How are you enjoying our national humiliation?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I hate where I think this is headed — cataclysm of one kind or another. But to have an ’emperor’s clothes’ moment about US empire, spying, rampant corruption, fascist/authoritarianism, etc — was always inevitable.
I continue to be most concerned about the global nature of this right-wing fascist takeover. Hard to fight back if the bad guys have all the guns…
I don’t know, Jim. I’m not a fan of huge lurches. They never seem to end well. Gradual evolutions have a far better track record. Hope I’m wrong. Perhaps we need to hit rock bottom. With Trump and the Republicans in charge, it’s just a matter of time (unless Democrats unseat them).
Just look at what the donald has done to his family to understand where we as a country are headed.
You mean…we’re gonna be rich beyond our wildest dreams!!!???
P.S. Snark, for those who need markers.
This is what DT does best: humiliate people. I refuse to show up for that. Humiliated people don’t fight back (look at how the GOP primary played out). I’m with the folks who are fighting back.
Humiliated people take it out on innocents who have less power.
Very true. And money/power is a curse for someone as messed up as Trump because it gives him license to engage in so much destructive (and ultimately self-destructive) behavior. It’s clear to anyone with eyes open that he’s a miserable person. For all his money, his golf resorts, his gold plated toilets, he’s living in a kind of hell. (None of which excuses his behavior.)
The GOP Congress will never hold Trump accountable for any of his crimes no matter how bad they are because Trump is a product of the GOP and they have totally bought into his monstrous administration. Only the Democrats can hold him accountable.
I would like to think that all those Democratic and independent voters who didn’t bother to show up at the polls in 2010, 2012 and 2014 now realize what a disaster they have bequeathed to the country and decide to change things in 2018. I’m cautiously optimistic they will but they’re also facing a lot of structural voter suppression, more Russian hacking and other obstacles that still make the outcome highly uncertain.
All of that plus the spirit of apathy and ignorance that infects our culture. This Trump nightmare has, for me, exposed the deep sickness of our culture. We’re so materialistic, so caught in ego, so cut off from our hearts and basic humanity.
I think it’s always been that way, at least in European culture. Trump just highlights how deeply out of balance we are. Traditions and norms that kept such impulses in check have broken down and we need something new to replace them.
At least in Europe there is a sense of community. At least there used to be. In America it was always every man for himself and devil take the hindmost.
Yes, that’s true. When I traveled in Europe, there was a way in which people pulled together much more strongly than we do.
I see it talking with ex-pat Brits and Germans (well one German) here. They are genuinely angry at the idea that an advanced nation would withhold medical treatment for one of their citizens just because they have no money.
That community sense can slide into racism and bigotry as we saw in early twentieth century Germany (and Italy) and perhaps modern Britain. You would know that better than I.
Yes: “the devil take the hindmost” – that’s precisely it. Conservatism has an inherent need to take from ‘others’ in order to thrive. This underlying malice that divides and disrupts is one of the best reasons to eradicate it.
Won wonders why the Republicans are so hell bent on supporting Trump. Are they benefiting (money, election manipulation)from some of the same sources he is?
One, obviously.
Are you Juan, too? 🙂
I don’t care what other countries think about us on a vanity level. I’m not the nationalist that Trump is. But I am concerned about how other countries view us for our economy, our position on global warming, and most of all, our level of security.
Trade deals will be more difficult, conversations about being allies or enemies, how we reach out internationally are all in jeopardy now. We’re being pulled down an abyss by an egotistical idiot and his sycophant political maniacs. That doesn’t play well on the world stage.
It’s going to be the Democrats who step up. We have to fight as if we’re losing the Constitution itself, because in reality, we could.
I’m grateful that Europe is, for the most part, solidly carrying the torch of Democracy and decency. Even there it’s under attack and there’s no guarantee we’re not on the brink of a dark age. But thank goodness after WWII our nation had the foresight and decency to step up to the plate with the Marshall Plan, the Berlin Airlift and other measures that kept Europe from falling into chaos and desperation. That allowed for a building of democratic institutions, now seemingly far stronger than ours.
Sadly, it’s been good for the ratings
Unfortunately, it’s in our corporate media’s short-term interest to contribute to our demise by flinging the crap that Republicans and their tools at Fox pull out of their asses…
Another aspect of the disease. Corporate greed has so completely overtaken our culture, there’s not much space anymore for discussion or even thought around such old fashioned notions as right and wrong, common decency, the social good.
