Of course can only be viewed on Larry King’s Politicking – where else? Perhaps a mention in AG’s diaries …
Interview Dennis Kucinich, Ohio gubernatorial candidate
Dennis Kucinich, the former Democratic congressman and current Ohio gubernatorial candidate, joins Larry with his take on Donald Trump’s DACA defeat, the `deep state,’ and responds to the growing controversy over his ties to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
More below the fold …
The Vindication of Dennis Kucinich | WaPo – Aprl 2018 |
Filling the remaining seats were then-Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, then-Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina and the Rev. Al Sharpton. Already, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, then-Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri and then-Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, among others, had dropped out of the race. King wanted to know when Kucinich would make his exit as well. “Logically, it appears like you’re up against it,” he said. “Why stay in?”
“I’m the voice for getting out of Iraq,” Kucinich recited earnestly. “For universal single-payer health care. For getting out of NAFTA and the WTO. For having our children go to college tuition-free.”
“You’re here to make statements then?” King said.
King moved on to same-sex marriage. This was years before establishment Democrats started announcing they had “evolved” on the subject. “Isn’t marriage inherently a man and a woman?” King asked. “No,” said Kucinich. He was for same-sex marriage.
King gave Kucinich a chance to detail his health-care ideas.
“Coverage for everyone,” said Kucinich. “All medically necessary procedures.”
“In other words, socialism,” said King, using a slur that still carried force at the time, a dozen years before a socialist would win nearly half the popular vote in the Democratic presidential primaries.
Kucinich tried to elaborate on health care but noticed that King was looking away.
I guess Dennis, like me, is really European and/or a globetrotter. F*ck America First! and French slime ball Macron, rethinking France as a world leader of MENA, Africa and the Middle East.
○ The Real Reason We Are Bombing Syria by Dennis Kucinich on Sept. 23, 2014
LORD Almighty!!!
I thought Larry King was dead!!!
But NOOOOoooo…
He’s working for RT.
Just goes to show you…
Russia is way ahead of us in life-extension/reanimation.
As far as Uncle Dennis is concerned?
A good, well-meaning man.
Will he ever win a major U.S. election?
It’s fairly easy to unperson someone with very little charisma quotient. The Government Media Complex and the Dem Party have successfully done that to him before, and they’ll do it again if he shows the slightest sign of popular support in Ohio.
P.S. Hell…if he needs to go on RT to be interviewed…by a dead man(!!!)…he’s still unpersoned from the last bout.
So it goes…
Lol Kucinich isn’t even a “Assad is bad, but…” defender of the Syrian State. This dude is full on board with Assad’s genocide. Fuck Dennis Kucinich and any of his defenders. Maybe he can make “peace” with Germany’s AfD and Italy’s Lega Nord.
Like I said:
Even amateurs like seabe can do it.
I never downrated your shit and you come up in here and proceed to downrate me because you’re defending someone who is a paid spokesperson for a fascist government?