I’m trying to imagine what the right-wing media would do with a headline like this one from Bloomberg News if it referred to the presidency of Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or *gasp* Hillary Clinton.
When I think about how they’ve treated things like the Fast & Furious “scandal,” let alone Benghazi! or Hillary’s private email server, I do not even go back to the McCarthy Era to envision the cacophony of righteous indignation that would rain down on a Democratic president who was this lackadaisical about protecting our national security secrets.
They would call for impeachment and they would never stop.
The thing is, they’d actually be justified. They’d also be late. We already have solid evidence that Trump’s first national security adviser, his campaign chairman, and his deputy campaign chairman were all susceptible to blackmail to the Russians and interested in doing their bidding. All three have been indicted. Two have pleaded guilty, and the other has about as much chance of being found innocent as I have of leading the NBA in blocked shots.
The distinguishing flaw of McCarthyism was that it took what was an actual national security concern and it used it in a political way to score points by accusing mostly innocent people based on flimsy or nonexistent evidence. That certainly wasn’t the only flaw, but it’s what made McCarthy’s behavior so egregious and shameful that it was indefensible. It was certainly possible to take more precautions to defend our national security against Soviet infiltration without grandstanding and ruining guiltless people’s careers and lives.
But we know things about the people around Trump that are not theoretical or unproven. We know that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates had massive criminal liabilities in the United States that the Russians could have exposed at any time. We know that Manafort owed about $16 million to a Putin-connected Russian oligarch who had been banned from entering our country because of his alleged connections to the Russian mafia. We know he was desperately trying to get the money to pay him back and offering him briefings on the campaign. We know that Michael Flynn accepted payments from the Russians that were illegal and that he lied about it, thereby putting him at the Russians’ mercy. We know that Trump invited high-ranking Russian officials into the Oval Office, bragged about firing the FBI director because he was investigating their relationship, and then gave away highly sensitive classified information about Syria that had been provided by the Israelis.
This is the context in which thirty members of the administration had access to classified information without having passed a basic background check to assure that they weren’t vulnerable to blackmail.
The Democrats have a lot of possible ways to attack this administration, but this is the most substantive of them all. It shouldn’t even be political, although everything is ultimately political in some way. Certainly, the Republicans hypocrisy on this issue is political. And it’s the very definition of putting our national security at risk.
In my opinion, the Democrats should latch on to this like a rabid pit bull and not worry about foaming at the mouth. Lord knows, that’s what the Republicans would do. And, for once, they’d be right.
Yes, they’d be right, but there’s another reason to grab onto this one. The Trump admin has brought growing chaos into the daily life of citizens as well as govt operations. Trust in govt and each other is quickly eroding.
By grabbing onto the issues of Trump’s failures and then following through with policy fixes, the Dems could lower the temperature. This time, even though the chaos would continue from Trump’s end, people would listen to the policies, hear what the fixes are because they are hungry for this to end.
The Trump admin has brought growing chaos into the daily life of citizens as well as govt operations. Trust in govt and each other is quickly eroding.
People forget C- Augustus so soon!! 🙁
. . . excellence.
Recognition of the former is no impediment to recollection of the latter.
I, at any rate, can actually walk and chew gum at the same time.
Can you seriously be suggesting that it’s not the case that
Cuz that’s pretty fuckin’ ludicrous.
I’ve worn myself out with “What if Obama had done this?” for virtually everything Trump and his cohorts have done.
Obama was squeaky clean and they still badgered him constantly. Trump comes along, a record of bankruptcies, sexual harrassment accusations, affairs, secret tax returns…etc. They hammered Hillary for emails, while half of Trump’s staff have done exactly the same thing. The list is endless and infuriating.
So yes, Democrats should be all over these infractions and illegal activities. We need to pound them into the ground over what they have done to our national security, not to mention what Trump’s appointees are doing to our education and environment.
Cut them off at the head.
No imagination required to know what Republicans would do given any hint of a Democratic scandal (as long as such scandal doesn’t touch on anything or anyone that they hold dear).
As for “if the shoe were on the other other foot” for Democrats, what did they do with:
Who was it again that was elected POTUS in 1988? OTOH, Democrats did regain control of the Senate in the ’86 elections and added five seats in the House up to 258 seats from their low (and Reagan’s high) of 243 seats in 1980.
No kidding. Good reminder about RReagan, who was venerated by all the good Dittoheads out there constantly. I can still recall the lectures I got from my rightwing fundie family about that “Great American Patriot,” Ollie North. puke.