What’s the market value of decency? They have a value system in which everything has a price and they hold that that is good and right.
I believe “that Man is not just a producing consuming economic animal”.
Milton Friedman and the Chicago School. Alan Greenspan and the rest of those imbeciles. I’d strangle them if I had the chance.
Humiliation? Embrace it!
Remember, as the focus of evil in the modern world and global hegemon, we had it coming.
We’re just doing penance for Mossadegh, Árbenz, Diem, Goulart, Allende. For Iraq and all our other wars.
The least we could do is to have the class to shut up, stop whining and suffer in silence.
In fact, if you’re complaining, you’re essentially throwing in with the oppressors and exploiters who want America to evade responsibility and freeload on the back of the rest of the world.
Instead, struggle for the demise of the whole nation-state idea. But don’t be too particular about it — and be ready to settle for half-a-loaf, to wit the destruction of one particular state.
Multinational Corporations – the successor to nation states!
“I pledge allegiance to Google Corp. and the shareholders for which it stands. One Monopoly indivisible with snooping and debts for all.”
For some reason I can’t embed the darn video! Ugh!! 🙁
Fixed it for you (if for no other reason than I love Devo). As of yet, Sucuri does not whitelist embedded videos (at least for YouTube as far as I am aware). There is a workaround.
If you replicate the code in the above image, you’ll get a much different video (a Pogues tune). But, just change the video code where required and you’ll get an embedded video without a problem.
There’s truth in what you say. Trump isn’t so much an aberration as poster-child for the ugly American incarnate.
Learn to read Davis’s comments, please.
Forgive Parallax please, Booman. Things are getting so bad here in the U.S. that X’s snark is beginning to lose its snarkiness. It’s hard to walk that snark line in a Snarkocracy. When almost everything that you are being told by the mass media is itself snark…I mean, what’s a snarker gonna do!!!???
My own solution? Tell the unvarnished truth of the matter and watch people treat it as snark. Now that’s entertainment!!!
More entertaining than a Super Bowl, for sure!!! At least I won’t be bombarded by billions of dollars of advertisements that are themselves snark.
Sounds like modern advertising to me…
I’ll take a knee, thank you very much.
Taking a knee on that one, too.
Also thank you very much. But no, thank you.
My wife is watching Kitten Bowl on Hallmark.
I’m obviously web surfing.
Both would rather be having our teeth drilled without Novocaine than watch professional sports.
It’s cold, snowy and windy outside. I think I have some Swedish Glugg leftover from New Year’s Eve. A good time to look for it. It’s not really Swedish, it’s from Paso Robles.
Which reminds me that I got my 23andme results. I’m 54.5% Italian. I knew Dad was Italian but where did that other 4.5% come from? Obviously, somewhere in Europes’ checkered past. And I have an unknown cousin, with a third of my genes matching, named Karl Swenson!
Ain’t the melting pot great! Gotta toast Karl with that Glugg.
We watched a DVD of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion.
Arthur Gilroy’s version of the truth is heavily varnished by his regressive policy and social views. He has offered here his personal views that multiple Federal civil rights laws and social welfare programs should be ended or eviscerated. These advocacies are in line with his beloved Ron Paul. Like Paul, Gilroy’s policy agenda afflicts the afflicted and comforts the comforted.
It is no coincidence that Arthur and President Trump execute a wall-to-wall tarring of all media. The only way Trump and Gilroy will be successful in convincing those in their scopes of influence that we should return America to the 1920’s is by trying to thoroughly defeat the concept of objective truth. Facts are simply not on their side.
You are a modern Johnny One Note.
You cannot even hear the other notes.
What a terrible fate. Not even a stick figure. One dimensional!!!
I pity you.
Tell us more about your policy views, Arthur,
My basic policy is never to fall for the lies and never to put much stock in what easily identified fools have to say whether they agree or disagree with my own posiitons.
I really cannot tell if you are simply lying in order to support your position…a very political thing to do (see HRC’s “public/private” gaffe for more on that)…or if you are too fucking stupid to understand what I and a number other people both here and in other places online online are saying.
Either way…it makes no difference as far as I am concerned. (See my basic policy above.) I take nothing that you say seriously.
Good day…
P.S. Why do i even answer you?
Well…number one I have a practice schedule that includes 10 minute or so breaks. Time to kill.
Number two, I hold out hope that others might read our colloquies and WTFU themselves.
