorse Ethnic Cleansing, Palestinian Servitude | Tikun Olam |
○ Chabad Rabbi: Jews Should Kill Arab Men, Women and Children During War | Haaretz |The Jenin Massacre and Arafat holed up in Ramallah … from where Yasser Arafat succumbed from an unidentified poison. Don’t blame the occupier.
The Jews are evil, but at least they provide endless grist for your mill.
לירות את השליח
That’s what my brother-in-law says when I ask why 25% of his political emails are about black men (and now immigrants) committing heinous crimes. “Blame reality, not me.” He’s not racist. Just a brave truth-teller.
Fucking idiot! Completely off topic and off the mark. Tells more about yourself, why am I not surprised. 🙂
In fact, it’s entirely to the point. If you can’t see that (and I don’t expect that you can) that’s on you. If my brother-in-law brings up Bill Cosby and OJ Simpson every now and then, fair enough. They’re noteworthy, and horrible. However, when he starts airing otherwise-legitimate criticism against members of a historically-despised group with a wildly disproportionate frequency, it becomes clear that something else is going on.
When I mentioned this to him, he said I was ‘playing the race card.’ PC people like me are always trying to shut down the truth.
I have not hidden the fact that I read and quote Mondoweiss – Tikun Olam of blogger Richard Silverstein. Occasionally I read Juan Cole, Syria Comment by prof. Joshua Landis and Eletronic Intifada.
I miss my fellow bloggers here in the Pond who have a much stronger voice on the I-P issue :: Mattes – shergald – Palestinian blogger Hurria – heathlander from UK. I have linked several times to Sirocco‘s translation of a Norwegian author – Famous Author Excoriates Israel. One of the few times visitor hits on Booman Tribune went through the roof.
I do not give political support to the BDS movement although I personally avoid goods made in Israel on occupied Palestinian land in accordance with European foreign policy stance.
I take sides by backing the U.N. Security Council rulings on the State of Israel and do not give support to Jared Kushner’s push for moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem – my diary .
I write about Israel’s Islamophobia and the Jewish donations to this cause and the alt-right across European nations.
I have written about the ruling of the International Court of Justice on the barrier build on Palestinian land, the occupation by Israel.
Always appreciate your appearance giving your two cent’s worth. Thank you JDW.
It’s true I don’t like Geert Wilders and his anti-Palestinian stand of Eretz Israel and the vision or lack thereof on Islam by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
I do have good friends who are Jewish, Muslim, Christian (not of the American Evangelist kind) and persons believing in social issues and justice for the Palestinians.
I hate American hypocrisy of Congress and their blind vote pro Israel while it’s domestic policy becomes more fascist year by year. Yes, I’m positioned more liberal and to the”left” on progressive issues than the average Democrat in the United States.
Indeed, there are too few voices on the I-P issue across the Democratic Party of Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schulz
Well, quite often Israel places a ban on writers as I have linked above or put censorship in place. JDW is that where you come from, to place a gag order on opinion? Arab Writers Strike at Daily Kos
So it goess …
From my diary – Netanyahu’s Revenge: Trump the Winner .
○ Sanders Outlines Middle East Policy | March 21, 2016
○ The anti-capitalist, secular Jew from Brooklyn
○ US U-turns on closing Palestinian office in Washington DC | DW – Nov. 25, 2017 |
○ Trump’s UNRWA cuts hold Palestinians hostage
○ UN agency for Palestine refugee launches global funding push after US aid cuts
○ It’s now clear: the Oslo peace accords were wrecked by Netanyahu’s bad faith | The Guardian Opinion | by Avi Shlaim
○ The Saudi-Israeli Alliance and Piggy-back Coup of 2005
○ Saad Hariri Blames Israel for Beirut Bombing! – July 2013