(I originally wrote this as a reply to Heart of the Rockies on Booman’s recent post “Why are Trump’s Polls So Stable?” It grew, so here it is as a standalone.)


Heart of the Rockies wrote:

It’s also possible that fewer people identify as Republicans, although I haven’t seen this discussed very much.

I replied:

“Fewer people identify as Republicans?” A pleasant thought, but I fear not. Not in any effective numbers, anyway. As I point out below in the comment beginning “Booman asks,”

Left, right or center, [willing] poll respondents belong more to the Idiocracy Party than they do to any other firmament of belief.

Thus a virtual logjam of poll results.

Gridlocked polls.

It is the “dark matter” citizens who are reachable…the ones who have become disgusted with both parties and their candidates, at least since the end of Obama’s term in office if not well before.

These are the ones who were alienated by Clinton I’s economic policies and sexual obsessions, by Bush II’s stupidity plus his reliance on corporate criminals like Dick Cheney and also by the Democratic Party’s failure to even try to fight the vote fraud that got him elected twice, by Obama’s many-faced Peace President/PermaWar President/Wall Street President/Security State President act and then finally totally turned off by the choice offered in the most recent election…a Klown Chump King or a politically manipulative, gaffe-ridden, cold-hearted political hustler who would have without a doubt continued the mistakes of both the Clinton I and Obama (p)residencies.

In point of fact, I believe that HRC pretty much ran Bill Clinton during his terms in office, beginning with the governorship of Arkansas. The only things she couldn’t control were his sexual proclivities. She was his very own Dick Cheney, and he was her Bush I.

Her good-looking, charming frontman.


The only problem was that he turned out to be a little bit too charming.

So it goes.

Had Bill Clinton  been able to keep his dick in his pants, Bush I would have almost undoubtedly lost to Gore.

Tough luck, eh?


P.S. From Wikipedia.

Dark matter is a type of matter which has not yet been directly observed, but is thought to form a fundamental part of the universe. Very strong evidence suggests its existence…


Sound familiar?

As the Sufis say, “As above, so below.”

Bet on it.

P.P.S. If the above interests you, go here to read another look at the same general theme on that Booman’s “Why are Trump’s Polls So Stable?” post.