You’re the perfect straight man.
Or woman.
Thank you for your service.
I see.
It’s becoming clear you no longer wish to defend your support for voter ID laws. You no longer wish to defend your call to abolish unemployment insurance and slice apart the rest of the Great Society and New Deal programs. You no longer wish to defend your desire to eviscerate Federal civil rights laws.
Who can blame you? It’s hard to stand behind your repellent policy views when they’re subjected to direct attention.
No. You either do not “see” or you are playing political games…with of course the most likely third possibility that both statements are true. People who play those word games…exactly like HRC and her public/private bullshit…do not really “see” what is up or they would not play those games. Why? Because in the end…again like HRC…they lose. me take longer to lose than do others. They’re he ones with real grifter talent.
I support more local jurisdiction over who makes the laws. I really do not know…and neither do you…how that would play out nationwide today. As Ron Paul once answered to a question regarding whether relatively unregulated capitalism would work: “I don’t know. It’s never been tried.”
Neither has relatively uncontrolled democracy been tried.
Not really.
Certainly not in the United Staes. Not ever.
What we have now is a sham of democracy, a fix game run by big money for its own profit and nothing more.
And more importantly…I support those wo want to end the Permanent War system. Clear up that boondoggle and suddenly trillions of dollars would be freed to support real education instead of giving lip service to that idea, and an educated public…truly educated, not the fill-in-the-blank/look-up-the-answer-on-Google system in place today across the entire educational system right on up to the Ivy League and beyond…would make wiser decisions in all matters.
Your Democratic Party is a failure in this No-More-World Cop role. It publicly supports peace and simultaneously…more public/private bullshit…cooperates in waging war worldwide. Clinton I did it; Obama I did it, and Clinton II would have done the same thing had she won.
I also support the rights of states to secede from any other state…including the U.S…if a majority vote approves doing so. I think that the NYC area should have seceded from New Jersey and New York State long ago. I am tired of being ripped off by Podunk pols…including Mr. Cuomo’s eldest son…to support the rest of the state. I think that this country has gotten too big, too complex and too powerful to be governed even competently, let alone well. Look at the DC swamp for all you need to know on that account.
Am I in favor of voter ID laws that are used to disenfranchise certain groups? Of course not. Would that happen in parts of the deep south? Probably. Solution? Force them to either behave in a rational manner by the same kinds of sanctions used on hostile nations or force them the fuck out of the union.
Forced secession!!! There’s an idea whose time has come!!! The UNTIED States of America.
Will that happen?
Hell no!!!
Why not?
The swamp grifters would lose profits.
Are you profiting from this shell game in some way?
I dunno.
Tell me about it.
That would explain a lot about your posts.
I’ll tell you this…I sure as hell am not.
Bet on it.
Holy smokes, please keep on outing yourself, Arthur.
Your support for the Confederacy is showing here. We fought a Civil War and a major, bloody Civil Rights political and policy campaign. Each time, Americans considered your “secession” desires. Your side lost, each time.
You wrote supportively of Bernie Sanders’ Presidential campaign. You are now writing in support of Ron Paul’s position that we should have unregulated capitalism.
You are a dishonest, untrustworthy person.
Yiou write:
No, I am an open-minded, curious person. Open-mindedness and curiousity are only a danger to the status quo.
Do you feel somewhat…threatened…by what I say and how I think? It certainly seems that way.
Look within, not without.
Continue. You’re doing great!
Defend your regressive position on unemployment insurance next. A Voice In The Wilderness has called you forth.
Stop the whole Clinton I-founded NAFTA foolishness and unemployment would drop…while wages increased…almost immediately.
Ross Perot pinned it in 1992:
From the NY Times coverage of the 1992 presidential debates:
Stop spinning lies in defense of your beloved Democratic Party. it is part and parcel of why we are in this mess in the first place.
You won’t defend your position on unemployment insurance.
Why should I “defend” against ignorant attacks upon what I have written?
You are too lame to need to spend much more than a sentence or two to refute.
Learn to read.
Learn to think while reading.
Or…learn to speak honestly.
You be bettah off.
It’s not an attack.
You have written here that you oppose the concept of unemployment insurance.
It’s your position.
No. I oppose the very concept of “unemployment”…permanent unemployment, caused by soulless corporate greed, its need for cheap labor and enforced by racial stereotyping…just as I oppose the idea of permanent war. Permanent war is just another cash cow for the .01%. It is you and people like you who support the Uniparty centrist system that causes such things.
