(I have been going at it with a number of posters here over the past couple of years. People have called me all sorts of vile names (liar, stupid and the like) because…well, basically because I disagree with them. Oaguabonita has been the most vicious of them. That entity did it again recently, on Booman’s recent post “Opioid Dealers Testify to Congress.” (<http://www.boomantribune.com./story/2018/5/8/15958/54364#13>) I usually just shrug that foolishness off as typical kneejerk Dem reactions, but I found myself with a little time this morning and decided to answer one of the totally false “liar” accusations. It grew, and now I am posting it as a standalone. You be the judge.)
Oaguabonita writes that I am:
… lying that ‘HRC impli[ed] that working class whites are “deplorables.”
Hillary Clinton said:
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic–you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.
Fact…observable fact if you pay even cursory attention to the people who attend Trump’s rallies:
The vast majority of enthusiastic Trump supporters are working class (and struggling middle class) white people.
HRC threw half of Trump’s supporters into a basket labelled “Deplorables” when she said that. The “just to be grossly generalistic” line was an attempt…a failed attempt, given the following results… to excuse herself from what she was about to say.
A lie?
Simply the plain truth of the matter.
Trump’s campaign immediately seized on this mistake.
Just when Hillary Clinton said she was going to start running a positive campaign, she ripped off her mask and revealed her true contempt for everyday Americans,” Jason Miller, senior communications adviser for Trump’s campaign, said in a statement.
And…big fact:
Donald Trump…not Hillary Clinton…is now the president of the United States.
Read on.
That “deplorables” line…given at an ” LGBT for Hillary gala”, by the way, a fact that Trump’s handlers (perhaps erring on the side of caution) did not emphasize…plus her “public position/private position” gaffe (which was supposed to remain “private” because it was given in the company of her Wall Street supporters but was instead leaked from a Podesta email by Wikileaks) were major mistakes that negatively affected her campaign.
I believe that you mentioned somewhere that you live in Montana, right? (Correct me if I’m wrong…I know that it gives you great pleasure to do so and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.), and that you are somehow involved in some sort of wildlife research.
You must come into contact with Trump supporters in your line of work in a state that went for Trump and in the necessarily “rural” areas in which most wildlife research is done.
Do you support that “…you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables” quote or do you not?
I don’t, and I am often in contact with that level of our society…both intimate and casual contact. Sure, there are massively prejudiced assholes out there in that culture, but “half?”
Not even close.
Oaguabonita…are you not in some way being a “deplorable” yourself by throwing all of these people in that nasty basket?
As was HRC?
Inquiring minds want to know.
. . . substituting “half of Trump’s supporters” in place of “working class whites”.
Truly breathtaking dishonesty.
as expected, at this point he’s just trolling
. . . why his gems of wisdom get downrated/criticized. This being a typical case:
Um, no, quite obviously false. And it’s a lie, not just false, because he knows it’s false, because, at least in my case, I’ve explained — usually with linked factual documentation — the basis of the criticism (for example).
Other times when he’s slithered over here to the right wing to rage and whine, the pretense is that the criticism/downrates tell him he was right on, hit the nail on the head, or some similarly idiotic, transparently false bullshit.
He’s a thoroughly dishonest pustulant boil on this place. People have argued he should be banned. Previously, I did not agree with that — I think the bar for banning should be set pretty high, and only for clearly very egregious behavior.
With the astounding dishonesty of replacing what the dispute was actually about . . .
(i.e., his lie that ‘HRC impli[ed] that working class whites are “deplorables”‘ — that is, as always, quoted verbatim) . . .
with what it was never about . . .
(i.e., “Did HRC Imply That “Half of Trump’s Supporters” Are Deplorables Or Not?”) . . .
ag finally managed to get over (or in his case, under) even that high bar. Such extreme and brazen dishonesty should not be considered acceptable here. It can’t be excused as mere misunderstanding or difference of opinion. He. Should. Be. Gone.