It seems to me that with every single scandal that comes out of the White House, Trump’s fervid fans just cling and grasp to him all the more firmly exactly the same way conservatives did back in the day with Reagan.
Ergo, unless Trump is, by one means or another, turfed out of office before 2020, it STILL will not surprise me if he gets re-elected.
Conservatives hew ever to the adage: IOKIYAR.
One of the more egregious examples of this are all of those charlatan grifters posing as “preachers” exhorting their “marks” about how it’s “different” when Trump was exposed as screwing around with porn stars when his THIRD wife had just had a baby. Talk about cognitive dissonance, but Trump’s true believers clapped and cheered themselves hoarse for their new tinpot dictator.
Go figure.
As Trump himself said (one of his very very few times of telling the truth): he could out on 5th Avenue and start mowing citizens down with his AR-15, and his fans would STILL vote for him. Bank on it.
No — cognitive dissonance would mean that they still have cognitive access to whatever rule or principle is at issue and therefore, express some level of conflict in the present case or issue. That seems to have significantly eroded over the past five decades and been replaced with politicized mental compartmentalization. Thus, general rules of decent behavior apply almost exclusively to one’s political opponents and don’t pierce the borders of one’s mental construct of one’s own party. Analogous to a split brain with no communications possible between the two.
I assume you were speaking rhetorically about him being re-elected in 2020. First, by then, he will be so far gone mentally that even if he isn’t 25th Amendment-ized, he will just be left upstairs in the residence tweeting while Pence and what’s left of the staff run the actual Administration. Frankly, I don’t think he will last even that long.
At some point, the family will make some sort of intervention.
As for the theoretical possibility of his being re-elected if were to remain relatively sane, I see that as a virtual impossibility. As horrible as GOP voters are, I don’t think they are going to ring that bell yet again knowing he would not last probably even another year in office.
The second scenario would probably depend on who the VP is — still Pence? Someone even more awful (and thus attractive to the deplorables)?
Your usual pattern…..start with a mild criticism of republicans, then both sides, then finish with democrats are bad.
. . . Astonishing:
So what’s your point?
The point is bashing Democrats, of course.
No! The point is being aware of history — even when it doesn’t cast Democratic officeholders in a positive light — and not expecting anything different from the same ones.
For example from Emma Vigeland:
Dodd-Frank is very weak tea compared to Glass-Steagall that the bipartisan Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed, but it’s still better than nothing or anything these neo-liberal Democratic Senators would propose.
But I guess continuous wars and increasing income/wealth is working out well for you; so, like a good little DP flunkie, you’re job is DFH punching.
Everything about the Trump misadministration is a demonstration of IOKIYAR. Over and over again we get scandals which if they had happened under Obama or Clinton they would be reported on in every issue of the NYT for the rest of their presidency. With Trump they’re reported on once or twice with a a good dose of bothsiderism and then ignored.
How do you even find that many people who can’t get Top Secret clearance?
I mean, I’m hardly without sin, but unless rage-commenting on blogs and watching internet porn is disqualifying, I could get clearance. What do you have to do to not be eligible?
Get caught by the cops smoking weed.
That’s the most positive thing I’ve ever read about Trump appointees.
Even that wouldn’t prevent them from getting it unless they lied about it during their interview and got caught lying about it. Hell, even that might not be enough if they correct it once they got caught lying and changed their forms.
In their defense, they can only get caught lying and changing the forms
234567 times.One deal breaker for a top security clearance, if I recall, is a record of financial difficulties, such as bankruptcy. You don’t want one of those on your credit report if you wish to have that sort of security clearance access.
The biggest joke in all of this is that Trump himself still has top security clearance. He’s the biggest risk to our security in, well, ever. He spills secrets directly to the Russians in the oval office, he blabs to guests at Mar a Lago, he’s clearly in thrall to the Russian mob, he’s destroying any credibility the US has left with our allies. Not to mention that he may well blow us all up if he decides to start WWIII.
All quite true, but a necessary consequence of having an incompetent (white) electorate.
Interesting question though–should a prez obtain top security clearance simply by definition or should he actually have to “qualify” for it as these various Trumpian floor-sweepings failed to do? Presumably the national security apparatus is obliged to grant whomever “wins” the prez election (by whatever means) the highest possible clearance, else he couldn’t play Commanderer-in-Chief.
Agreed but it really wouldn’t surprise me at all if there were two different PDBs: one with pictures and simple messages for President Dumbass and another for Mattis and McMasters (maybe Kelly), i.e. the real one.