In a nation the infrastructure of which is falling apart at an incalculable rate, there should be adequate work for all. That’s what FDR’s WPA was all about.
You remember…maybe…like when Democrats were truly progressive?
Do not try to coat me with your own tar and feathers.
I will not stand for it.
You’re fudging on your own stated position. You’ve said that unemployment insurance saps personal initiative. Pretty disappointing display from The Unvarnished Truthteller.
Over years and generations, it does. You can’t see that? Unbelievable.
Thanks. This thread has been helpful.
I’m open to Voter ID, IF the states are required to provide it at no cost to the voter. Can’t agree on secession. Never trusted the Pauls. Understand your frustration with Coumo and NY. I feel the same about Rahm and IL.
Don’t agree with anyone here 100% (quite a few at 90%), but vehemently oppose efforts to silence you with troll ratings.
Links? Examples? Or is that YOUR interpretation?
Care to comment, AG?
One example
Opposes Civil Rights Act and mistakenly links civil rights legislation to incarceration rate and poverty rate for ethnic minorities. I’m sure that folks wanting to do a bit of digging can find more. That was not his first rodeo when it comes to such commentary.
Yessiree Bob, they are. Nice to have a thread with some linkage. It is but a small sample.
Centristfield wrote:
Then you…disapprovingly, of course…quote me as saying:
Where does my quote say anything about “…multiple Federal civil rights laws and social welfare programs should be ended or eviscerated?”
I want them improved!!!
Why? Because they are not fucking working, that’s why.
If the DC Swamp can’t write, pass and enforce those laws efficiently…which it plainly cannot do, as it also quite plainly cannot enforce immigration or anti-drug laws just for starters…then perhaps that sets of might be better handled by smaller, more flexible systems. (Read…less compromised by massive amounts of money funneled by Congress’s corporate-bought-and-sold hustlers, many of them involved in fund raising from companies that profit mightily from a burgeoning prison population, dirty drug money, cheap labor permanently marked by skin color etc.)
What if the polluted swamp is beyond saving? What do we do then?
We clean up our own back yards and guard against the pollution positively roiling out of Washington, DC.
But NOOOOOoooo…
No. You remain so very dishonest and untrustworthy.
In your earlier post, you called for the United States to be allowed to dissolve. That is, in and of itself, a call to end the enforcement of all Federal civil rights laws which protect all Americans, however imperfectly.
A reminder of the extremity of your view here: when the Kentucky County Clerk was denying people their newly won Constitutional right to marry, you said we should abandon them and allow the County to violate their rights. You warned progressives that if we persisted in defending the right to marriage that progressives would be responsible for angering regressive Kentuckians and enticing those troglodytes to go to the homes of LGBTQ Americans and physically beat them.
That’s what you wrote then. That’s the unfortunate consequence of your position.
And here’s the beauty: you were proven to be thoroughly wrong. That County in Kentucky is now processing marriage licenses for same-sex couples. There has been no outbreak of mass beatings. Your fertile imagination did a poor job in predicting the behaviors of Kentuckians.
It is true that the “…smaller, more flexible (government) systems…” you reference are responsible for the reduced effectiveness of many Federal civil right laws. That does not mean those Federal laws have defended no one. What you trollishly advocate for here for is for Federal civil rights laws to defend no one in States which secede.
Your position on this issue is the same position which has been held by the most radical white Christian supremacists for our entire lives. Why would you want to publicly be on their side in this way?
You write:
I am not “on their side,” as a cursory reading of my many posts here…if of course you have even minimal reading comprehension skills and/or some semblance of honesty…would easily attest.
I “agree” with much of what is written in the Koran, the Old Testament and the New Testament. Also most of what Karl Marx wrote. Am I then “agreeing” with Islamic terrorists, Zionist killers, so-called “Christian” racists and Stalin?
. . . here.
Understood if you’d just rather not answer that. I can think of reasons you might reasonably prefer not to.
Pardon me, Booman. And fuck you!
WTF, dood,
Uncalled for.
Also David Brooks implores us to be humble, so #BothSides.
First time in US history a demonstrable and proven ignoramus has been elected to the presidency. An embarrassing loss of stature for the country.
Not the first time by any means. Simply a new low.
Yes, let’s not overdo that. It’ll be hard to top this one though.
