[From the lofty discussion on a progressive blog, 473 days after her loss to Trump.]

Stupidity of the remarks are all her own making. After her triumph at the convention, Hillary opened a nine point lead. Was it arrogance of the moment, a warped feeling she’s closing in on her glass ceiling …

Hillary Clinton Was Politically Incorrect, but She Wasn’t Wrong About Trump’s Supporters | The Atlantic – Sept. 10, 2016 |
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton and Shattered review – was Trump’s victory inevitable? | The Guardian – May , 2017 |

Behind Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Line | ABC News – Sept. 8, 2016 |

    This week Clinton’s campaign is shifting into a get-out-the-vote mode while she also maintains her sideline pursuit of poachable Republicans. Her team will continue touting prominent GOP endorsements: Former California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman even introduced Clinton at multiple closed-door August fundraisers in California. There, the candidate explained her approach to Republicans interested in Trump, according to one Bay Area attendee. Clinton divides Trump voters into two baskets, she said: the everyday Republicans — her targets — and what she called “the deplorables” — the “alt-right” crowd she excoriates and has no hope of wooing. [Source: Politico – Sept. 4, 2016]  

More below the fold …

Ben Zimmer, a linguist and lexicographer writing for Language Log, a blog hosted by the Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania, compared the phrase to “parade of horribles,” an expression that evolved from events in which early New Englanders dressed in garish costumes and sardonically marched through local towns.

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In this case, the line appears to be an original creation of Clinton and her team, though the New York fundraiser was not the first time she used it.

In an interview with Yonit Levi of Israel’s Channel 2 on Sept. 8 — a day before the fundraiser — Clinton made an almost identical statement.

    “I’d say you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets,” Clinton said. “There are what I would call the deplorables — you know, the racists and the haters and the people who are drawn because they think somehow he’s going to restore an America that no longer exists.”


HRC presumed she was talking amongst her Israeli friends on that fatal September 8 in the interview with Channel 2. Unwittingly, she got back-stabbed by her “friends” in the Jewish community. We have covered them by name many times over …

On Israeli TV, Hillary makes the choice for Trump clearer than ever | The Jerusalem Post |

Ironically, as Clinton was speaking, Iranian military boats were provoking US warships in the Persian Gulf.

Because she has no record of achievement on Israel, her remarks to Yonit Levi, by necessity, focused on her criticism of Donald Trump. If there is still a line that can be crossed in American politics, she crossed it. Clinton accused a full half of Donald Trump’s supporters – roughly a quarter of the population of the United States – of being “deplorable.”

With no substantiation, she attributed to these unidentified people the ugliest of motives, from bigotry to misogyny to anti-Semitism. What a horrible thing to say about the nation she hopes to lead. The truth is that the fringe elements that support Trump are minuscule and unequivocally disavowed by the candidate. Clinton cannot say the same of the agitators on the Left who are rabidly anti-Israel and who form a core constituency within her campaign. In keeping with the Democrat playbook of the modern era, Clinton reflexively plays the “race card” whenever the questioning gets tough.

But of all the dumb things said by Clinton on Channel 2, her explanation for refusing to acknowledge the enmity of radical Islam takes the prize. Even though the word “Islamic” forms a part of the name of Islamic State, she won’t refer to Islamic terrorism by its name. Like her former boss, Barack Obama, she posits that identifying the enemy provides them with a means to recruit more terrorists. Perhaps if we just call them something else, maybe something flattering, we will have them on the run.

Can you imagine Winston Churchill or FDR refusing to identify the Nazis by name for fear of bolstering their recruiting? And yet in this world war of the 21st century, Clinton is falling right in line with the failed approach of Obama – the Neville Chamberlain of our time. Clinton even went so far as to say that jihadists are “praying” for Trump to win (as if she were privy to jihadi prayers). What complete nonsense.

Jihadists seek to impose Sharia law on the entire world and their greatest fear is someone like Trump – a leader who would seek the immediate destruction of ISIS with overwhelming force, not politically correct speech or psychological babble.

About the author David Friedman: The writer advised Donald Trump on US-Israel relations. He became U.S. Ambassador to Israel and triumphantly, with hardly a voice of criticism on a progressive blog, moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Someone who “lost it” after the election defeat by means of the crucial electoral college vote. Putting blame on “the Russians”, at least the IC ran with her line and created chaos in the aftermath. The Trump crooks and business associates have settled in the White House, alt-right representative Steve Bannon has been banned for the looks of it. Nevertheless, the deplorables are ruling America. Great state of affairs.

First principle when running for office of the wprld’s most powerful position: “Know thy enemy.”



* [new] Re: BMW = Brexit Made Wonderful (4.00 / 2)

Trump won because he is/was a maverick, coming into politics sideways from a billionaire’s podium, a la Berlusconi.

His notoriety as a crook made him media red meat, they gobbled up every gaffe and vomited it back repeatedly creating a vortex and regaling him with millions of dollars free publicity. Hillary could not compete on this level at all, she was recycled old news. Old policies, reconstituted pablum, b-o-r-i-n-g.

She thought the answer was to buy fancier pantsuits and widen that rictus leer of delusional superiority.
Her femininity was supposed to be a big voter plus, but the bloodlust she showed around the manner of Ghaddaffi’s dying revealed a level of sadism that couldn’t be unseen, not exactly the kinder, gentler leader many would have affirmed her as, purely on her gender.

She placed herself right in the Madeline Albright hag-bag, hobnobbing with Kissinger just in case anyone had any illusions by then as to her true nature.
Her lust for war with Libya made her a whitebread Condoleeza on steroids.

The Republicans were on the ropes, all their candidates had the charisma of cold mashed potatoes, so when Trump showed up with his base of aggrieved, angry voters eager to see their reality show superhero drain the swamp -as if!- the Party saw voters and grabbed with both hands onto his coattails.

Similarly again to Berlusconi, people thought riches symbolised a crude wisdom that politicians were too poor and savvy-deficient to understand, and if politics was really all about money then why not get a successful businessman to run the country like a corporation?
Straight-shootin’, tuff-talking, the frisson of bad boy behaviour to grab ledes and shout soundbites.
Isn’t he awful? Tut-Tut.
What did he do today? Oh how shocking!

The more he hated on the media the more they lapped up their profitable punishment, like johns with their dominatrix.
Whip me! I love it! Harder? Yes! Talk dirty to me! OK you asked for it!
Gimme scandal, abuse, and alt-facts, gimme wannabe fascists, give me peace with Putin, give me Mexican walls, give me Hillary behind bars!

And so we got to know his temperament, slalom mood swings, rabid tweet-olalia, the sneering superiority failing to cover up the cry-for-help insecurity that boastful bragadocio was always really about. He defied credulity, our cosy myths about normality shattering as we watched his trajectory dominate the narrative.

Love me, fear me, but never forget me.

We watched his high wire act with sanity like passers-by watch a train wreck, rubbernecking at his antics, marvelling at how a man so clueless about anything could have the epic hubris to want to be POTUS.
No way, can’t happen, surely…

Yes way. We looked into the abyss with GWB, now with Trump the abyss is staring back -hard- at us.
The swamp is deeper than ever, the sheepskin off the wolf as we ponder what mayhem he can conjure before he self-combusts, and how many he will take with him when he does.

Bang or whimper? Time’ll tell. (Bigly).

‘The history of public debt is full of irony. It rarely follows our ideas of order and justice.’ Thomas Piketty

by melo on Sat Mar 3rd, 2018