Yes, “joking” about a man dying with brain cancer is what we have now. And the “apology” to Meghan McCain “did not go so well”. Huh, who could imagine that one might not be amenable to accepting an “apology” from someone who so flippantly “jokes” about your father’s impending death. Yet who is surprised that this is the kind of conversation going on in this White House?

But this is the level of humanity that we have been given by virtue of the election of Donald Trump. These are the “great people” that he brings with him. These are the kind of people who are so committed to him and anxious to serve him and his agenda. The kind of people who, for so long, you really wanted to see pulling the levers of power in Washington. This is the man who mocked and made fun of a handicapped person, and suffered no repercussions from his supporters, or from you. The man who proudly bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and assaulting them, and he suffered no repercussions from his supporters, or from you. The man who speaks about Latinos feverishly “breeding in sanctuary cities”, seemingly implying it is to overwhelm the dominant white culture with their verminous, lazy, and naturally criminal way of life. A viewpoint which hearkens back to the language of one of the most horrific periods in human history. And he suffers no repercussions from his supporters, or from you. If anything, he gets even greater support. And even from you.

I know a lot of Trump supporters. We all do. And I know they are not bad people. But speaking as a human being, I have a very difficult time wrapping my mind around you, the person I have known my entire life, ever supporting someone who treats and talks about people in such filthy, disgusting, and inhumane terms. If you had a neighbor, or a co-worker, or a teacher of your child who regularly engaged in that sort of behavior toward someone who was near and dear to you, it is likely you would be mortified, angry, and disgusted. And you would certainly not associate with them, or have your children exposed to them.

How then, can you separate this man from these types of chronic behaviors? This is not a one-off instance. This is the core of who this man is. And you continue to support him. Do you not realize that morally, you own some level of responsibility for these things? How can you, simply as a human being, allow yourself to be complicit in this kind of behavior? Because there is a complicity that exists, and it is very real. By your support you are accepting that this behavior is within the bounds of acceptability to you. Waving this behavior off as simply the price of getting some agenda passed tells me things about you that I simply do not want to believe are true. I simply will not ever be able to look on a lot of people the same way, ever again. It saddens me deeply to have discovered these things, things about people I love, which I would have preferred remain hidden so I could, at a minimum, stay blissfully ignorant. Yes, you are good people, and you are loved. But my disappointment in your humanity is profoundly deep and anguishing to me. This makes so very sad. Sad for you. Sad for me. Sad for our country.