We’ll keep trying, though…
He is visibly sliding into dementia. Watching All-In with Chris Hayes last night, showed the following …
At some function, reading off the teleprompter, he gave shoutouts to about five GOP who were there beginning with John Cornyn. After reading off a few words about each of the other four, he spotted John Cornyn there and wondered why his name had not been on the teleprompter. So he ad libbed a few words about John Cornyn, having forgotten he had said something about him just minutes before.
I’ve been around sales guys all my life. Their constant patter is like an auctioneer’s chant. Trump is just talking to keep the action moving forward. He isn’t `unprepared’ or dumb, he just doesn’t prepare as a matter of course. He doesn’t try to keep things straight because that’s not his job as he sees it.
A country with this many numbskulls, with a system of government this flawed deserves to be humiliated.
Republicans are systematically intent on destroying the institutions in America. The Democrats are unable to recognize the true nature of their adversary, they are constitutionally incapable of recognizing the flaws in the system and consequentially they are unprepared,when it’s their turn, to press their advantages.
The Republicans push constitutional amendments for banning abortion and balancing the budget.
Where are Democratic proposals for constitutional amendments to guarantee the right to vote? Against gerrymandering? What about reviving the Equal Rights Amendment?
Republican malice is met by Democratic malpractice.
. . . (my Sen. Tester backs one) for a Constitutional Amendment to end “corporate personhood”, i.e., overturn Citizens United — a la MoveToAmend, though specifics of proposals vary — and then/thereby roll back some of the immense damage it has done. It is a key element of what’s gone so wrong with us.
But the Republicans aren’t pushing Constitutional amendments for banning abortions and balancing the budget. For fuck’s sake, Republicans just passed a completely partisan budget-busting tax cut for the oligarchs who fund their campaigns and lifestyles. Sure, they’re trying to cut spending on “undesirables” in the wake of that revenue cut, but there is no upcoming Federal government which will propose a balanced budget; the GOP-led Executive and Legislative branches are proposing budgets with massive deficits.
And they’re content to use legislations and regulations to chip away at a woman’s right to control her own body and life until their control of the Judiciary is sufficient for them to gain the help of judges to return Americans to the 1920’s in this policy area as well. That seems enough to hold their grip on the modern radicalized fundamentalist Christian political movement. The Republicans are delivering the racism and sexism that the fundamentalists cherish.
Republicans have won elections despite having a policy agenda which is so very unpopular that Democrats sometimes have a hard time running ads against the GOP agenda because too many voters simply refuse to believe that Republicans want to eviscerate their Social Security, Medicare, remaining tattered job and environmental protections, and more. It also hurts us in getting our message out of when our candidates are buried by bags of oligarchic political campaign money.
I’m sick to motherfucking death of the thoroughly passive-voiced Both Siderisms. If we think the Democratic Party in our regions and States should be doing things differently, it’s our responsibility to figure out how to place Party leaders who will begin to change what the Party is doing.
But it’s also important to have clear eyes about where the voters are. For example, running on the defense of a pluralistic, culturally diverse society is an electoral loser in many Districts. It is the right thing to do, particularly in Trump’s America, but it does not help most candidates to win. Running on single payer health care and the increased taxes required to finance a single payer program is an electoral loser almost everywhere. Recent polls of voters in California have shown they would vote against the taxes required to stand up a single payer program.
Maybe because the last eight years showed that Democrats were the ones pushing those things. Remember the Catfood Commission? Remember Obama and Democrats raising the taxability of SS from 50% to 85%? And, by the way, it was ZERO before Tip O’Neill colluded with Ronald Reagan in an earlier “Grand Bargain”. All of those Grand Bargains seem to combine tax cuts for the rich with a giant screwing of working people of ALL colors, not just white. And there is a candidate in the top three running in the Democratic gubernatorial primary that calls himself the only progressive that tried to cut teacher’s pensions on already retired teachers and is “open” to taxing Social Security. He also wants to decertify the chicag9o teacher’s Union and entered bills expanding charter schools. If that’s “progressive”, I’m happy to embrace the reactionaries that want to go back to 1940.
Democrats seem obsessed with electing racial and gender tokens while shoveling more and more money to the 1%. Screw the tokens! Show me the cash!
Literally zero Congressional Democrats voted for the tax bill.
I know you don’t understand what the Simpson-Bowles Commission was intended to do. What’s important is that it did what was intended to do: help prevent Congress from passing a Bill which reduced Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid benefits.
That’s what happened. Your claim about what the broad number of elected Democrats want to do with social welfare programs doesn’t match what they actually did when they had full power.