In general, I think the IC recognizes that Trump IS a national security threat and is walling him off so as to limit the actual damage he can cause to the country. Naturally, he nether understands that nor would he much care if he did know.
Heh. If what you posit is true, and our god-emperor ever found out and demanded to see the real stuff, I can just picture them whipping up a 40-page briefing book, no pictures or charts, minimal paragraphing, in 10-point type, with lots of officious-sounding technospeak argle-bargle that doesn’t actually reveal much of anything.
“Here it is, sir, the staff-level PDB rather than the executive summary; would you prefer to receive this every day?”
No love lost on my part vis Hillary Clinton. Not a fan, but I held my nose and voted for her mainly bc of Comey trying to throw the election at the last minute.
That said, we all know fully well that had Clinton won the EC, her every move and decision would be examined under an electron microscope, with the M$M and all Republicans constantly searching for the teeniest bit of evidence of foul play, wrong-doing, etc.
Let us not forget the many and numerous complaints about how Obama played “too much golf,” which “wasted taxpayer’s money” blah de blah blah.
Democratic voters can be stupid, too, but the outrages of this current Administration have really gone way beyond the pale.
It was bad enough with all the misfires all along in this ridiculous adminstration, but the issues with security clearances is HUGE. It’s taken far too long to pull the rug out from under that skeevy conniving crooked little weasel, Kushner. No surprises that scheming putz was specifically picked out by various governments as an easy mark.
And the emolluments! GAH. This whole crooked horror show is often just too much to bear, especially given the deification of Dolt 45 by his heavily brainwashed fans. Ugh.
Please tell me this is all just a horrible nightmare from which I’ll awaken soon.
. . . which you’ll awaken soon.
HAHA, just kidding!
But hey, you DID ask me to tell you that!
Incoming post about the “permagov” from AG in 3…2…1…
Bet on it.
The Senate and House voted for Russian sanctions by something close to 517-7. Trump refuses to implement these sanctions, ignoring US law.
And Trump refuses to authorize the NSA to fight Russian election cyber-attacks on the USA.
Hammer these messages relentlessly, and ignore everything else. He is protecting Russia, not the USA. Pitchforks and torches, baby.
“Democrats should latch on to this like a rabid pit bull and not worry about foaming at the mouth.”
The media neuters Democrats every time they try and punch back, especially when they are justified to do so. Who do you think helps Republicans make such absurdities like the Birth Certificate, Benghazi or the emails an issues needing dealt with in the first place?
We aren’t even allowed to call Nazi hate speech Nazi hate speech without endless Op Ed lectures about the “evils” of campus speech codes and how liberals hate the first amendment because we won’t let paid bullies walk onto campuses and pick a fight.
There’s actually a blueprint on how to do this.
JFK ran to right of Nixon on the `missile gap’ which paints the Republicans as soft on defense. Pretty audacious considering Ike’s military experience and Nixon’s red baiting.
It resonated because NASA was blowing up their rockets on the pad and the country was freaked out about Sputnik.
Anyway, maybe some semi-competent Democrat can go back and take a look at Kennedy’s GE strategy
We do not need new jets, new ships, new nukes that can be hacked. We need a new Manhattan Project to combat the hackers. We need a 21st century approach to once again paint the GOP as soft on defense.
Sorry, the suggestion was more abstract. How did JFK seize on a right wing theme and turn it into a credible attack.
National security is a right wing issue generally, they are doing a shitty job, just like Ike/Nixon were doing in responding to Sputnik, etc.
Learn how a Democrat in a past situation attacked them on national security.
The meat of the issue is pretty easy to exploit, but selling it is the hard part. The audience are the independents who lean Republican. Frame your message that the Republicans are endangering the country (as JFK fid) but with a different solution.
Doesn’t seem that hard to follow.
You’re suggesting that Democrats should lie better? As a template for winning presidential elections, I think JFK’s “missile gap” lie was terrible. (Plus, we don’t know that he could have won without it.)
Peace — even if the promise is false — has won more presidential elections from ’64 on than the more wars candidates. Goldwater, Dole, McCain, and Romney lost. GHWB ’92, after getting his two big wars, lost. Nixon ’68 had a secret plan to end the Vietnam War, then went to China, and signed Salt I in ’72; so, even a man that had built his political career on the Cold War recognized that it was outdated in his second run.
Americans like/notice spectacle. When the Republicans go with similar charges they do so with clowns like Hannity, Limbaugh and other assorted cretins who do it with their hair on fire and the yokels notice. When the Democrats bring similar charges they do so with equanimity. Doesn’t get the same traction; cuz yokels.