Some people have lost all sense of reality and history … the millions who died at the hands of U.S. leaders after WWII until very recent. The fact that someone is nominated to become director of the CIA from a dark period of torture, rendition and high crimes against humanity says it all about the lack of morals and guidance by International Law.

So Trump’s USA has remained allied to the Jewish State of Israel and the medieval monarchies of the Gulf States tells all.

From the front-page next to a post by a$$hole nalbar …

    “If the whole world was our store a lot fewer Russian journalists would get thrown out of windows.”


The pretense the Americans operate on higher ground, unfortunately much to the contrary! Blinded by a political doctrine?

A former Libyan dissident, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, spoke at a news conference in Turkey after receiving an apology from the British government for its role in his kidnapping and torture

‘Astonishing’ CIA memo shows Brazil’s ex-dictator authorized torture and executions | The Guardian – 3 hours ago |

Continued below the fold …

Brazil’s former dictator Ernesto Geisel personally approved the summary execution of his regime’s perceived enemies, according to a newly unearthed CIA memo that has reopened a bitter debate over one of the darkest chapters of contemporary Brazilian history.

Matias Spektor, the São Paulo-based academic who discovered and distributed the document, called it “the most disturbing I have read in 20 years of research”.

The memorandum, sent to then secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, by the CIA director, William Colby, on 11 April 1974, details a meeting it said had taken place a few days earlier between Geisel and three Brazilian generals.

One tells Geisel, who ruled Brazil from 1974 until 1979, the regime “cannot ignore the subversive and terrorist threat” it faces. “Extra-legal methods should continue to be employed against dangerous subversives,” Gen Milton Tavares de Souza is quoted as saying.

De Souza informs Geisel that 104 such “subversives” were summarily executed by military intelligence in the previous year – a policy a second general insists should continue.

A 2014 report by Brazil’s truth commission blamed the dictatorship for at least 191 killings and 210 disappearances.

“It’s an astonishing document,” Pedro Dallari, the former head of that commission, told the G1 news website, calling on the armed forces to face up to their responsibility for such crimes.

In a front-page article, O Globo, one of Brazil’s leading newspapers, said the memo, which was published by the US state department in 2015 but only uncovered in Brazil this week, proved Geisel “gave the green light to savagery”.