Even when the Pond felt more like a community, this diary from:
SallyCat has not dropped by since 2013 …
○ Froggy Bottom Café – Jan. 3, 2013
Sweeping generalizations by an individual, in a blog diary, in the media, or by a government are ALWAYS wrong. There are so many times that a few people have spouted hateful comments and generalizations about the United States, about Republicans, about Democrats, about Arabs and Muslims, about Christians, about anything ‘they’ don’t like. What happens is always predictable – attack and counter-attack.
During the past 2 months I have watched this blog from the sidelines and participated in the ‘big’ blog. The attacks are by a few…and participated in by the many. So – it looks like those that spew the rhetoric of hate are sowing the seeds of discontent and distrust that keeps them in power. Or maybe it just salves their egos to be one that has the power to disrupt.
More below the fold …
All major theologies teach lessons of tolerance and patience and peace. Generically here I will include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Shinto…and so many others. I believe, and this is a big jump for some, that almost all of us want peace and are basically compassionate caring people.
So what happens?
- Many of us have been fighting for decades for peace. We have worked for the good of humankind – around the world – for all these years.
- Many of us have been working for political change for years and years. Some are new to the political process but they are jumping into the fray with their heart and soul.
- Many of us are religious and have worked with our respective churches for peace and compassion around the world.
- Many of us are painfully aware that governments – of many countries – do not represent the will of their people.
- Many of us are tired of the few that make claims and assertions that a brash and hateful generalizations about any people or country.
- Many of us are no longer willing to turn the other cheek and being caring and compassionate to the hateful. We will fight for the dignity of accuracy and integrity in words and speech.
Now what?
We have choices if we are we willing to exercise those choices.
Do we tolerate hate and hateful speech or do we call for peaceful solutions?
Do we tolerate rhetoric or ask for specific points of fact?
Do we walk the walk and promote peace and change or do we accept the status quo?
This is not a political diary it is philosophical discussion of where we choose to be.
This is not an open forum for more rhetoric…but a forum for what we see and expect of ourselves and the world around us.
What choices do we choose to make?
Promoted by:
Cali Scribe
Meteor Blades
Damnit Janet
cruz del sur
Brementown Musician
the other colleen
Family Man
Iowa Victory Gardener
Mrs white trash poet
…41 total.
Life is too short … civility on this blog is unfortunately a feature of the distant past!
[psst … from the blog owner’s clear instruction: troll feature to be used on … trolls]
Actually, the period post in which you chose was one in which there was anything but civility. If you actually go back and check the context that led to Sallycat writing what she wrote, you’d realize that it was anything but. That was not a golden age. I remember that period quite well. To this day I still second-guess whom I chose to support.
If the point of this combo meta/all-hat-no-cattle diary is to guilt trip those of us who are fed up with AG’s antics into giving him another chance, forget it. He had his chance for 10 years or more. That ship has sailed.
Remember another Frogpond directive: “Don’t be a prick.” Who said that, I wonder? Having a different perspective does not by definition make one a prick. If someone is perceived of that way, a good question to ask is what is different about that individual’s observable behavior? Could they make the same point without being so damned inflammatory? Are we looking at a consistent pattern of misbehavior? Are we looking at a consistent pattern of an individual ignoring what were supposed to be norms here? At some point, folks will say “ya basta” (enough is enough). I think we’ve passed that point as well in this case.
But thanks for that lovely trip down memory lane, and a reminder of another prolonged flamefest that probably could have and should have been nipped in the bud before it went out of control.
You could contribute to the community feel by commenting in a succinct fashion on other people’s posts instead of just writing lengthy, stand-alone, stream-of-consciousness posts full of denunciations.
Even the best fall down sometime.
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Okay – we actually have a spammer. We all know what to do.
Why did you dredge up and endorse a twelve year old, simpering (“we all just need to get along”) meta-diary? (Meta-diaries are 1) boring and 2) useless since they first appeared at dKos in 2004.)
Neither SallyCat’s nor your diary cited the conflict that that gave rise to her diary. Not until halfway through the comments thread to SallyCat’s diary did a background clue emerge. (Before then, someone claimed to be shedding real tears because Lt. Watabe was being court-martialed. While I respect Watabe’s decision and sacrifice, the Bush administration didn’t strip and hold him in solitary confinement before his trial. And he later got off. Then there was plenty of angst about how bad everything was — which seemed curious to me because as of July 2006 it was clear that there would be large GOP losses in the mid-terms; so, I was rather upbeat that point in time.)
The clues came from “catnip” and “supersoling,” but thankfully, the target “DuctapeFatwa” showed up and I was able to quickly find the “offending” diary and thread. Diary didn’t grab me — perhaps due to stylistically not being my cup of tea — but “Arcturus’s” comments did. (Was she/he run off? What a shame.)
Recall — this was July 2006 — and it’s worth highlighting and repeating one of his/her points:
It’s one thing (and to be expected) for the institutional Democratic Party to stop with the achievement, but stupid, naive, etc. for “the people,” including bloggers, to do so. What did most “liberals” do? Stopped and declared the Obama was the bestest POTUS evah and only a Republican would say otherwise. And to this day, they can’t see, much less acknowledge, that lefties were correct in their critiques and forewarnings that complacency and more of the same would erase that big “achievement.” And as it turned out even faster and decisively than I could have imagined. Donald -fucking- Trump is POTUS!
His/her response to DFH bashing (by our esteemed host; so, nothing has really changed much here, except Arcturus and catnip aren’t around anymore):
Chalmers Johnson’s trilogy is essential reading for anyone that wants to engage in US foreign policy conversations.
One more — because seeing clearly often sounds so prescient later:
As I said, nothing has changed here.
(There’s may be more goodies in that thread, but I don’t want to wade through another 250 comments to find more nuggets.)