Hillary ran in 2016 on the broadening of Social Security benefits to more workers. Any national candidate in a Democratic Party primary who runs on taxing Social Security benefits will be defeated.
The fact that only one of the three gubernatorial candidates in your Democratic Party primary is thirsty to cut pensions and tax Social Security (what, a State tax?) suggests that your attempt to tar the entire Democratic Party as holding those positions is baloney. I encourage you to join other Illinois Democrats who are working to defeat the regressive candidate.
Yes, a state income tax on SS and pensions (both currently nontaxable).
I’m not talking about Trump’s tax bill. I’m talking about Obama’s tax bill. And I never said “all”. Tulsi Gabbard, for one, seems to be pretty good, even a dream candidate, although people at c99 seem to hate her for viewing North Korean missiles as a threat.
On the opposite side is Dan Lipinski, hereditary
rulerCongressman from Chicago’s South Side. Anti-abortion anti-gay marriage Patriot Act supporting Catholic fanatic. I suppose if I lived there I would be expected to vote for him just because he has a (D) after his name.Yes, I’m going to volunteer to walk the neighborhood for Pritzker. I don’t trust billionaires but he looks like the best we’ve got. And I don’t care if he got a property tax reduction from Berrios. So did I and I have no pull and made no contributions. Property values fall. They don’t always go up.
Voice, good news today regarding the need to get a better member of Congress to replace Lipinski for your 3rd Congressional District.
Nothing you offer in support of that nonsense — neither the inaccurate bits nor . . . if there were any . . . accurate ones — actually supports that ridiculous premise.
Good on ya, though, for backing away from your past racism/racial framing:
Exactly. Nice to see you come around.
Glad to see you backtrack from saying that only non-white working people were worthy of attention.
. . . remotely resembling that!
Go ahead, link evidence to the contrary.
You can’t, of course.
Let’s see your link to anything racist that I’ve said.
gonna do it again to flatter your whim.
. . . (obviously untenable and unsupportable-with-evidence) claim that I (ever!) said
is duly noted.
Meanwhile, repeating myself, I challenged and documented your racist framing (which you — to your credit! — reversed above) in realtime. A record on which I stand confidently.
Couldn’t do it, huh? Because I never said anything racist.
Which is why I won’t waste my time hunting it down again. Quite comfortable standing on the credibility I have earned here for not making false assertions. It happened (more than once), I documented and challenged it in realtime, and you went apeshit.
Meanwhile, still,
. . . and screams volumes.
You don’t have to go far to find this, it’s about six comments up.
Key phrase,
Democrats seem obsessed with electing racial and gender tokens while shoveling more and more money to the 1%. Screw the tokens! Show me the cash!
It’s slick. Obviously the alt right commenters on this site have learned the same rhetorical tricks, because they write comments that appear benign, but have that little dollop of hate that they so love to share.
While I appreciate your efforts, you’re wasting your time, like Trump, they can’t help what they are, and can’t resist exposing the demons that haunt them.
. . . issues are not my problem; as you’ll discover if you attempt to rise to the challenge I just threw out. And fail.
Remember the multiple times you ascribed that same lie to me and my posts? I do.
You’re not a racist but…
What lie? That you said, “Fuck the white working man” in a front page story in which Booman asked for ways to get the white working man back? Yes, I looked for that thread but the upstream thread was hide rated out of existence. However, I’m sure other people noted it. YOU are the anti-white racist.
This is a lie. I never, never said this. It’s utter, complete bullshit, I’ve told you it’s bullshit every time you’ve repeated it, and you are a complete piece of shit for repeating this lie over and over.
So you know you’re lying but you repeat it anyway. Classy!
I’ll take “shit racists say” for $1000, Alex.
You’re lucky that you’re hiding behind a keyboard, otherwise you would be trying to stuff your guts back in.
Wow, you really are a piece of human garbage, aren’t you?
What’s funny is that, since I’m smart enough to know how to use google, I know exactly who said the quote you keep falsely ascribing to me and anyone who cares to look it up can see your insane racist overreaction to it as it occurred in real time.
protip: you don’t come out looking too good.
Much like now.
. . . it a bit.)
Nuff said.
I, for one, welcome our new Russian Mafia overlords.
Booman writes:
Which one, Booman?
I mean…there are so many from which to choose!!!
To be humiliated I would have had to have a better opinion of our nation.